By Bill Graziano on 20 September 2001 | Tags: Hot Fixes
This article discusses a way to use ASP and SQL Server to gain access to a computer.
Link: SQL Injection
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-061 : Elevation of Privilege in SQL Server Web Tasks (Q316333) (21 October 2002)
New SQL Server Cumulative Security Patch (3 October 2002)
SQL Server 2000 Cumulative Security Update ... Again. (16 August 2002)
Cumulative Patch for SQL Server 2000 (11 July 2002)
New Sql Server Buffer Overrun issue (17 June 2002)
Worm squirming through SQL servers (21 May 2002)
Unchecked Buffer in Extended Stored Procedures (17 April 2002)
SQL Injection White Paper (2 April 2002)
Troubleshooting Deadlocks in SQL Server (1d)
Last Login date and time (2d)
Negative effects of High VLF counts (2d)
Need to return a value that indicates that a record has been added, but not when a record is modified (3d)
Indexex on low cardinality fields (3d)
Error in stored procedure (4d)
Spam post flagging (4d)
Update Microsoft SQL Server (RTM) 12.0.2000.8 to latest v14 (12.0.6449.1) (4d) Articles via RSS Weblog via RSS
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