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 Passing recordset results.

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Posted - 2001-09-07 : 09:55:54
Don writes "I could use some help in the form of an explanation.

I'm using jmail call from a stored procedure to send mail.
Everything is working fine except I can't figure out how to send query results.

Here's my code.
create Procedure dbo.sp_send_mail
@sender varchar(100),
@sendername varchar(100)='',
@serveraddress varchar(255)='popserver',
@recipient varchar(255),
@recipientBCC varchar(200)='',
@recipientCC varchar(200)='',
@attachment varchar(100) ='',
@subject varchar(255),
@mailbody text
Running this in Query Analyzer

EXEC master.dbo.sp_send_mail
@recipient = '',
@subject = 'Reminder'
@mailbody = 'Here is where I want the results of a Query',
@sender = ''

The above code does work and would send -- Here is where I want the results of a Query -- as the message body.

I've tried using these:
@mailbody = 'select * from tec.dbo.contacts',
Results --> select * from tec.dbo.contacts
The query not the results were sent.

@mailbody = select * from tec.dbo.contacts,
Results -->Incorrect syntax near keyword select
Error in Query Analyzer

I tried using examples like this also:

DECLARE @body varchar(8000)
SELECT @body = select * from tec.dbo.contacts

and then @mailbody = @body,
but I get a syntax error on the select statement.

Any help would be appreciated including articles that I can read.
I've been unable to find any articles explaining how to accomplish this.

Thanking you in advance
Don Lefik"

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