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12543 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-27 : 19:51:43
Heard of this? It's in a lot of papers in the uk at the moment. You have to fill a 9x9 grid with the numbers 1 to 9 such that the digits appear once and only once in each row, column and box (the 9x9 square is divided into 9 3x3 boxes) You will receive a square with some numbers already filled in.
The challenge is to solve any puzzle using sql server.
The first part is to devise a notation suitable for the problem Then to form the queries to solve it.
See for sample puzzles
I'll post my attempt (which doesn't work all the time at the moment) later on.
My mistake - looks like it does work.
========================================== Cursors are useful if you don't know sql. DTS can be used in a similar way. Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy. |
12543 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-27 : 20:04:59
p.s. I'm not very proud of my solution. It runs a few queries in a loop until it completes all obvious things then guesses repeatedly until it gets the solution - running the initial queries on each guess.
I'd like to put in more queries to remove more options but it gets a bit complicated. Also the incentive isn't there once I have a solution.
Excluding the grid setup it's les than 100 lines.
========================================== Cursors are useful if you don't know sql. DTS can be used in a similar way. Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy. |
Arnold Fribble
Yak-finder General
1961 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-28 : 05:22:24
Not like this, then? 
DECLARE @x tinyint, @y tinyint, @prefix varchar(40) PRINT 'CREATE TABLE N (n tinyint PRIMARY KEY)' SET @prefix = 'INSERT INTO N SELECT ' SET @x = 1 WHILE @x <= 9 BEGIN PRINT @prefix + CAST(@x AS varchar) SET @prefix = 'UNION ALL SELECT ' SET @x = @x +1 END
PRINT '' PRINT 'SELECT TOP 1 * FROM' SET @y = 0 WHILE @y < 9 BEGIN SET @x = 0 WHILE @x < 9 BEGIN PRINT ' (SELECT n AS n' + CAST(@y AS varchar) + CAST(@x AS varchar) + ' FROM N) AS N' + CAST(@y AS varchar) + CAST(@x AS varchar) + CASE WHEN @x = 8 AND @y = 8 THEN '' ELSE ',' END SET @x = @x + 1 END SET @y = @y + 1 END
DECLARE @x1 tinyint, @y1 tinyint, @distinct varchar(300), @dsep char(1) SET @prefix = 'WHERE' SET @y = 0 WHILE @y < 9 BEGIN SET @x = 0 WHILE @x < 9 BEGIN SET @distinct = '' SET @dsep = '(' SET @y1 = @y WHILE @y1 < 9 BEGIN SET @x1 = @x WHILE @x1 < 9 BEGIN IF (NOT(@x1=@x) OR NOT(@y1=@y)) AND (@x1=@x OR @y1=@y OR (@x1/3 = @x/3 AND @y1/3 = @y/3)) BEGIN SET @distinct = @distinct + @dsep + 'n' + CAST(@y1 AS varchar) + CAST(@x1 AS varchar) SET @dsep = ',' END SET @x1 = @x1 + 1 END SET @y1 = @y1 + 1 END IF @distinct <> '' PRINT @prefix + ' n' + CAST(@y AS varchar) + CAST(@x AS varchar) + ' NOT IN ' + @distinct + ')' SET @prefix = ' AND' SET @x = @x + 1 END SET @y = @y + 1 END
DECLARE @grid varchar(200) SET @grid = ' 5 7 ' + ' 61 39 ' + '7 5 8' + ' 839 716 ' + ' ' + ' 218 439 ' + '3 9 6' + ' 75 82 ' + ' 8 4 '
SET @y = 0 WHILE @y < 9 BEGIN SET @x = 0 WHILE @x < 9 BEGIN DECLARE @ns char(1) SET @ns = SUBSTRING(@grid, @y*9+@x+1, 1) IF ISNUMERIC(@ns) = 1 PRINT ' AND n' + CAST(@y AS varchar) + CAST(@x AS varchar) + ' = ' + @ns SET @x = @x + 1 END SET @y = @y + 1 END
12543 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-28 : 05:49:34
Interesting - when I try to run the output from that it doesn't complete but uses all my cpu. How long should it take?
========================================== Cursors are useful if you don't know sql. DTS can be used in a similar way. Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy. |
Arnold Fribble
Yak-finder General
1961 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-28 : 06:27:21
quote: How long should it take?
Probably until your computer stops working or you get bored and cancel it. While it may be good enough for finding Yaks, I don't think the query optimizer's up to the job of solving constraint satisfaction problems of that size. So unless there are some other constraints (or ways of modeling the problem) that massively reduce the search space, I think this approach is a nonrunner. |
12543 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-28 : 07:43:20
Doesn't it find values that aren't in the other cells? If so that doesn't get far in solving the problem.
I took the approach of finding values that couldn't be in cells - then checked different cases (well only 2 at the moment) until there was one value per cell. It seems to work for the simple games but not for the more complicated. The difficult one I use for testing I haven't solved myself sp don't know what tests to model.
========================================== Cursors are useful if you don't know sql. DTS can be used in a similar way. Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy. |
Arnold Fribble
Yak-finder General
1961 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-28 : 10:04:05
quote: Doesn't it find values that aren't in the other cells? If so that doesn't get far in solving the problem.
Oh, it would give you the right solution(s) if it ever finished. It's just not going to finish because it's searching too much of the problem space with an expectation that there are many solutions.
I've got a (sensible) partial solution that seems to have no difficulty on the 'gentle' and 'moderate' level, but it doesn't yet split the search space into multiple possibilities when it can't prune any more. |
Arnold Fribble
Yak-finder General
1961 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-28 : 13:55:37
Ok, well here's what I have so far... getting a bit bored with the Daily Telegraph ones: they're not posing much of a problem!
