By Bill Graziano on 20 July 2001 | Tags: Microsoft Sites
This is the location in MSDN for all SQL Server related stuff.
Link: MSDN SQL Server Homepage
Microsoft SQL Server TechCenter (1 June 2005)
MSDN: Data Access and Storage Home (29 January 2004)
MSDN Developer Communites (24 May 2002)
MSDN SQL Server related communities (24 May 2002)
SQL Server related communities (24 May 2002)
Microsoft's SQL Server Support Page (24 May 2002)
SQL Server 2000 120 Day Trial Version (1 March 2002)
Microsoft SQL Server Homepage (2 June 2000)
SQl Server Registered Servers tables (1d)
Help with creating a SQL to get information with union (1d)
Conversion failed when Converting from a character string to uniqueidenitier (3d)
Page Compression and Index Fragmentation (4d)
Error query return more than one value (4d)
Verbose truncation warnings setting not working (5d)
SQL Availability groups (5d)
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