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Constraint Violating Yak Guru
384 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-06 : 16:20:55
I am sure this problem has been asked before, but I cannot find any former topics that directly deal with it.On a generic form I have a single field for txtClientPhone. It is varchar(100). What I am wondering is if anyone has come up with a handy function that will take in this value and split it out into a US format? (e.g. area code, number and extension.) I know, I know...this should be done in the presentation layer, forget how SQL stores it! Well, sometimes you have to play with what hand you were dealt. :DSome of the possibilities I forsee are:(785) 555-3100(785)555-3100785.555.3100(785) 555-3100 ext. 1474(785)555-3100 x 1474785.555.3100 1474785.555.3100.1474and on and on. So, has anyone tackled a comprehensive function or stored proc that will take in this stuff and do it's best to return a standard US phone number? Thankfully, I do not need to worry about international numbers. Thanks all!AjHey, it compiles. |
Aged Yak Warrior
938 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-06 : 18:18:54
I did something similar with Regular Expressions... nothing pretty, but it got the job done. Here are a few examples, check the section on xp_regex_format[url][/url]Nathan Skerl |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
384 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-07 : 09:34:27
Thanks Nathan, I guess that great minds think alike. I happened to be at that site yesterday when I began my search for the phone number format problem.AjHey, it compiles. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-07 : 10:16:11
the sql version would be to strip out all of non numerics ... there is a recent thread on this... you can return whatever you like... you just have to be sure that the storage result is uniform... i.e. if no zipcode then pad zeros (so extensions can work) Have fun!Corey Co-worker on The Wizard of Oz "...those three midgets that came out and danced, the freaked me out when I was little. But they are ok now." |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
6065 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-07 : 10:16:38
Here is something I came up with at some point. Its not the most elegant code in the world but it was affective for my data and relatively small result sets. The basic logic is to first take out the extension (if any exists) then strip out all non-numeric characters and assign the phoneparts based on the length of the remaining string./*Select top 50 [DBValue] = phonenumber ,[formatted] = dbo.fnPhonePart('formatted', phonenumber) ,countryPart = dbo.fnPhonePart('country', phonenumber) ,areaCodePart = dbo.fnPhonePart('area', phonenumber) ,localPart = dbo.fnPhonePart('local', phonenumber) ,extPart = dbo.fnPhonePart('ext', phonenumber) ,Stripped = dbo.fnPhonePart('stripped', phonenumber)from PhoneNumber_twhere len(phoneNumber) > 10*/If Object_ID('dbo.fnPhonePart') > 0 Drop Function dbo.fnPhonePartGOCreate Function dbo.fnPhonePart( @part varchar(10), @phone varChar(50) )returns varChar(50)asBegin /* this function behaves similarly to the Sql function: DateName. returns a string representing a phonenumber part OR a fully formatted phonenumber. possible phone parts are: international (anything that begins with 'i' or 'c') areaCode (anything that begins with 'a') local (anything that begins with 'l') Extension (anything that begins with 'e' or 'x') FullyFormated (anything that begins with 'f') Stripped (anything that begins with 's' Only numbers - no extension, no formatting) */ declare @retVal varchar(50) declare @num varChar(50) ,@number varchar(50) ,@x varChar(50) ,@i int ,@c char(1) ,@country varchar(50) ,@area varchar(50) ,@local varchar(50) ,@ext varchar(50) --Seperate number from extension --assumes extension will be signified by 'X' --number w/o extension if(len(isNull(@phone,'')) > 0) Set @num = substring(@phone, 1, isNull(nullif(charindex('X', @phone)-1, -1), len(@phone))) else set @num = '' --extension if(charindex('X', @phone) > 0) Set @ext = subString(@phone, charindex('X', @phone) + 1, len(@phone) - charindex('X',@phone)) else set @ext = cast(null as varChar(15)) --strip nonNumeric characters from @num Select @i = 1, @number = '' while(@i <= len(@num)) Begin set @c = subString(@num, @i, 