First, some problems:
CREATE TABLE SudokuProblem ( problemNo integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, difficulty varchar(10) NOT NULL, notes varchar(200) NULL, settings char(81) NOT NULL )
INSERT INTO SudokuProblem SELECT 1, 'easy', 'can be done just applying prune', ' 5 7 ' + ' 61 39 ' + '7 5 8' + ' 839 716 ' + ' ' + ' 218 439 ' + '3 9 6' + ' 75 82 ' + ' 8 4 ' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 'easy', 'this needs pick too', ' 3 51' + '5 2 64 ' + ' 7 5 ' + ' 63 7 ' + '2 7 8 6' + ' 4 21 ' + ' 7 8 ' + ' 81 6 9' + '17 5 ' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 'tough', 'this one''s broken: there are 4 possible solutions', '2 7 ' + ' 17324 ' + ' 76 ' + ' 268' + ' 6 1 8 3 ' + '984 ' + ' 14 ' + ' 92568 ' + ' 3 5' UNION ALL SELECT 4, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 2 6 8 ' + '58 97 ' + ' 4 ' + '37 5 ' + '6 4' + ' 8 13' + ' 2 ' + ' 98 36' + ' 3 6 9 ' UNION ALL SELECT 5, 'gentle', NULL, '4 9 7 8' + ' 562 391 ' + '1 5' + ' 9 1 ' + ' 1 3 2 ' + ' 6 8 ' + '3 9' + ' 918 567 ' + '6 8 5 2' UNION ALL SELECT 6, 'moderate', NULL, '83 1 ' + ' 6 7 5 ' + ' 9 8' + ' 6 5 9 ' + '4 6 9 3' + ' 9 7 5 ' + '9 2 ' + ' 1 8 9 ' + ' 6 87' UNION ALL SELECT 7, 'moderate', NULL, ' 3 6 2 8 ' + ' 19 34 ' + '9 5' + ' 7 3 5 ' + '1 8' + ' 9 7 2 ' + '7 2' + ' 83 46 ' + ' 4 5 7 9 ' UNION ALL SELECT 8, 'moderate', NULL, ' 356 9 ' + ' 8 4' + '9 8 65 ' + ' 85 12 ' + ' ' + ' 94 17 ' + ' 64 1 9' + '1 8 ' + ' 2 963 ' UNION ALL SELECT 9, 'gentle', NULL, '7 2 4' + '26 93' + ' 9 5 ' + ' 8 7 61' + ' 6 3 ' + '32 9 5 ' + ' 1 2 ' + '19 75' + '8 3 6' UNION ALL SELECT 10, 'moderate', NULL, ' 6 1 ' + ' 7 2 ' + '95 82' + ' 45 38 ' + '51 29' + ' 91 86 ' + '86 53' + ' 8 9 ' + ' 5 4 ' UNION ALL SELECT 11, 'moderate', NULL, ' 56 421' + ' 9 86' + ' 2 7 ' + '8 4 1 ' + ' 5 3 ' + ' 1 8 7' + ' 1 9 ' + '47 2 ' + '639 41 ' UNION ALL SELECT 12, 'tough', NULL, ' 128' + '2 4 9 7 ' + ' 7 3 4 ' + '1 2 3 ' + ' 5 8 ' + ' 6 9 1' + ' 7 6 1 ' + ' 9 2 3 7' + '528 ' UNION ALL SELECT 13, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 125 487 ' + ' ' + '75 23' + ' 41 87 ' + ' 2 5 4 ' + ' 34 95 ' + '48 17' + ' ' + ' 357 169 ' UNION ALL SELECT 49, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 6 29' + ' 4 5 3 ' + ' 7 14 ' + '7 54 ' + ' 53 24 ' + ' 12 3' + ' 54 1 ' + ' 6 8 5 ' + '82 5 ' UNION ALL SELECT 55, 'diabolical', NULL, '2 3 ' + '8 4 62 3' + ' 138 ' + ' 39 ' + '5 7 6 1' + ' 32 ' + ' 914 ' + '6 25 8 9' + ' 1 2' UNION ALL SELECT 62, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 4 6 ' + '51 9 6' + ' 8 3 4' + '7 1 62 ' + ' 8 6 ' + ' 47 5 1' + '3 4 6 ' + '1 2 38' + ' 6 9 ' UNION ALL SELECT 69, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 81 65' + '51 67 8' + ' ' + ' 9 4 3 ' + ' 61 97 ' + ' 5 3 8 ' + ' ' + '6 78 93' + '17 59 ' UNION ALL SELECT 76, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 1 4 ' + '95 17' + ' 78 56 ' + '4 97 5 ' + ' 8 ' + ' 3 54 1' + ' 62 41 ' + '19 86' + ' 7 9 '
CREATE VIEW SudokuProblemGrid AS SELECT problemNo, x, y, CAST(n AS tinyint) AS n FROM ( SELECT SP.problemNo, X.n AS x, Y.n AS y, SUBSTRING(SP.settings, (Y.n-1)*9+X.n ,1) AS n FROM SudokuProblem AS SP, N AS X, N AS Y ) AS G WHERE ISNUMERIC(n) = 1
CREATE TABLE S ( s int NOT NULL, x tinyint NOT NULL, y tinyint NOT NULL, b tinyint NOT NULL, n tinyint NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (s, y, x, n) )
-- all possibilities for all cells INSERT INTO S (s, x, y, b, n) SELECT 0, X.n, Y.n, (Y.n-1)/3*3+(X.n-1)/3+1, N.n FROM N AS X, N AS Y, N
-- fill in problem DELETE FROM S FROM S INNER JOIN SudokuProblemGrid AS G ON S.x = G.x AND S.y = G.y AND S.n <> G.n WHERE G.problemNo = 49
WHILE 1=1 BEGIN WHILE 1=1 BEGIN DECLARE @prune int, @pick int -- prune any possibilities that conflict with known values DELETE FROM S FROM S INNER JOIN ( SELECT s, x, y, b, MIN(n) AS n FROM S GROUP BY s, x, y, b HAVING COUNT(*) = 1 ) AS K ON S.s = K.s AND S.n = K.n AND (S.x = K.x OR S.y = K.y OR S.b = K.b) AND NOT(S.x = K.x AND S.y = K.y) SET @prune = @@ROWCOUNT -- pick any values that only occur once in row, column or block DELETE FROM S WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM S AS S0 WHERE S.s = S0.s AND S.x = S0.x AND S.y = S0.y AND S.n <> S0.n AND ( NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM S AS S1 WHERE S0.s = S1.s AND S0.n = S1.n AND S0.x = S1.x AND S0.y <> S1.y ) OR NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM S AS S1 WHERE S0.s = S1.s AND S0.n = S1.n AND S0.x <> S1.x AND S0.y = S1.y ) OR NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM S AS S1 WHERE S0.s = S1.s AND S0.n = S1.n AND NOT(S0.x = S1.x AND S0.y = S1.y) AND S0.b = S1.b ) ) ) SET @pick = @@ROWCOUNT IF @prune = 0 AND @pick = 0 BREAK END
-- delete failed spaces DELETE FROM S WHERE s IN ( SELECT s FROM (SELECT s FROM S GROUP BY s, x, y) AS A GROUP BY s HAVING COUNT(*) < 81 )
-- if no live spaces left, we're done IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM S GROUP BY s, x, y HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) BREAK
-- renumber possible spaces to make duplicate numbering easier UPDATE S1 SET s = 2*(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT s) FROM S AS S0 WHERE S0.s < S1.s) FROM S AS S1
-- duplicate live spaces INSERT INTO S SELECT s+1, x, y, b, n FROM S WHERE s IN (SELECT s FROM S GROUP BY s, x, y HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
-- find a cell to split in each pair of live spaces -- choose that value in even spaces and exclude it in odd spaces DELETE FROM S FROM S INNER JOIN ( SELECT s, agg/100 AS y, agg/10%10 AS x, agg%10 AS n FROM ( SELECT s, MIN(y*100+x*10+n) AS agg FROM ( SELECT s, x, y, MIN(n) AS n FROM S GROUP BY s, x, y HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) AS A GROUP BY s ) AS A ) AS SP ON S.s = SP.s AND S.x = SP.x AND S.y = SP.y AND ((S.s % 2 = 1 AND S.n = SP.n) OR (S.s % 2 = 0 AND S.n <> SP.n)) END
12543 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-28 : 18:07:43
I borrowed your means of inputting the data. It solvess the ones that I had but needs to guess on the one I got from your list (still solves it though). Might look into that later but not sure how to define another rule.
