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Constraint Violating Yak Guru
260 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 02:37:38
Hi,i have a huge table.One of the columns of the table is fTime, which is datetime data type. But there is NO seconds in the fTime column. What i wanna do is to add seconds to this column according to the example below;2006-07-24 18:10:00----> 2006-07-24 18:10:002006-07-24 18:10:00----> 2006-07-24 18:10:592006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:002006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:152006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:302006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:452006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:592006-07-25 12:00:00----> 2006-07-25 12:00:002006-07-25 12:00:00----> 2006-07-25 12:00:302006-07-25 12:00:00----> 2006-07-25 12:00:59Shortly, as you can understand from above, the first second should be 00, the last second should be 59 and the rest will be calculated by, 60/count of same fTime rows - except the last row. There is one important thing to consider, which is the speed of the statements which include those calculations because of the huge number of rows i my table.thanks |
Norsk Yak Master
3271 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 03:04:12
To be honest I'm a little bit confused about your objective but to add seconds to a datetime datatype all you do is this:SELECT DATEADD(ss, 15, myDateField) AS newDateDATEADD itself is really fast (it's a native sql server function) but you'll have to elaborate a bit on your problem to make it clear what you want to do.--Lumbago"Real programmers don't document, if it was hard to write it should be hard to understand" |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
260 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 03:20:15
2006-07-24 18:10:00----> 2006-07-24 18:10:00 --------> I have 2 rows of the same fTime column so i just put 00 seconds to 2006-07-24 18:10:00----> 2006-07-24 18:10:59 the first row and 59 seconds to the last row thats easy.2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:00 -------> when i have more than one rows, again i put 00 second to the first2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:15 row and 59 seconds to the last one. To calculate the in between rows, i2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:30 need to make a little calculation. Skip the last row, there is 4 rows.2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:45 60 seconds / 4 rows = 15 seconds. We found the seconds of the2006-07-25 10:20:00----> 2006-07-25 10:20:59 row number 2. Than for the third row add another 15 seconds and so on.2006-07-25 12:00:00----> 2006-07-25 12:00:00 ------> Again the same story, first row is 00 seconds, last row is 59 seconds. 60 2006-07-25 12:00:00----> 2006-07-25 12:00:30 seconds / 2 rows (excluding the last row always) = 30 seconds. We put the2006-07-25 12:00:00----> 2006-07-25 12:00:59 30 seconds to the row number 2. |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 04:07:37
Try this one! EDIT: No need for primary key.-- Prepare test datadeclare @table table (dt datetime)insert @tableselect '2006-07-24 18:10:00' union all----> 2006-07-24 18:10:00select '2006-07-24 18:10:00' union all----> 2006-07-24 18:10:59select '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union all----> 2006-07-25 10:20:00select '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union all----> 2006-07-25 10:20:15select '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union all----> 2006-07-25 10:20:30select '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union all----> 2006-07-25 10:20:45select '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union all----> 2006-07-25 10:20:59select '2006-07-25 12:00:00' union all----> 2006-07-25 12:00:00select '2006-07-25 12:00:00' union all----> 2006-07-25 12:00:30select '2006-07-25 12:00:00' union all----> 2006-07-25 12:00:59select '2006-07-26 12:00:00' ----> 2006-07-26 12:00:00-- Do the workselect w.dt oldValue, dateadd(second, case when z.num * w.i = 60 then 59 else z.num * w.i end, w.dt) newValuefrom ( select b0.i + b1.i + b2.i + b3.i + b4.i + b5.i Num from (select 0 i union all select 1) b0 cross join (select 0 i union all select 2) b1 cross join (select 0 i union all select 4) b2 cross join (select 0 i union all select 8) b3 cross join (select 0 i union all select 16) b4 cross join (select 0 i union all select 32) b5 ) zinner join ( select dt, count(*) c, case when count(*) = 1 then 0 else 60.0 / (count(*) - 1) end i from @table group by dt ) w on w.c > z.numorder by w.dt, z.num Output isoldValue newValue----------------------- -----------------------2006-07-24 18:10:00.000 2006-07-24 18:10:00.0002006-07-24 18:10:00.000 2006-07-24 18:10:59.0002006-07-25 10:20:00.000 2006-07-25 10:20:00.0002006-07-25 10:20:00.000 2006-07-25 10:20:15.0002006-07-25 10:20:00.000 2006-07-25 10:20:30.0002006-07-25 10:20:00.000 2006-07-25 10:20:45.0002006-07-25 10:20:00.000 2006-07-25 10:20:59.0002006-07-25 12:00:00.000 2006-07-25 12:00:00.0002006-07-25 12:00:00.000 2006-07-25 12:00:30.0002006-07-25 12:00:00.000 2006-07-25 12:00:59.0002006-07-26 12:00:00.000 2006-07-26 12:00:00.000 Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 04:15:05
