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Yak Posting Veteran

60 Posts

Posted - 2005-12-31 : 11:45:45
I'm making a database activitity page (don't want to make anyone sysadmin that don't need to be) and part of it shows root blocks. I would like to show what the SPID is running. I know I can get this with DBCC INPUTBUFFER(@SPID).

The problem is trying to use that with a set of SPIDs. I can't figure out how to return a set of SPIDs that includes the EventInfo column from the output of INPUTBUFFER.

This is basically what I want:

SELECT SPID, Program = program_name, LastCommand = ????
FROM sysprocesses
WHERE blocked = 0
AND SPID IN (SELECT DISTINCT blocked FROM sysprocesses)

I can't figure out what to do for LastCommand. I would prefer not to create a proc/function (we have many sql servers and it would be one more object that would need to be documented for maintenance, new builds, etc. as well as putting custom procs/funcs in master seems.... wrong... is it??). If I have to, I have to.

I did try to make a function, but failed miserably. Functions can't use temp tables and DBCC/EXEC can't be a source for table variables.

I can't figure out how to return the info from DBCC INPUTBUFFER in a way that can be used in a query. I really don't want to use a cursor either.

Any ideas?


Yak Posting Veteran

60 Posts

Posted - 2006-01-03 : 12:09:54

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

6065 Posts

Posted - 2006-01-03 : 13:27:14
I didn't respond to this because as far as I know, there is no system table or view available to us that contains the <dbcc inputbuffer> info. So I know of no way to get a set-based, tabular output of lastCommand info for a multiple spids.

Paul Randal is the DBCC guy, maybe he'll pipe in to set us straight.

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2167 Posts

Posted - 2006-01-03 : 14:07:05
Doesn't Enterprise Manager show the last command when you go to /management/current activity/process info?

If EM can do it, there is a T-SQL command for it. The question of course is, what is that command. :)

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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2006-01-03 : 15:48:22
>> If EM can do it, there is a T-SQL command for it. The question of course is, what is that command. :)

dbcc inputbuffer


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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

6065 Posts

Posted - 2006-01-03 : 16:05:39
That's cool!

But he'll still have the same problem because it only works on one handle at a time, just like dbcc inputbuffer only works with one spid at a time.

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SQL Natt Alfen

3279 Posts

Posted - 2006-01-03 : 16:52:01
>> But he'll still have the same problem because it only works on one handle at a time, just like dbcc inputbuffer only works with one spid at a time.

Yes, no set-based solution to this.

Jeff, did you look at nigel's sp_nrInfo proc? (
that should a very good start.

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Yak Posting Veteran

60 Posts

Posted - 2006-01-03 : 16:54:10
There we go!

Yes, it only works with one spid at a time, but I can wrap it in a function that I can use in a query:

CREATE FUNCTION fn_GetProcessInfo(@SPID int)
RETURNS varchar(8000)
DECLARE @Handle binary(20), @retVal varchar(8000)

SELECT @Handle = sql_handle
FROM master..sysprocesses

SELECT @retVal = convert(varchar(8000), [text])
FROM ::fn_get_sql(@Handle)

RETURN @retVal

and use it like:
SELECT SPID, Program = program_name, LastCommand = dbo.fn_GetProcessInfo(SPID)
FROM sysprocesses
WHERE blocked = 0
AND SPID IN (SELECT DISTINCT blocked FROM sysprocesses)

I'll have to run a couple of tests, but I think this will work just fine.

Thanks rockmoose!! :)

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