create proc #s_DispGrid as -- display grid select r.i, [1] = (select n from #a where r = r.i and c = 1) , [2] = (select n from #a where r = r.i and c = 2) , [3] = (select n from #a where r = r.i and c = 3) , [4] = (select n from #a where r = r.i and c = 4) , [5] = (select n from #a where r = r.i and c = 5) , [6] = (select n from #a where r = r.i and c = 6) , [7] = (select n from #a where r = r.i and c = 7) ,
= (select n from #a where r = r.i and c = 8) , [9] = (select n from #a where r = r.i and c = 9) from (select i=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) r go
set nocount on drop table #a go drop table #b go
create table #a (c int, r int, b int, n varchar(9)) create table #b (c int, r int, b int, n varchar(9)) declare @b int, @c int, @r int, @n int, @nums float, @cnt int -- c = col, r = row, n = possible numbers in slot, b = box number
-- initialise grid insert #a (c, r, b, n) select i.i, j.j, 0, '123456789' from (select i=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) i cross join (select j=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) j
update #a set b = 1 where c between 1 and 3 and r between 1 and 3 update #a set b = 2 where c between 4 and 6 and r between 1 and 3 update #a set b = 3 where c between 7 and 9 and r between 1 and 3 update #a set b = 4 where c between 1 and 3 and r between 4 and 6 update #a set b = 5 where c between 4 and 6 and r between 4 and 6 update #a set b = 6 where c between 7 and 9 and r between 4 and 6 update #a set b = 7 where c between 1 and 3 and r between 7 and 9 update #a set b = 8 where c between 4 and 6 and r between 7 and 9 update #a set b = 9 where c between 7 and 9 and r between 7 and 9
-- set values declare @grid varchar(81) select @grid = ' 1 42 5' + ' 2 71 39' + ' 4 ' + '2 71 6' + ' 4 ' + '6 74 3' + ' 7 ' + '12 73 5 ' + '3 82 7 ' --goto run select @grid = '2 4 8 1 ' + ' 8 1 3' + ' 1 7 5 ' + ' 1 2 64' + ' 43 2 ' + '59 8 7 ' + ' 7 9 4 ' + '6 7 38' + ' 5 1 3 7' --goto run SELECT @grid = ' 1 4 ' + '95 17' + ' 78 56 ' + '4 97 5 ' + ' 8 ' + ' 3 54 1' + ' 62 41 ' + '19 86' + ' 7 9 '
run: -- set up grid select @r = 1, @c = 1 while @r <= 9 begin update #a set n = substring(@grid, ((@r-1) * 9) + @c, 1) where substring(@grid, ((@r-1) * 9) + @c, 1) <> ' ' and r = @r and c = @c select @c = @c + 1 if @c = 10 select @r = @r + 1, @c = 1 end exec #s_DispGrid
declare @vanilla int , @attempt int select @vanilla = 0 , @attempt = 0 test: select @cnt = 0 while @cnt <> (select sum(len(n)) from #a) -- loop until no change begin select @cnt = sum(len(n)) from #a -- set all those where there are single instances of values update a set n = num.i from #a a cross join (select i=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) num left join #a ar on (a.r = ar.r) and (a.r <> ar.r or a.c <> ar.c) and ar.n like '%' + convert(varchar(1), num.i) + '%' left join #a ac on (a.c = ac.c) and (a.r <> ac.r or a.c <> ac.c) and ac.n like '%' + convert(varchar(1), num.i) + '%' left join #a ab on (a.b = ab.b) and (a.r <> ab.r or a.c <> ab.c) and ab.n like '%' + convert(varchar(1), num.i) + '%' where ar.r is null or ac.r is null or ab.r is null -- remove all those where there are single values update t1 set n = replace(t1.n, t2.n, '') from #a t1 cross join (select i=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) num join #a t2 on (t1.r = t2.r or t1.c = t2.c or t1.b = t2.b) and (t1.r <> t2.r or t1.c <> t2.c) where len(t2.n) = 1 and t1.n like '%' + t2.n + '%' and t2.n = convert(varchar(1),num.i)
-- remove all those where there are two values twice update t1 set n = replace(replace(t1.n, left(t2.n,1), ''), right(t2.n,1), '') from #a t1 cross join (select type = 'r' union select 'c' union select 'b') type cross join ( select i = convert(varchar(1),num1.i)+convert(varchar(1),num2.i) from (select i=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) num1 join (select i=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) num2 on num1.i < num2.i ) num join #a t2 on ( (t1.r = t2.r and type.type = 'r') or (t1.c = t2.c and type.type = 'c') or (t1.b = t2.b and type.type = 'b') ) and t2.n = num.i join #a t3 on ( (t3.r = t2.r and type.type = 'r') or (t3.c = t2.c and type.type = 'c') or (t3.b = t2.b and type.type = 'b') ) and (t3.r <> t2.r or t3.c <> t2.c) and t3.n = t2.n where patindex('%[' + num.i + ']%', t1.n) <> 0 and (t1.r <> t2.r or t1.c <> t2.c) and (t1.r <> t3.r or t1.c <> t3.c) -- remove all those where there are three values thrice update t1 set n = replace(replace(t1.n, left(t2.n,1), ''), right(t2.n,1), '') from #a t1 cross join (select type = 'r' union select 'c' union select 'b') type cross join ( select i = convert(varchar(1),num1.i)+convert(varchar(1),num2.i)+convert(varchar(1),num3.i) from (select i=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) num1 join (select i=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) num2 on num1.i < num2.i join (select i=1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9) num3 on num2.i < num3.i ) num join #a t2 on ( (t2.r = t1.r and type.type = 'r') or (t2.c = t1.c and type.type = 'c') or (t2.b = t1.b and type.type = 'b') ) and t2.n = num.i and (t2.r <> t1.r or t2.c <> t1.c) join #a t3 on ( (t3.r = t1.r and type.type = 'r') or (t3.c = t1.c and type.type = 'c') or (t3.b = t1.b and type.type = 'b') ) and t3.n = num.i and (t3.r <> t1.r or t3.c <> t1.c) and (t3.r <> t2.r or t3.c <> t2.c) join #a t4 on ( (t4.r = t1.r and type.type = 'r') or (t4.c = t1.c and type.type = 'c') or (t4.b = t1.b and type.type = 'b') ) and t4.n = num.i and (t4.r <> t1.r or t4.c <> t1.c) and (t4.r <> t2.r or t4.c <> t2.c) and (t4.r <> t3.r or t4.c <> t3.c) where patindex('%[' + num.i + ']%', t1.n) <> 0 end
if @attempt > 20 goto oops if 81 <> (select sum(len(n)) from #a) or exists (select * from #a where n = '') -- not complete begin exec #s_DispGrid select 'no solution - guessing' if @attempt = 0 insert #b select * from #a
select @attempt = @attempt + 1 if exists(select * from #a where n = '') -- failed begin delete #a insert #a select * from #b end select @r = r, @c = c from ( select top 1 r,c from #a where len(n) > 1 order by newid() ) a update #a set n = substring(n, convert(int,len(n) * rand() + 1), 1) where r = @r and c = @c select @r, @c select @attempt exec #s_DispGrid goto test end oops: -- display grid exec #s_DispGrid go
drop proc #s_DispGrid go
========================================== Cursors are useful if you don't know sql. DTS can be used in a similar way. Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-31 : 14:48:22
We all know I won't pass up a good puzzle. So here is my shot at it all. I mimcked the input method shown above (except I added a 'step' column). This loop solves all the puzzles at one time, and takes ~26 seconds on my box. Let me know what you all think. 
