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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-12-12 : 07:35:35
This function is used to initialize the seed for the RC4 algorithmCREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnInitRc4( @Pwd VARCHAR(256))RETURNS @Box TABLE (i TINYINT, v TINYINT)ASBEGIN DECLARE @Key TABLE (i TINYINT, v TINYINT) DECLARE @Index SMALLINT, @PwdLen TINYINT SELECT @Index = 0, @PwdLen = LEN(@Pwd) WHILE @Index <= 255 BEGIN INSERT @Key ( i, v ) VALUES ( @Index, ASCII(SUBSTRING(@Pwd, @Index % @PwdLen + 1, 1)) ) INSERT @Box ( i, v ) VALUES ( @Index, @Index ) SELECT @Index = @Index + 1 END DECLARE @t TINYINT, @b SMALLINT SELECT @Index = 0, @b = 0 WHILE @Index <= 255 BEGIN SELECT @b = (@b + b.v + k.v) % 256 FROM @Box AS b INNER JOIN @Key AS k ON k.i = b.i WHERE b.i = @Index SELECT @t = v FROM @Box WHERE i = @Index UPDATE b1 SET b1.v = (SELECT b2.v FROM @Box b2 WHERE b2.i = @b) FROM @Box b1 WHERE b1.i = @Index UPDATE @Box SET v = @t WHERE i = @b SELECT @Index = @Index + 1 END RETURNEND ANd this function does the encrypt/decrypt partCREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnEncDecRc4( @Pwd VARCHAR(256), @Text VARCHAR(8000))RETURNS VARCHAR(8000)ASBEGIN DECLARE @Box TABLE (i TINYINT, v TINYINT) INSERT @Box ( i, v ) SELECT i, v FROM dbo.fnInitRc4(@Pwd) DECLARE @Index SMALLINT, @i SMALLINT, @j SMALLINT, @t TINYINT, @k SMALLINT, @CipherBy TINYINT, @Cipher VARCHAR(8000) SELECT @Index = 1, @i = 0, @j = 0, @Cipher = '' WHILE @Index <= DATALENGTH(@Text) BEGIN SELECT @i = (@i + 1) % 256 SELECT @j = (@j + b.v) % 256 FROM @Box b WHERE b.i = @i SELECT @t = v FROM @Box WHERE i = @i UPDATE b SET b.v = (SELECT w.v FROM @Box w WHERE w.i = @j) FROM @Box b WHERE b.i = @i UPDATE @Box SET v = @t WHERE i = @j SELECT @k = v FROM @Box WHERE i = @i SELECT @k = (@k + v) % 256 FROM @Box WHERE i = @j SELECT @k = v FROM @Box WHERE i = @k SELECT @CipherBy = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@Text, @Index, 1)) ^ @k, @Cipher = @Cipher + CHAR(@CipherBy) SELECT @Index = @Index +1 END RETURN @CipherEND Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
5581 Posts |
Posted - 2006-12-12 : 07:56:42
Wonderful implementation, Peter!Thanks for sharing.Harsh AthalyeIndia."The IMPOSSIBLE is often UNTRIED" |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-12-12 : 07:59:31
Thanks.I kept it in two parts, because then the EncDec can be rewritten to encrypt/decrypt a column with same password a lot faster, without having to call Init for each row.As of now, any row could have different password.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
5581 Posts |
Posted - 2006-12-12 : 08:05:11
Have you timed it, Peter?I think it will be good candidate for CLR-SP in SQL 2005.Harsh AthalyeIndia."The IMPOSSIBLE is often UNTRIED" |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-12-12 : 08:29:17
Haven't got time.I am in a debate right now woth senile developer about requirements.He wrote all requirements down on a paper and I did exactly what it said, but now he is so mad and angry with me I think he will burst any minute. Now he says he never wrote the requirements.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-12-12 : 09:32:06
Yes, I have learnt how to do it.Thanks again Michael.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2706 Posts |
Posted - 2006-12-12 : 09:39:03
Must say, "Peso on fire"Brilliant work |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2006-12-12 : 09:43:55
quote: Originally posted by Peso Yes, I have learnt how to do it.Thanks again Michael.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden
Are you going to start doing 50 posts/day in Wikipedia now? CODO ERGO SUM |
Premature Yak Congratulator
22864 Posts |
Posted - 2006-12-12 : 11:47:52
<<Are you going to start doing 50 posts/day in Wikipedia now? >>He will score a Century MadhivananFailing to plan is Planning to fail |
Posting Yak Master
180 Posts |
Posted - 2007-10-04 : 13:06:44
Peso,How to you decrypt using this functionfnEncDecRc4Thanks |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-10-04 : 15:33:14
Same function, hence the name fnEncDecRc4. E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Starting Member
10 Posts |
Posted - 2007-10-19 : 19:32:18
Peso,I am new in these type of encrypt and decrypt. How can I use the same function to decrypt the text please? Would you more specific please.I trieddeclare @test varchar(50)select @test = 'password'select dbo.fnEncDecRc4(@test, '2345')print @test = ÍÆ;How can I use the same function to decrypt (ÍÆ;)?Thanks again. |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-10-20 : 03:23:12
select dbo.fnEncDecRc4(@test, 'ÍÆ ;') E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2007-10-31 : 18:21:00
Peso, according to this thread, your function has an error: Check out Helly's post. Not sure if it's valid or not, just wanted to give you a heads up since he posted it in the other thread rather than this one.Tara KizerMicrosoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-11-01 : 12:33:55
Thanks for the link. However I am not able to reproduce the alleged bug.SELECT dbo.fnEncDecRc4('Yek', (SELECT dbo.fnEncDecRc4('Yik', 'This is the secret message.'))) -- FailsSELECT dbo.fnEncDecRc4('Yek', (SELECT dbo.fnEncDecRc4('Yek', 'This is the secret message.'))) -- WorksSELECT dbo.fnEncDecRc4('Yek', (SELECT dbo.fnEncDecRc4('Yak', 'This is the secret message.'))) -- Fails See last example. I think that poster used two different passwords, and when decrypthing the encrypted text, he used wrong password and thus produced a string containing an ascii zero character, which seesm to be a string terminator in SQL Server. E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Ahmad Farid
Starting Member
7 Posts |
Posted - 2008-07-22 : 11:11:55
Can anyone please show with a full example how to decrypt some text?Thank you :) |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2008-07-22 : 12:56:13
The post just before your's show to to both encrypt and decrypt. E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Ahmad Farid
Starting Member
7 Posts |
Posted - 2008-07-27 : 05:36:52
yeah I wasn't able to understand it well. Thank you Peso. But I have another question. Is it possible that I do the encryption through the .NET and the decryption through this SQL function? |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2008-07-28 : 03:32:24
Yes, there are a number of .NET RC4 encryption and decryption libraries. E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Ahmad Farid
Starting Member
7 Posts |
Posted - 2008-07-28 : 05:13:28
I only found RC2, DES, TripleDES and some else but never found RC4. Can you please mention its full path of namespaces? Thank you. |
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