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 How to generate scripts for all agent jobs?

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Sun Foster
Aged Yak Warrior

515 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-13 : 15:15:25
I have about 20 agent jobs.
How to generate scripts for all agent jobs?

Not Just a Number

15586 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-13 : 15:51:06
What version of SQL Server?



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Sun Foster
Aged Yak Warrior

515 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-13 : 16:44:11
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

7266 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-13 : 23:36:41
Need script one by one in sql2k5 as I know.
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In (Som, Ni, Yak)

17689 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-14 : 01:29:40
run SSMS - highlight and select all the jobs - right click - script job as

[spoiler]Time is always against us[/spoiler]

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

7266 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-14 : 23:02:22
Got it, have to do it in object explorer details panel.
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

7174 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-15 : 00:07:59
why you need to script all jobs? are you migrating-if so Please do it from SSIS packages -Transfer job task.
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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-24 : 11:51:13

I need to create a routine job that will script all jobs on our databases.

We need this as a backup and for documentation - any scripts for that ?????

Thanks in advance
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Starting Member

26 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-25 : 14:44:15
You're going to have to use ActiveX to call SQL-DMO to do this. Create an executable that will generate a script for a single job with the job name as a parameter, then call that from within a loop in a SQL proc. Or you could have the executable perform the looping. your call.
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Posting Yak Master

218 Posts

Posted - 2008-03-25 : 15:32:55
Here is a query I wrote to produce a friendly quick schedule of all agent jobs. I know its not exactly what you need, but you could use it as a starting point.

case freq_type
when 1 then 'Once'
when 4 then 'Daily'
when 8 then 'Weekly on '
+ case freq_interval & 2 when 2 then 'M' else '' end
+ case freq_interval & 4 when 4 then 'Tu' else '' end
+ case freq_interval & 8 when 8 then 'W' else '' end
+ case freq_interval & 16 when 16 then 'Th' else '' end
+ case freq_interval & 32 when 32 then 'F' else '' end
+ case freq_interval & 64 when 64 then 'Sa' else '' end
+ case freq_interval & 1 when 1 then 'Su' else '' end
when 16 then 'Monthly on day ' + convert(varchar(2), freq_interval)
when 32 then 'Monthly '
+ case freq_relative_interval
when 1 then 'Every First '
when 2 then 'Every Second '
when 4 then 'Every Third '
when 8 then 'Every Fourth '
when 16 then 'Every Last '
+ case freq_interval
when 1 then 'Sunday'
when 2 then 'Monday'
when 3 then 'Tuesday'
when 4 then 'Wednesday'
when 5 then 'Thursday'
when 6 then 'Friday'
when 7 then 'Saturday'
when 8 then 'Day'
when 9 then 'Week day'
when 10 then 'Weekend day'
when 64 then 'Startup'
when 128 then 'Idle'
else 'Error'
end as 'Schedule',

-- Job sub-frequency
case freq_subday_type
when 1 then 'one time'
when 2 then 'every ' + convert(varchar(3), freq_subday_interval) + ' seconds'
when 4 then 'every ' + convert(varchar(3), freq_subday_interval) + ' minutes'
when 8 then 'every ' + convert(varchar(3), freq_subday_interval) + ' hours'
end as 'Frequency',

-- Job start time
substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6),active_start_time), 6), 1, 2) + ':' +
substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6), active_start_time), 6) ,3 ,2) + ':' +
substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6),active_start_time), 6) ,5 ,2) as 'Start',

-- Job end time
case freq_subday_type
when 1 then NULL
else substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6), active_end_time), 6), 1, 2) + ':' +
substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6), active_end_time), 6) ,3 ,2) + ':' +
substring (right (stuff (' ', 1, 1, '000000') + convert(varchar(6), active_end_time), 6) ,5 ,2)
end as 'End'

from msdb.dbo.sysjobs j join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules s on j.job_id = s.job_id
join msdb.dbo.sysschedules h on s.schedule_id = h.schedule_id
order by

- Eric
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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2008-04-01 : 14:07:31
Oh that looks Great - Thanks Eric !!!
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Starting Member

1 Post

Posted - 2008-05-02 : 13:45:48
I had this problem too and just stumbled on a simple way to do it using Management Studio, Follow these steps:
1. Click on Jobs
2. For 2005 click on the Summary Tab, 2008 Object Explorer Details Tab
3. Select All The Jobs you want to script in the pane click on in step 2
4. Right Mouse click and select Script Job As...
5. Proceed as you would have to Script a single job
Hope I save a few people from pulling there hair out. On one web site I saw where someone paid to have a program written to do this.
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