DROP TABLE #SudokuProblem GO
CREATE TABLE #SudokuProblem ( problemNo integer NOT NULL, step int not null, difficulty varchar(10) NOT NULL, notes varchar(200) NULL, settings char(81) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (problemNo, step, settings) )
INSERT INTO #SudokuProblem
SELECT 1, 0, 'easy', 'can be done just applying prune', ' 5 7 ' + ' 61 39 ' + '7 5 8' + ' 839 716 ' + ' ' + ' 218 439 ' + '3 9 6' + ' 75 82 ' + ' 8 4 ' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 0, 'easy', 'this needs pick too', ' 3 51' + '5 2 64 ' + ' 7 5 ' + ' 63 7 ' + '2 7 8 6' + ' 4 21 ' + ' 7 8 ' + ' 81 6 9' + '17 5 ' UNION ALL SELECT 3, 0, 'tough', 'this one''s broken: there are 4 possible solutions', '2 7 ' + ' 17324 ' + ' 76 ' + ' 268' + ' 6 1 8 3 ' + '984 ' + ' 14 ' + ' 92568 ' + ' 3 5' UNION ALL SELECT 4, 0, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 2 6 8 ' + '58 97 ' + ' 4 ' + '37 5 ' + '6 4' + ' 8 13' + ' 2 ' + ' 98 36' + ' 3 6 9 ' UNION ALL SELECT 5, 0, 'gentle', NULL, '4 9 7 8' + ' 562 391 ' + '1 5' + ' 9 1 ' + ' 1 3 2 ' + ' 6 8 ' + '3 9' + ' 918 567 ' + '6 8 5 2' UNION ALL SELECT 6, 0, 'moderate', NULL, '83 1 ' + ' 6 7 5 ' + ' 9 8' + ' 6 5 9 ' + '4 6 9 3' + ' 9 7 5 ' + '9 2 ' + ' 1 8 9 ' + ' 6 87' UNION ALL SELECT 7, 0, 'moderate', NULL, ' 3 6 2 8 ' + ' 19 34 ' + '9 5' + ' 7 3 5 ' + '1 8' + ' 9 7 2 ' + '7 2' + ' 83 46 ' + ' 4 5 7 9 ' UNION ALL SELECT 8, 0, 'moderate', NULL, ' 356 9 ' + ' 8 4' + '9 8 65 ' + ' 85 12 ' + ' ' + ' 94 17 ' + ' 64 1 9' + '1 8 ' + ' 2 963 ' UNION ALL SELECT 9, 0, 'gentle', NULL, '7 2 4' + '26 93' + ' 9 5 ' + ' 8 7 61' + ' 6 3 ' + '32 9 5 ' + ' 1 2 ' + '19 75' + '8 3 6' UNION ALL SELECT 10, 0, 'moderate', NULL, ' 6 1 ' + ' 7 2 ' + '95 82' + ' 45 38 ' + '51 29' + ' 91 86 ' + '86 53' + ' 8 9 ' + ' 5 4 ' UNION ALL SELECT 11, 0, 'moderate', NULL, ' 56 421' + ' 9 86' + ' 2 7 ' + '8 4 1 ' + ' 5 3 ' + ' 1 8 7' + ' 1 9 ' + '47 2 ' + '639 41 ' UNION ALL SELECT 12, 0, 'tough', NULL, ' 128' + '2 4 9 7 ' + ' 7 3 4 ' + '1 2 3 ' + ' 5 8 ' + ' 6 9 1' + ' 7 6 1 ' + ' 9 2 3 7' + '528 ' UNION ALL SELECT 13, 0, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 125 487 ' + ' ' + '75 23' + ' 41 87 ' + ' 2 5 4 ' + ' 34 95 ' + '48 17' + ' ' + ' 357 169 ' UNION ALL SELECT 49, 0, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 6 29' + ' 4 5 3 ' + ' 7 14 ' + '7 54 ' + ' 53 24 ' + ' 12 3' + ' 54 1 ' + ' 6 8 5 ' + '82 5 ' UNION ALL SELECT 55, 0, 'diabolical', NULL, '2 3 ' + '8 4 62 3' + ' 138 ' + ' 39 ' + '5 7 6 1' + ' 32 ' + ' 914 ' + '6 25 8 9' + ' 1 2' UNION ALL SELECT 62, 0, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 4 6 ' + '51 9 6' + ' 8 3 4' + '7 1 62 ' + ' 8 6 ' + ' 47 5 1' + '3 4 6 ' + '1 2 38' + ' 6 9 ' UNION ALL SELECT 69, 0, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 81 65' + '51 67 8' + ' ' + ' 9 4 3 ' + ' 61 97 ' + ' 5 3 8 ' + ' ' + '6 78 93' + '17 59 ' UNION ALL SELECT 76, 0, 'diabolical', NULL, ' 1 4 ' + '95 17' + ' 78 56 ' + '4 97 5 ' + ' 8 ' + ' 3 54 1' + ' 62 41 ' + '19 86' + ' 7 9 '
Declare @rPos int, @rNum int, @rCnt int, @cPos int, @cNum int, @cCnt int, @step int
Set @step = 0
While @step < 100 Begin -- get possible entries (from the row point of view) Select problemNo, rPos, rNum = Y.Number, rCnt = count(*) Into #rCntsPrep From ( Select problemNo, step, difficulty, notes, rPos = B.number, cPos = C.number, row = substring(Settings,1+9*(B.number-1),9), col = substring(Settings,C.number+9*0,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*1,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*2,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*3,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*4,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*5,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*6,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*7,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*8,1), settings From #SudokuProblem A, admin.dbo.getsequence(1,9,1) B, admin.dbo.getsequence(1,9,1) C Where step=@step ) Z, admin.dbo.getsequence(1,9,1) Y Where substring(row,cPos,1)='' and row not like '%'+convert(varchar,Y.number)+'%' and col not like '%'+convert(varchar,Y.number)+'%' Group By problemNo, rPos, Y.number order by count(*)
-- filter to get the most reliable position (from the row point of view) Select Z.problemNo, Z.rPos, rNum=min(Z.rNum), Z.rCnt Into #rCnts From #rCntsPrep Z Inner Join ( Select A.problemNo, rPos=min(A.rPos), A.rCnt From #rCntsPrep A Inner Join (Select problemNo, rCnt = min(rCnt) From #rCntsPrep Group By problemNo) B On A.problemNo = B.problemNo and A.rCnt = B.rCnt Group By A.problemNo, A.rCnt ) Y On Z.problemNo = Y.problemNo and Z.rCnt = Y.rCnt and Z.rPos = Y.rPos Group By Z.problemNo, Z.rPos, Z.rCnt
-- Select * From #rCnts
-- get possible entries (from the column point of view) Select problemNo, cPos, cNum = Y.Number, cCnt = count(*) Into #cCntsPrep From ( Select problemNo, step, difficulty, notes, rPos = B.number, cPos = C.number, row = substring(Settings,1+9*(B.number-1),9), col = substring(Settings,C.number+9*0,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*1,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*2,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*3,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*4,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*5,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*6,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*7,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*8,1), settings From #SudokuProblem A, admin.dbo.getsequence(1,9,1) B, admin.dbo.getsequence(1,9,1) C Where step=@step ) Z, admin.dbo.getsequence(1,9,1) Y Where substring(row,cPos,1)='' and row not like '%'+convert(varchar,Y.number)+'%' and col not like '%'+convert(varchar,Y.number)+'%' Group By problemNo, cPos, Y.number order by count(*)
-- filter to get the most reliable position (from the column point of view) Select Z.problemNo, Z.cPos, cNum=min(Z.cNum), Z.cCnt Into #cCnts From #cCntsPrep Z Inner Join ( Select A.problemNo, cPos=min(A.cPos), A.cCnt From #cCntsPrep A Inner Join (Select problemNo, cCnt = min(cCnt) From #cCntsPrep Group By problemNo) B On A.problemNo = B.problemNo and A.cCnt = B.cCnt Group By A.problemNo, A.cCnt ) Y On Z.problemNo = Y.problemNo and Z.cCnt = Y.cCnt and Z.cPos = Y.cPos Group By Z.problemNo, Z.cPos, Z.cCnt
-- Select * From #cCnts
-- insert next possible steps for all problems Insert Into #SudokuProblem Select Z.problemNo, step=step+1, Z.difficulty, Z.notes, settings = stuff(settings,9*(Z.rPos-1)+Z.cPos,1,convert(varchar,Y.number)) From ( Select problemNo, step, difficulty, notes, rPos = B.number, cPos = C.number, row = substring(Settings,1+9*(B.number-1),9), col = substring(Settings,C.number+9*0,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*1,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*2,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*3,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*4,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*5,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*6,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*7,1) + substring(Settings,C.number+9*8,1), settings From #SudokuProblem A, admin.dbo.getsequence(1,9,1) B, admin.dbo.getsequence(1,9,1) C Where step=@step ) Z, admin.dbo.getsequence(1,9,1) Y, #rCnts X, #cCnts W Where substring(row,Z.cPos,1)='' and row not like '%'+convert(varchar,Y.number)+'%' and col not like '%'+convert(varchar,Y.number)+'%' and Z.problemNo = X.problemNo and Z.problemNo = W.problemNo and ( ((case when X.rCnt<=W.cCnt then 1 else 0 end)=1 and Z.rPos=X.rPos and Y.number=X.rNum) or ((case when X.rCnt<=W.cCnt then 1 else 0 end)=0 and Z.cPos=W.cPos and Y.number=W.cNum) )
-- cleanup temp tables Drop Table #rCntsPrep Drop Table #rCnts
Drop Table #cCntsPrep Drop Table #cCnts
--Select * From #SudokuProblem where step=@step
Set @step = @step + 1
-- if you want to see all of the steps comment out the following delete statement Delete A From #SudokuProblem A Inner Join (Select problemNo, step = max(step) From #SudokuProblem Group by problemNo) B On A.problemNo = B.problemNo Where A.step < B.step End
Select * From #SudokuProblem
 Secret Service Agent: Mr. President, you're urinating on me. President Lyndon Johnson: I know I am. It's my prerogative. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-31 : 16:19:33
Just noticed mine has a few issues still... be back soon.
