Is it possible to re-organize your table(s) so that you have a row for each OpDate/OpCode?ie:create table opCodeType (opCodeTypeID tinyint ,opCodeTypeDesc varchar(50))gocreate table myTable (PatientID int ,Opdate datetime ,OpCode int ,OpCodeTypeID tinyint references opCodeType(opCodeTypeID))goinsert opCodeType values (1, 'Primary')insert opCodeType values (2, 'Secondary')go--then your query could be something like:select patientID ,opDate ,opCode ,opCodeTypeDescfrom myTable ajoin (--derived table to get first date for each Patient select patientID ,min(opDate) opDate from myTable group by patientID ) b on a.patientID = b.patientID and a.opDate = b.opDatejoin opCodeType c on a.opCodeTypeID = c.opCodeTypeDesc
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