1) if( @c IN ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9') ) Set @number = @number + @c Set @i = @i + 1 End if(len(@number) = 10) Begin --format like: 1-999-999-9999 Select @country = '1' ,@area = subString(@number, 1, 3) ,@local = subString(@number, 4, 7) End Else if(len(@number) Between 11 AND 13) Begin --format like: ??9-999-999-9999 Select @country = subString(@number, 1, len(@number) - 10) ,@area = left(right(@number, 10),3) ,@local = right(@number, 7) End Else if(len(@number) = 14) Begin --format like: 999-999-9999-9999 Select @country = left(@number, 3) ,@area = left(right(@number, 11),3) ,@local = right(@number, 8) End Else if(len(@number) >= 15) Begin --format like: ???999-9999-9999-9999 Select @country = subString(@number, 1, len(@number) - 12) ,@area = left(right(@number, 12),4) ,@local = right(@number, 8) End else if(len(@number) > 7) Begin SElect @local = right(@number, 7) ,@area = left(@number, len(@number)-7) End else if (len(@number) > 0) Set @local = @number if (@part like 'c%' OR @part like 'i%') --country, international set @retVal = @country else if (@part like 'a%') --areacode set @retVal = @area else if (@part like 'l%') --local set @retVal = @local else if (@part like 'e%' OR @part like 'x%') --extension, x set @retVal = @ext else if (@part like 'f%') Begin if(len(@local) > 4) set @local = left(@local, len(@local)-4) + '-' + right(@local, 4) set @retVal = isNull(@country + '-','') + isNull(@area + '-', '') + isNull(@local,'') + isNull(' ext: ' + @ext, '') End else if (@part like 's%') Begin set @retVal = isnull(@country,'') + isNull(@area,'') + isNull(@local,'') End return nullif(@retVal,'')EndGO Be One with the OptimizerTG |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-07 : 10:37:59
for US Phones.... GoCreate Function dbo.formatPhone(@phone varchar(30))Returns varchar(30) AsBegin Declare @rtnValue varchar(30) Set @Phone = dbo.getCharacters(@Phone,'0-9') Set @rtnValue = replace(case when len(@phone) > 10 then stuff(stuff(stuff(stuff(@phone,11,0,' x'),7,0,'-'),4,0,') '),1,0,'(') when len(@phone) = 10 then stuff(stuff(stuff(@phone,7,0,'-'),4,0,') '),1,0,'(') else @phone end,'(000) ','') Return @rtnValueEndGoCreate Function dbo.GetCharacters(@myString varchar(500), @validChars varchar(100))Returns varchar(500) ASBegin While @myString like '%[^' + @validChars + ']%' Select @myString = replace(@myString,substring(@myString,patindex('%[^' + @validChars + ']%',@myString),1),'') Return @myStringEndGoDeclare @phoneNumbers table (phone varchar(25))Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(785) 555-3100'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(785)555-3100'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '785.555.3100'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(785) 555-3100 ext. 1474'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(785)555-3100 x 1474'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '785.555.3100 1474'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '785.555.3100.1474'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(800) 948-9543'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(800)646-5287'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '800-985-5698'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '800 763-6521x654'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(800) 726-9871 x3654'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '8009489543'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '800 687 4906'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '800 354 6871 24569'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(000) 948-9543'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(000)646-5287'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '000-985-5698'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '000 763-6521x654'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '(000) 726-9871 x3654'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '0009489543'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '000 687 4906'Insert Into @PhoneNumbers Select '000 354 6871 24569' Select Phone, DisplayPhone = netprofit.dbo.formatPhone(Phone) From @PhoneNumbersGoDrop Function dbo.formatPhoneDrop Function dbo.getCharacters Corey Co-worker on The Wizard of Oz "...those three midgets that came out and danced, the freaked me out when I was little. But they are ok now." |