 Secret Service Agent: Mr. President, you're urinating on me. President Lyndon Johnson: I know I am. It's my prerogative. |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2005-05-31 : 22:18:13
This evaluates all solutions to a problem. I am not sure if the filter for selecting all valid solutions is 100% proof, it might give "faulty" answers, but I don't think so, just can't prove it. Anyway, it will give all correct ones as well. ( I was to lazy to write out all the inequalities )
------------- SETUP -------------- ------------- need arnold's #SudokuProblem table ------------------ ------------- Actually Corey's temporary verison... ---------------
drop table n GO drop table triple GO drop table #hgrid GO drop table #vgrid GO drop table #sqrs GO
create table n(n tinyint primary key) GO
insert n select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9
create table triple (a tinyint, b tinyint, c tinyint, primary key(a,b,c)) GO
insert triple select * from n n1, n n2, n n3 where n1.n <> n2.n and n1.n <> n3.n and n2.n <> n3.n
create table #hgrid(line tinyint primary key, nbrs varchar(9)) GO create table #vgrid(line tinyint primary key, nbrs varchar(9)) GO create table #sqrs(s int, a int, b int, c int, d int, e int, f int, g int, h int, i int) GO
------------------ END SETUP --------------------- ------------------ RUN FROM HERE AFTER SETUP -----
truncate table #sqrs truncate table #hgrid truncate table #vgrid
-- select * from #SudokuProblem insert #hgrid(line,nbrs) select n ,substring(settings,1 + (n-1)*9,9) from #SudokuProblem cross join n where problemNo = 49 ----------------<-------------------- CHOOSE PROBLEM
declare @nbrs varchar(9), @i int, @h int, @v int set @i = 1 while @i < 10 begin set @nbrs = '' select @nbrs = @nbrs + substring(nbrs,@i,1) from #hgrid insert #vgrid(line,nbrs) select @i, @nbrs set @i = @i + 1 end
set @i = 1
while @i < 10 begin select @h = 3*((@i-1)%3), @v = 3*((@i-1)/3)
insert #sqrs select @i as s, t1.a a ,t1.b b ,t1.c c, t2.a d ,t2.b e ,t2.c f, t3.a g ,t3.b h ,t3.c i from triple t1 join triple t2 on (t1.a <> t2.a and t1.a <> t2.b and t1.a <> t2.c) and (t1.b <> t2.a and t1.b <> t2.b and t1.b <> t2.c) and (t1.c <> t2.a and t1.c <> t2.b and t1.c <> t2.c) join triple t3 on (t1.a <> t3.a and t1.a <> t3.b and t1.a <> t3.c) and (t1.b <> t3.a and t1.b <> t3.b and t1.b <> t3.c) and (t1.c <> t3.a and t1.c <> t3.b and t1.c <> t3.c) and (t2.a <> t3.a and t2.a <> t3.b and t2.a <> t3.c) and (t2.b <> t3.a and t2.b <> t3.b and t2.b <> t3.c) and (t2.c <> t3.a and t2.c <> t3.b and t2.c <> t3.c) join #hgrid h1 on h1.line = 1 + @v join #vgrid v1 on v1.line = 1 + @h join #hgrid h2 on h2.line = 2 + @v join #vgrid v2 on v2.line = 2 + @h join #hgrid h3 on h3.line = 3 + @v join #vgrid v3 on v3.line = 3 + @h where ( cast(t1.a as char(1)) = substring(h1.nbrs,1 + @h,1) or (substring(h1.nbrs,1 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t1.a as char(1)),h1.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t1.a as char(1)),v1.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t1.b as char(1)) = substring(h1.nbrs,2 + @h,1) or (substring(h1.nbrs,2 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t1.b as char(1)),h1.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t1.b as char(1)),v2.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t1.c as char(1)) = substring(h1.nbrs,3 + @h,1) or (substring(h1.nbrs,3 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t1.c as char(1)),h1.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t1.c as char(1)),v3.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t2.a as char(1)) = substring(h2.nbrs,1 + @h,1) or (substring(h2.nbrs,1 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t2.a as char(1)),h2.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t2.a as char(1)),v1.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t2.b as char(1)) = substring(h2.nbrs,2 + @h,1) or (substring(h2.nbrs,2 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t2.b as char(1)),h2.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t2.b as char(1)),v2.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t2.c as char(1)) = substring(h2.nbrs,3 + @h,1) or (substring(h2.nbrs,3 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t2.c as char(1)),h2.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t2.c as char(1)),v3.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t3.a as char(1)) = substring(h3.nbrs,1 + @h,1) or (substring(h3.nbrs,1 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t3.a as char(1)),h3.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t3.a as char(1)),v1.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t3.b as char(1)) = substring(h3.nbrs,2 + @h,1) or (substring(h3.nbrs,2 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t3.b as char(1)),h3.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t3.b as char(1)),v2.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t3.c as char(1)) = substring(h3.nbrs,3 + @h,1) or (substring(h3.nbrs,3 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t3.c as char(1)),h3.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t3.c as char(1)),v3.nbrs) = 0)) set @i = @i + 1 end