Something like this perhaps? [Revised to include data - thanks for the data Peso!]DECLARE @MyTable TABLE( MyPK int IDENTITY NOT NULL, MyCopyOriginal datetime NULL, MyDateColumn datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( MyPK ))insert @MyTable(MyDateColumn)select '2006-07-24 18:10:00' union allselect '2006-07-24 18:10:00' union allselect '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union allselect '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union allselect '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union allselect '2006-07-25 12:00:00' union allselect '2006-07-25 12:00:00' union allselect '2006-07-25 12:00:00' union allselect '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union allselect '2006-07-25 10:20:00' union allselect '2006-07-26 12:00:00'-- Copy MyDateColumn to MyCopyOriginal for later checkingUPDATE @MyTableSET MyCopyOriginal = MyDateColumn-- Make list of all the items which will be updated - this REQUIRES a Unique Primary Key on MyTableDECLARE @WorkingData TABLE( W_ID int IDENTITY NOT NULL, W_PK1 int NOT NULL,-- W_PK2 SomeDataType NOT NULL, -- Include one column for each PK field W_DateTime datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( W_ID ))-- Create working dataINSERT INTO @WorkingData(W_PK1, /* W_PK2, ..., */ W_DateTime)SELECT MyPK, /* PK2, ..., */ MyDateColumnFROM @MyTableORDER BY MyDateColumn, MyPK /* , PK2, ..., */-- Summary data - how many of each date/time existDECLARE @SummaryData TABLE( S_DateTime datetime NOT NULL, S_MinID int NOT NULL, -- ID of lowest row with this date/time (will be left at 00 seconds) S_MaxID int NOT NULL, -- ID of highest row with this date/time (will be set to 59 seconds) S_Count int NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( S_DateTime ))-- Create summary dataINSERT INTO @SummaryData(S_DateTime, S_MinID, S_MaxID, S_Count)SELECT W_DateTime, MIN(W_ID), MAX(W_ID), COUNT(*)FROM @WorkingDataGROUP BY W_DateTimeHAVING COUNT(*) >= 2 -- Only the ones with 2 or more identical times need "calculated times"-- Update original tableUPDATE U SET MyDateColumn = CASE WHEN W_ID = S_MinID THEN MyDateColumn WHEN W_ID = S_MaxID THEN DATEADD(Second, 59, MyDateColumn) ELSE DATEADD(Second, 60/(S_Count-1)*(W_ID - S_MinID), MyDateColumn) ENDFROM @WorkingData AS W JOIN @SummaryData AS S ON S_DateTime = W_DateTime JOIN @MyTable AS U ON U.MyPK = W_PK1/* AND U.PK2 = W_PK2 */SELECT *FROM @MyTableORDER BY MyCopyOriginal, MyPK You could manage without the @WorkingData temporary table IF you have a single-part unique index, or PK, on your MyTable - otherwise its too hard for my little brain!The final update could be in batches, within a loop, if it is too slow (given that you said there are lots of records to update)Kristen |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 06:25:33
"No need for primary key"I wouldn't have thought to use a TallyTable Peso.Any idea how efficient an UPDATE would be?I was thinking the TempTable route to be able to use a PK:PK JOIN for the update, but I do need a full-size <g> TempTable to achieve that ... which may be rubbish for performanceKristen |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 06:32:44
The reason for using tally table is that I can't figure out if poster wants a one-time update, or just doing this for presentation issues.If for one-time update, staging tables are more efficient and quicker, as in your solution.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 06:40:00
"What i wanna do is to add seconds to this column according to the example below"Clearly a one time UPDATE, eh?   Kristen |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 06:50:07
Most likely, yes.Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-25 : 08:01:49
I wish I shared your confidence! |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
260 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-27 : 04:11:31
