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 This is a tough one (for me)

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Starting Member

9 Posts

Posted - 2005-09-27 : 14:59:47
I have a table, member_contact_info that has multiple members with the same ARCODE that have multiple EMAIL values. The members are seperated and tied into a specific email address by their FAMNUM. However, there are some EMAIL addresses with the same FAMNUM.

123402 0
123402 0
123402 2
123402 5
123402 0 12334357@33dfghe.cin

I am trying to run a query in which I can get each family member and their e-mail address, except only the top value if there is more than one. (I.E., the address). Using TOP1 or DISTINCT does not work, and MAX or MIN doesn't necessarily give me the top value.
Further, I am joining to another MEMBERS table that holds more info by ARCODE, (name, etc.) but if I can get the proper e-mail to display through this query, I can use as a sub-query and build from there.
Any Ideas??

Constraint Violating Yak Guru

366 Posts

Posted - 2005-09-27 : 15:30:53
What determines if a particular email address is the top one? If you mean the top one as it appears in a select statement, that's not really reliable because the order of the records isn't fixed. You would be better off selecting an address based on MAX, MIN, or some other column (like an entry date/time). If you don't really care which address you choose, then you can just use something like this:

SELECT arcode, famnum, MAX(email)
FROM member_contact_info
GROUP BY arcode, famnum

Or MIN, instead of MAX.
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Premature Yak Congratulator

22864 Posts

Posted - 2005-09-28 : 00:40:29
Try this

SELECT Distinct arcode, famnum,
(Select Top 1 email FROM member_contact_info where arcode=T.arcode and famnum=T.famnum) as Email
FROM member_contact_info T


Failing to plan is Planning to fail
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