select cast(s1.a as char(1))+cast(s1.b as char(1))+cast(s1.c as char(1))+cast(s2.a as char(1))+cast(s2.b as char(1))+cast(s2.c as char(1))+cast(s3.a as char(1))+cast(s3.b as char(1))+cast(s3.c as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s1.d as char(1))+cast(s1.e as char(1))+cast(s1.f as char(1))+cast(s2.d as char(1))+cast(s2.e as char(1))+cast(s2.f as char(1))+cast(s3.d as char(1))+cast(s3.e as char(1))+cast(s3.f as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s1.g as char(1))+cast(s1.h as char(1))+cast(s1.i as char(1))+cast(s2.g as char(1))+cast(s2.h as char(1))+cast(s2.i as char(1))+cast(s3.g as char(1))+cast(s3.h as char(1))+cast(s3.i as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s4.a as char(1))+cast(s4.b as char(1))+cast(s4.c as char(1))+cast(s5.a as char(1))+cast(s5.b as char(1))+cast(s5.c as char(1))+cast(s6.a as char(1))+cast(s6.b as char(1))+cast(s6.c as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s4.d as char(1))+cast(s4.e as char(1))+cast(s4.f as char(1))+cast(s5.d as char(1))+cast(s5.e as char(1))+cast(s5.f as char(1))+cast(s6.d as char(1))+cast(s6.e as char(1))+cast(s6.f as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s4.g as char(1))+cast(s4.h as char(1))+cast(s4.i as char(1))+cast(s5.g as char(1))+cast(s5.h as char(1))+cast(s5.i as char(1))+cast(s6.g as char(1))+cast(s6.h as char(1))+cast(s6.i as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s7.a as char(1))+cast(s7.b as char(1))+cast(s7.c as char(1))+cast(s8.a as char(1))+cast(s8.b as char(1))+cast(s8.c as char(1))+cast(s9.a as char(1))+cast(s9.b as char(1))+cast(s9.c as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s7.d as char(1))+cast(s7.e as char(1))+cast(s7.f as char(1))+cast(s8.d as char(1))+cast(s8.e as char(1))+cast(s8.f as char(1))+cast(s9.d as char(1))+cast(s9.e as char(1))+cast(s9.f as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s7.g as char(1))+cast(s7.h as char(1))+cast(s7.i as char(1))+cast(s8.g as char(1))+cast(s8.h as char(1))+cast(s8.i as char(1))+cast(s9.g as char(1))+cast(s9.h as char(1))+cast(s9.i as char(1)) +char(10) as grid from (select * from #sqrs where s = 1) s1 join (select * from #sqrs where s = 2) s2 on 1 = 1 join (select * from #sqrs where s = 3) s3 on s1.a + s1.b + s1.c + s2.a + s2.b + s2.c + s3.a + s3.b + s3.c = 45 and s1.d + s1.e + s1.f + s2.d + s2.e + s2.f + s3.d + s3.e + s3.f = 45 and s1.g + s1.h + s1.i + s2.g + s2.h + s2.i + s3.g + s3.h + s3.i = 45 and s1.a * s1.b * s1.c * s2.a * s2.b * s2.c * s3.a * s3.b * s3.c = 362880 and s1.d * s1.e * s1.f * s2.d * s2.e * s2.f * s3.d * s3.e * s3.f = 362880 and s1.g * s1.h * s1.i * s2.g * s2.h * s2.i * s3.g * s3.h * s3.i = 362880 join (select * from #sqrs where s = 4) s4 on 1 = 1 join (select * from #sqrs where s = 5) s5 on 1 = 1 join (select * from #sqrs where s = 6) s6 on s4.a + s4.b + s4.c + s5.a + s5.b + s5.c + s6.a + s6.b + s6.c = 45 and s4.d + s4.e + s4.f + s5.d + s5.e + s5.f + s6.d + s6.e + s6.f = 45 and s4.g + s4.h + s4.i + s5.g + s5.h + s5.i + s6.g + s6.h + s6.i = 45 and s4.a * s4.b * s4.c * s5.a * s5.b * s5.c * s6.a * s6.b * s6.c = 362880 and s4.d * s4.e * s4.f * s5.d * s5.e * s5.f * s6.d * s6.e * s6.f = 362880 and s4.g * s4.h * s4.i * s5.g * s5.h * s5.i * s6.g * s6.h * s6.i = 362880 join (select * from #sqrs where s = 7) s7 on 1 = 1 join (select * from #sqrs where s = 8) s8 on 1 = 1 join (select * from #sqrs where s = 9) s9 on s7.a + s7.b + s7.c + s8.a + s8.b + s8.c + s9.a + s9.b + s9.c = 45 and s7.d + s7.e + s7.f + s8.d + s8.e + s8.f + s9.d + s9.e + s9.f = 45 and s7.g + s7.h + s7.i + s8.g + s8.h + s8.i + s9.g + s9.h + s9.i = 45 and s7.a * s7.b * s7.c * s8.a * s8.b * s8.c * s9.a * s9.b * s9.c = 362880 and s7.d * s7.e * s7.f * s8.d * s8.e * s8.f * s9.d * s9.e * s9.f = 362880 and s7.g * s7.h * s7.i * s8.g * s8.h * s8.i * s9.g * s9.h * s9.i = 362880 where s1.a + s1.d + s1.g + s4.a + s4.d + s4.g + s7.a + s7.d + s7.g = 45 and s1.b + s1.e + s1.h + s4.b + s4.e + s4.h + s7.b + s7.e + s7.h = 45 and s1.c + s1.f + s1.i + s4.c + s4.f + s4.i + s7.c + s7.f + s7.i = 45 and s2.a + s2.d + s2.g + s5.a + s5.d + s5.g + s8.a + s8.d + s8.g = 45 and s2.b + s2.e + s2.h + s5.b + s5.e + s5.h + s8.b + s8.e + s8.h = 45 and s2.c + s2.f + s2.i + s5.c + s5.f + s5.i + s8.c + s8.f + s8.i = 45 and s3.a + s3.d + s3.g + s6.a + s6.d + s6.g + s9.a + s9.d + s9.g = 45 and s3.b + s3.e + s3.h + s6.b + s6.e + s6.h + s9.b + s9.e + s9.h = 45 and s3.c + s3.f + s3.i + s6.c + s6.f + s6.i + s9.c + s9.f + s9.i = 45 and s1.a * s1.d * s1.g * s4.a * s4.d * s4.g * s7.a * s7.d * s7.g = 362880 and s1.b * s1.e * s1.h * s4.b * s4.e * s4.h * s7.b * s7.e * s7.h = 362880 and s1.c * s1.f * s1.i * s4.c * s4.f * s4.i * s7.c * s7.f * s7.i = 362880 and s2.a * s2.d * s2.g * s5.a * s5.d * s5.g * s8.a * s8.d * s8.g = 362880 and s2.b * s2.e * s2.h * s5.b * s5.e * s5.h * s8.b * s8.e * s8.h = 362880 and s2.c * s2.f * s2.i * s5.c * s5.f * s5.i * s8.c * s8.f * s8.i = 362880 and s3.a * s3.d * s3.g * s6.a * s6.d * s6.g * s9.a * s9.d * s9.g = 362880 and s3.b * s3.e * s3.h * s6.b * s6.e * s6.h * s9.b * s9.e * s9.h = 362880 and s3.c * s3.f * s3.i * s6.c * s6.f * s6.i * s9.c * s9.f * s9.i = 362880
rockmoose |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
6065 Posts |
Posted - 2005-07-09 : 16:18:39
I hope you folks don't mind that I re awakened this thread. My local paper (Washington Post) just started printing these puzzles. I did a few of them the old fasioned way (instead of my usual crossword) and decided to try to create a programmatic tsql version of the algorithm I used to do them manually. It ended up to be variations of Arnold's and Corey's versions. It only solves for the first solution it finds but it works pretty quickly (the easy ones are sub-second and tough ones are between 1 and 3 seconds on my laptop depending on the luck of random choices for whatIf scenarios). Anyway, here it is:
EDIT: (new version)
set nocount on
declare @numbers table (n int) declare @p table (r int, c int, q int, v int, vType varchar(15)) declare @possibleVals table (r int, c int, q int, v int) declare @selectedVals table (r int, c int, q int, v int) declare @distinctVals table (v int)
declare @i tinyint ,@row int ,@col int ,@quad int ,@val int ,@vType varchar(15) ,@pStr varchar(90) ,@valcount int ,@lastcount int ,@origCount int ,@loopCount int ,@whatIfAttempts int ,@puzzleResult varchar(9)
insert @numbers select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9
--============================================================ --Set up the puzzle
--pretty easy one from Washington Post set @pStr = '-7-1-2-9-' + '---564---' + '--6---1--' + '--4---9--' + '-157-832-' + '--7---6--' + '--9---2--' + '---359---' + '-4-6-7-8-'