Hi,i need an algorithm to do the sample below;i have duplicate fTime datas.fTime2005-01-02 20:23:00.0002005-01-02 20:23:00.0002005-01-02 20:23:00.000...what i need to do is;2005-01-02 20:23:01.01 ----> Add 1 second to the first fTime and also 1 Msecond.Then till 60, MSeconds will be increased one by one like below;2005-01-02 20:23:01.022005-01-02 20:23:01.032005-01-02 20:23:01.042005-01-02 20:23:01.05...2005-01-02 20:23:01.582005-01-02 20:23:01.59 ----> when the Msecond comes to 60, the seconds will be increased by one then again Mseconds will be increased one by one, like below2005-01-02 20:23:02.002005-01-02 20:23:02.012005-01-02 20:23:02.022005-01-02 20:23:02.03...2005-01-02 20:23:02.592005-01-02 20:23:03.002005-01-02 20:23:03.012005-01-02 20:23:03.02 |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-27 : 04:19:36
Are you sure you want this? Not evenly spread, but just adding?What if there are no more than two records of2005-01-02 20:23:00.0002005-01-02 20:23:00.000Should that be2005-01-02 20:23:01.0102005-01-02 20:23:01.020or2005-01-02 20:23:01.0102005-01-02 20:23:59.590like before?Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-27 : 04:20:26
I've already done the donkey work on this one, so I reckon you should ahve a go at the Fine Detail by yourself.Happy to help if you get stuck though.Kristen |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-27 : 04:30:44
[code]-- Prepare test datadeclare @table table (dt datetime)insert @tableselect '2006-07-24 18:10:00' union allselect '2006-07-24 18:10:00'-- Do the workselect w.dt oldValue, dateadd(ms, 1010 + 10 * z.num, w.dt) newValuefrom ( select b0.i + b1.i + b2.i + b3.i + b4.i + b5.i + b6.i + b7.i + b8.i + b9.i + b10.i + b11.i + b12.i Num from (select 0 i union all select 1) b0 cross join (select 0 i union all select 2) b1 cross join (select 0 i union all select 4) b2 cross join (select 0 i union all select 8) b3 cross join (select 0 i union all select 16) b4 cross join (select 0 i union all select 32) b5 cross join (select 0 i union all select 64) b6 cross join (select 0 i union all select 128) b7 cross join (select 0 i union all select 256) b8 cross join (select 0 i union all select 512) b9 cross join (select 0 i union all select 1024) b10 cross join (select 0 i union all select 2048) b11 cross join (select 0 i union all select 4096) b12 where b0.i + b1.i + b2.i + b3.i + b4.i + b5.i + b6.i + b7.i + b8.i + b9.i + b10.i + b11.i + b12.i < 5959 ) zinner join ( select dt, count(*) c from @table group by dt ) w on w.c > z.numorder by w.dt, z.num[/code]Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
260 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-27 : 04:49:23
Hi,Peso Mseconds passes 60 like below;2005-01-02 19:53:01.800 ---> what i need is 2005-01-02 19:53:01.590 then 2005-01-02 19:53:02.00 when it gets the 60th. |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
260 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-27 : 04:56:48
I asked this question "i need an algorithm to do the sample below;i have duplicate fTime datas..." because i have duplicates more than 60 even more than 100 rows. I m not dealing with no more than 2 rows, it was an other issue nothing to do with this one. And i m not adding Mseconds to the previous one because there was no duplicates more than 60. |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
260 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-27 : 06:33:29
Peso,the code you have sent to me, increments seconds when the MSeconds reaches to 1000? |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-27 : 09:48:02
Look at this-- Prepare test datadeclare @table table (dt datetime)insert @tableselect '2006-07-24 18:10:00' union allselect '2006-07-24 18:10:00'-- Do the workselect w.dt oldValue, dateadd(second, 1 + (10 + 10 * z.Num) / 600, dateadd(ms, (10 + 10 * z.num) % 600, w.dt)) newValuefrom ( select b0.i + b1.i + b2.i + b3.i + b4.i + b5.i + b6.i + b7.i + b8.i + b9.i + b10.i + b11.i + b12.i Num from (select 0 i union all select 1) b0 cross join (select 0 i union all select 2) b1 cross join (select 0 i union all select 4) b2 cross join (select 0 i union all select 8) b3 cross join (select 0 i union all select 16) b4 cross join (select 0 i union all select 32) b5 cross join (select 0 i union all select 64) b6 cross join (select 0 i union all select 128) b7 cross join (select 0 i union all select 256) b8 cross join (select 0 i union all select 512) b9 cross join (select 0 i union all select 1024) b10 cross join (select 0 i union all select 2048) b11 cross join (select 0 i union all select 4096) b12 where b0.i + b1.i + b2.i + b3.i + b4.i + b5.i + b6.i + b7.i + b8.i + b9.i + b10.i + b11.i + b12.i < 5959 ) zinner join ( select dt, count(*) c from @table group by dt ) w on w.c > z.numorder by w.dt, z.num Peter LarssonHelsingborg, Sweden |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
391 Posts |
Posted - 2006-07-27 : 16:06:54
raysefo,quote: the code you have sent to me, increments seconds when the MSeconds reaches to 1000?
What would you expect it to do? 1000 milliseconds is 1 second, so seconds increments and MS is reset to zero.Ken |