This is a very useful script written for a purpose but I think it can be used and adapted to many different purposes. It basically gets a substring of a string, but you can specify which substring you want. For example, you want to get the first part of a string with a delimiter of ":"SELECT dbo.fn_GetPart('JOHN:JOE:MARIO', 1, ':', 0)
Result: JOHNOr you want to get the third part of a string with a delimiter of ":"SELECT dbo.fn_GetPart('JOHN:JOE:MARIO', 3, ':', 0)
Result: MARIOOr if you want to get the third part but it contains more ":" in the text and you want it all:SELECT dbo.fn_GetPart('JOHN:JOE:MARIO SMITH: MANAGER', 3, ':', 1)
Result: MARIO SMITH: MANAGERI just wrote it, finished today, so if there are any bugs, let me know. Hope this is usefull!/**** Object: Function [dbo].[fn_GetPart]*** Data: 10/05/2009*** Description: Returns the nth part of a string*** Must specify a delimiter*** Autor: Aecio Lemos (VLS Web)*** Parameters:*** @INSTRING - The original string*** @PART - Which part you want (numeric, 1 = first part, etc.)*** @DELIM - The field delimiter (such as a comma or pipe)*** @END - If this is the last part. This is useful in case you have*** spaces in the latter part of your original string*** Comments: This script was originally created to split DNS Records into fields*** example: *** SELECT dbo.fn_GetPart('TEXT 120 TXT v=spf1 mx -all', 4, ' ', 1)*** the @END parameter was added so I could get the last part of the record*** that contains spaces*/CREATE Function dbo.fn_GetPart( @INSTRING AS VARCHAR(1000), @PART AS INT, @DELIM AS VARCHAR(10), @END AS BIT = 0) RETURNS VARCHAR(1000) AS BEGIN DECLARE @I INT DECLARE @D INT DECLARE @START INT DECLARE @LEN INT DECLARE @CHAR CHAR(1) DECLARE @RET VARCHAR(100) SET @I = 1 SET @D = 0 SET @LEN = LEN(@INSTRING) SET @START = 1 WHILE @I <= @LEN BEGIN SET @CHAR = SUBSTRING(@INSTRING, @I, 1) IF @CHAR = @DELIM BEGIN --DELIMITADOR ENCONTRADO SET @D = @D + 1 --ENCONTRADO UM DELIMITADOR --VERIFICAR SE ESTA É A PARTE QUE QUEREMOS IF @D = @PART BEGIN --SIM, RETORNAR A PARTE IF @END = 0 SET @RET = SUBSTRING(@INSTRING, @START, @I - @START) ELSE SET @RET = SUBSTRING(@INSTRING, @START, @LEN - @START) BREAK END ELSE BEGIN SET @START = @I + 1 END END SET @I = @I + 1 END --SE CHEGOU AO FINAL E NÃO ENCONTROU DELIMITADOR, MOSTRA O ÚLTIMO SEGMENTO IF (@D > 0) AND (@D = @PART - 1) BEGIN SET @RET = SUBSTRING(@INSTRING, @START, LEN(@INSTRING) - @START + 1) END RETURN @RET END
Aécio Lemos primeiro provedor de hospedagem gerenciada do Brasil