--No 1 from Arnold/Corey posts (easy) set @pStr = ' 5 7 ' + ' 61 39 ' + '7 5 8' + ' 839 716 ' + ' ' + ' 218 439 ' + '3 9 6' + ' 75 82 ' + ' 8 4 '
--No 76 from Arnold/Corey posts (diabolical) set @pStr = ' 1 4 ' + '95 17' + ' 78 56 ' + '4 97 5 ' + ' 8 ' + ' 3 54 1' + ' 62 41 ' + '19 86' + ' 7 9 '
--medium easy one from Washington Post set @pStr = '1------45' + '2--7--8--' + '-8--69---' + '--2-5--1-' + '--41-37--' + '-1--4-5--' + '---98--3-' + '--6--1--8' + '84------1'
--No 76 from Arnold/Corey posts (diabolical) set @pStr = ' 1 4 ' + '95 17' + ' 78 56 ' + '4 97 5 ' + ' 8 ' + ' 3 54 1' + ' 62 41 ' + '19 86' + ' 7 9 '
--virtually empty, many possible solutions set @pStr = ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '1 '
--invalid setup test set @pStr = ' ' + ' ' + '1 ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + ' ' + '1 '
--No 69 from Arnold/Corey posts (diabolical) set @pStr = ' 81 65' + '51 67 8' + ' ' + ' 9 4 3 ' + ' 61 97 ' + ' 5 3 8 ' + ' ' + '6 78 93' + '17 59 '
set @pStr = replace(@pStr, ' ', '-')
select @vType = 'Original' ,@i = 1 while @i < 82 begin select @row = ceiling(@i/9.00) ,@col = isnull(nullif(@i%9,0),9) ,@quad = case when @row between 1 and 3 then case when @col between 1 and 3 then 1 when @col between 4 and 6 then 2 when @col between 7 and 9 then 3 end when @row between 4 and 6 then case when @col between 1 and 3 then 4 when @col between 4 and 6 then 5 when @col between 7 and 9 then 6 end when @row between 7 and 9 then case when @col between 1 and 3 then 7 when @col between 4 and 6 then 8 when @col between 7 and 9 then 9 end end ,@val = nullif(substring(@pStr,@i,1),'-') ,@i = @i+1
insert @p (r,c,q,v,vType) values (@row, @col, @quad, @val, @vType) end
--find out if puzzle can be solved (invalid setup) if exists(select 'tg' from @p where v is not null group by r,v having count(*) > 1) or exists(select 'tg' from @p where v is not null group by c,v having count(*) > 1) or exists(select 'tg' from @p where v is not null group by q,v having count(*) > 1) begin print 'puzzle has invalid set up. It violates the rules' return end
--print puzzle setup set @pStr = '' set @i = 1 while @i < 82 begin select @row = ceiling(@i/9.00) ,@col = isnull(nullif(@i%9,0),9) ,@i = @i+1
select @val = v from @p where r = @row and c = @col
select @pStr = @pStr + isNull(convert(varchar,v),'-') from @p where r = @row and c = @col
if @col = 9 set @pStr = @pStr + char(13) end
select @pStr [puzzleSetup]
--============================================================ --solve the puzzle
select @origCount = count(*) ,@loopcount = 0 ,@whatIfAttempts = 0 from @p where v is not null
--For different whatif scenario, start over from here TryAgain:
if @WhatIfAttempts > 10 goto cutprint
--set/reset puzzle to point before 1st whatIf scenario update @p set v = null ,vType = 'Original' where vType like 'WhatIf%'
select @valCount = count(*) ,@lastCount = 0 ,@vType = 'Original' from @p where v is not null
--start loop to solve while (@valcount <> @lastcount and @valcount < 81) or @valcount = 0 begin --reinitialize vars for next loop select @lastcount = @valcount ,@loopCount = @loopCount + 1 ,@vType = case when @vType like 'WhatIf%' then 'WhatIfOneValue' else 'OneValue' end
--reinitialize tabel vars for next loop delete @possibleVals delete @selectedVals delete @distinctVals
--insert all possible values for each position to @possibleVals table --based on known values in each row, column, and quadrant insert @possibleVals (r,c,q,v) select a.r, a.c, a.q, b.n from @p a cross join @numbers b where b.n not in ( select v from @p where r = a.r and v is not null union select v from @p where c = a.c and v is not null union select v from @p where q = a.q and v is not null ) and v is null
if @@rowcount = 0 begin --this could happen for an incorrect WhatIf scenario set @whatIfAttempts = @whatIfAttempts + 1 goto tryAgain end
-------------------------------------------------------------------- --all sections must solve for only one possible solution at a time --if this puzzle has multiple solutions, don't allow a column, row, --or quadrant to have a repeated value.
--get a distinct list of possible values insert @distinctVals select distinct v from (--get all values where the position has only one possible value select min(v) v from @possibleVals group by r,c having count(*) = 1 ) a
-------------------------------------------------------------------- --This section sets the value for all positions where there is --only one possible value based on known values in the position's --row, column, or quadrant.
while @@rowcount > 0 begin --get 1 position for each distinct value insert @selectedVals (r,c,q,v) select a.r, a.c, a.q, a.v from @possibleVals a join (--only one position for each distinct value select min( (r*10)+c ) rc, a.v from @distinctVals a join (--only positions with 1 possible value select r, c, min(v) v from @possibleVals group by r,c having count(*) = 1 ) b on a.v = b.v group by a.v ) b on a.v = b.v and (a.r*10)+a.c = rc where not exists ( select 'tg' from @selectedVals where v = a.v and (r = a.r or c = a.c or q = a.q) ) end
--@selectedVals now contains every position that --has only 1 possible value for this possible solution tree. update a set a.v = b.v ,a.vType = @vType from @p a join @selectedVals b on a.r = b.r and a.c = b.c where a.v is null
--increment counts from last statement and get new valuecount select @valcount = count(*) from @p where v is not null
-------------------------------------------------------------------- --This section sets the value for all positions where there are --at least 2 possible values. Check for any position in a given --row, column, or quadrant that is the only position in that rol, --column or quadrant that could be set to a single value. --(gotta be this value) only do this section if the previous section --set no new values.
