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 SSMS drop down

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White Water Yakist

3467 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-24 : 15:32:46
Is there any way to purge the list of connections in SSMS startup connection dialogue "Server Name" drop-down list?


Rishi Maini SQL2K5 Admin
Yak Posting Veteran

80 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-25 : 08:59:00
Sorry Sam, I can't understand your question. Can you please give some more details on it. I know with "3400" posts under your belt it would certainly be a tough question but may be we can contribute something if possible.

Rishi Maini
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White Water Yakist

3467 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-25 : 09:08:08
3400 and I still kant right.

Here are the steps (on my client)...

- launch SSMS
- "Connect to Server" dialog appears
- the "Server Name" drop down list has a gagillion connections I don't want in it.

There must be a way to clean up the list, but then, I can't find my shoes either.

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Rishi Maini SQL2K5 Admin
Yak Posting Veteran

80 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-25 : 09:29:45
I think I found this :-

Its stored by default at :-

"C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_ACC_NAME\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Shell\mru.dat"

Clear the contents of the "mru.dat" file and again launch the SSMS and this should clear the list

Rishi Maini
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White Water Yakist

3467 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-25 : 10:35:34
Curious how you found it.

Seems binary. Delete the file or load in notepad and delete the contents?

You didn't mess with your copy did you?

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Rishi Maini SQL2K5 Admin
Yak Posting Veteran

80 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-25 : 10:41:39
Even if you delete the file, no harm it will be created back again.

Initially I suspected that its picking the value from Registry. So I dowloaded "Regmon" tool from this very interesting site

But "Regmon" did not showed anything, so I thought that surely its storing the value in a Temp file. Dowloaded another tool from the same site called "Filemon" and put a filter on "sqlwb.exe" in the tool while running SSMS in background. Filemon showed me that "sqlwb.exe" is accessing this "mru.dat" file with full location.

This is how I got to the resolution.

Rishi Maini
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White Water Yakist

3467 Posts

Posted - 2006-09-25 : 10:51:33
You are a dogged administrator!



PS: Googling MRU.DAT yielded a similar thread:
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