By Bill Graziano on 16 July 2002 | Tags: Queries
neil submitted "A TSQL tutorial on spotting breaks in data sequences"
Link: Spotting breaks in data sequences
Using Dynamic SQL in Stored Procedures (7 March 2011)
Joining to the Next Sequential Row (2 April 2008)
Writing Outer Joins in T-SQL (11 February 2008)
Aggregating Correlated Sub-Queries (23 October 2007)
How to Use GROUP BY with Distinct Aggregates and Derived tables (31 July 2007)
How to Use GROUP BY in SQL Server (30 July 2007)
Returning Complex Data from User-Defined Functions with CROSS APPLY (11 June 2007)
Returning a week number for any given date and starting fiscal month (2 May 2007)
Sql Query to check status change of an item (11h)
Can I create differential backups tied to a specifc Full backup instead of the most recent? (6d)
My informix Sql query retruns Null always (6d)
Vehicle availability query (8d)
SSDT - Unable to reference 'master' or 'msdb' with new sdk style project (8d)
Ola Hallengren backup jobs (8d)
Compare alpha results to INT after get values from a string (11d)
Query performance Call Center data (13d) Articles via RSS Weblog via RSS
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