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 Query Using Several Keywords

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Constraint Violating Yak Guru

259 Posts

Posted - 2001-10-19 : 18:02:03
I want to create a stored procedure that has as a parameter a string with keywords delimited by commas. Something like this:

CREATE Procedure spSearch(@Keywords varchar(200)) AS

ID int,
Keyword varchar(50)

INSERT INTO #Images (ID,Keyword) VALUES (1,'a')
INSERT INTO #Images (ID,Keyword) VALUES (1,'b')
INSERT INTO #IMages (ID,Keyword) VALUES (1,'c')

INSERT INTO #Images (ID,Keyword) VALUES (2,'a')
INSERT INTO #Images (ID,Keyword) VALUES (2,'d')

Now if @Keywords="a,b,c", I want to retrieve all the IDs in #Images that have a,b and c in the keyword columns - the result should return this:

since ID#2 only has a but not b and c. I know how to split @Keywords from a delimited string to a table, but after that how do I get the result I want?


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