if @valcount = @lastcount and exists (select 'tg' from @p where v is null) begin set @vType = case when @vType like 'WhatIf%' then 'WhatIfGottaBee' else 'GottaBee' end
------------------------------------------- --get gottabees by column insert @selectedVals (r,c,q,v) select a.r, a.c, a.q, b.v from @possibleVals a join (-- select c, v from @possibleVals group by c,v having count(*) = 1 ) b on a.c = b.c and a.v = b.v
--get gottabees by row insert @selectedVals (r,c,q,v) select a.r, a.c, a.q, b.v from @possibleVals a join ( select r, v from @possibleVals group by r,v having count(*) = 1 ) b on a.r = b.r and a.v = b.v where not exists ( select 'tg' from @selectedVals where v = b.v and r = a.r and c = a.c and q = a.q)
--get gottabees by quadrant insert @selectedVals (r,c,q,v) select a.r, a.c, a.q, b.v from @possibleVals a join ( select q, v from @possibleVals group by q,v having count(*) = 1 ) b on a.q = b.q and a.v = b.v where not exists ( select 'tg' from @selectedVals where v = b.v and r = a.r and c = a.c and q = a.q)
update a set a.v = b.v ,a.vType = @vType from @p a join @selectedVals b on a.r = b.r and a.c = b.c
select @valcount = count(*) from @p where v is not null ------------------------------------------- end
-------------------------------------------------------------------- --If no new values have been set by the previous 2 sections and the --puzzle is not yet solved then set 1 position value to one of its --possible values as a Wwhat If Scenario. if @valcount = @lastcount and exists (select 'tg' from @p where v is null) begin select @vType = 'WhatIf' ,@WhatIfAttempts = isnull(nullif(@WhatIfAttempts,0),1)
insert @selectedVals (r,c,v) select top 1 b.r, b.c, b.v from (--find a random position that has(or is tied for) the fewest possible values select top 1 r,c from @possibleVals group by r, c order by count(*), newid() ) a join @possibleVals b on a.r = b.r and a.c = b.c order by newid()
update a set a.v = b.v ,a.vType = @vType from @p a join @SelectedVals b on a.r = b.r and a.c = b.c end
select @valcount = count(*) from @p where v is not null end
--couldn't solve the puzzle so try again with a different what if scenario if @valcount < 81 begin set @whatIfAttempts = @whatIfAttempts + 1 goto TryAgain end
--============================================================ --print solved puzzle and solving statistics
set @pStr = '' set @i = 1 while @i < 82 begin select @row = ceiling(@i/9.00) ,@col = isnull(nullif(@i%9,0),9) ,@i = @i+1
select @val = v from @p where r = @row and c = @col
select @pStr = @pStr + isNull(convert(varchar,v),'-') from @p where r = @row and c = @col
if @col = 9 set @pStr = @pStr + char(13) end
--print puzzle select @pStr [PuzzleSolved]
--find out if its correct or not if exists(select 'tg' from @p group by r having sum(v) <> 45 or count(distinct v) <> 9) or exists(select 'tg' from @p group by c having sum(v) <> 45 or count(distinct v) <> 9) or exists(select 'tg' from @p group by q having sum(v) <> 45 or count(distinct v) <> 9) set @puzzleResult = 'Incorrect' else set @puzzleResult = 'Correct'
--print stats select Category, result from ( select 1 rowid, 'PuzzleResult' category, @PuzzleResult result union select 2, 'TotalLoopsToSolve', convert(varchar,@loopcount) union select 3, 'WhatIfScenarioCount', convert(varchar,@WhatIfAttempts) union select case when vType = 'Original' then 4 when vType = 'OneValue' then 5 when vType = 'GottaBee' then 6 when vType = 'WhatIf' then 7 when vType = 'WhatIfOneValue' then 8 else 9 end ,case when vType = 'Original' then 'OriginalValueCount' when vType = 'OneValue' then 'OnePossibleVal-Count' when vType = 'GottaBee' then 'GottaBee-Count' when vType = 'WhatIf' then 'WhatIf-Count' when vType = 'WhatIfOneValue' then 'WhatIfOneValue-Count' else 'WhatIfGottaBee-count' end ,convert(varchar,count(*)) from @p group by vType ) a order by rowid
Be One with the Optimizer TG |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2005-07-09 : 21:15:02
TG, very fast. For scenario 69, the results are a bit random on my computer. Sometimes a correct, and sometimes an incorrect solution is given, example wrong solution of #69 on my pc:
puzzleSetup ----------- ---81--65 51--67--8 --------- -9---4-3- -61---97- -5-3---8- --------- 6--78--93 17--59---
PuzzleSolved ------------ 749813265 514967328 836245719 298174536 361528974 457396182 984432657 625781493 173659842
TotalLoopsToSolve ----------------- 41
A repost with more Formatted Code, than my previous post, somewhat rewritten: This runs in 5 sec on my PC. Given the number of combinations of the 9 table crossjoin (18.114.969.600), and the "neat" where clause, The query optimizer is very very good at shortcircuiting the # of evaluated combinations, the vast majority are discarded very early in the process.
drop table triple drop table #sqrs DROP TABLE #SudokuProblem GO
create table #SudokuProblem ( problemNo int PRIMARY KEY, difficulty varchar(10) NOT NULL, notes varchar(200) NOT NULL, settings char(81) NOT NULL UNIQUE )
insert #SudokuProblem select 1,'easy','can be done just applying prune',' 5 7 61 39 7 5 8 839 716 218 439 3 9 6 75 82 8 4 ' union all select 2,'easy','this needs pick too',' 3 515 2 64 7 5 63 7 2 7 8 6 4 21 7 8 81 6 917 5 ' union all select 3,'tough','this one''s broken: there are 4 possible solutions','2 7 17324 76 268 6 1 8 3 984 14 92568 3 5' union all select 4,'diabolical','',' 2 6 8 58 97 4 37 5 6 4 8 13 2 98 36 3 6 9 ' union all select 5,'gentle','','4 9 7 8 562 391 1 5 9 1 1 3 2 6 8 3 9 918 567 6 8 5 2' union all select 6,'moderate','','83 1 6 7 5 9 8 6 5 9 4 6 9 3 9 7 5 9 2 1 8 9 6 87' union all select 7,'moderate','',' 3 6 2 8 19 34 9 5 7 3 5 1 8 9 7 2 7 2 83 46 4 5 7 9 ' union all select 8,'moderate','',' 356 9 8 49 8 65 85 12 94 17 64 1 91 8 2 963 ' union all select 9,'gentle','','7 2 426 93 9 5 8 7 61 6 3 32 9 5 1 2 19 758 3 6' union all select 10,'moderate','',' 6 1 7 2 95 82 45 38 51 29 91 86 86 53 8 9 5 4 ' union all select 11,'moderate','',' 56 421 9 86 2 7 8 4 1 5 3 1 8 7 1 9 47 2 639 41 ' union all select 12,'tough','',' 1282 4 9 7 7 3 4 1 2 3 5 8 6 9 1 7 6 1 9 2 3 7528 ' union all select 13,'diabolical','',' 125 487 75 23 41 87 2 5 4 34 95 48 17 357 169 ' union all select 49,'diabolical','',' 6 29 4 5 3 7 14 7 54 53 24 12 3 54 1 6 8 5 82 5 ' union all select 55,'diabolical','','2 3 8 4 62 3 138 39 5 7 6 1 32 914 6 25 8 9 1 2' union all select 62,'diabolical','',' 4 6 51 9 6 8 3 47 1 62 8 6 47 5 13 4 6 1 2 38 6 9 ' union all select 69,'diabolical','',' 81 6551 67 8 9 4 3 61 97 5 3 8 6 78 9317 59 ' union all select 76,'diabolical','',' 1 4 95 17 78 56 4 97 5 8 3 54 1 62 41 19 86 7 9 ' union all select 101,'diabolical','pretty easy one from Washington Post',' 7 1 2 9 564 6 1 4 9 157 832 7 6 9 2 359 4 6 7 8 ' union all select 141,'diabolical','medium easy one from Washington Post','1 452 7 8 8 69 2 5 1 41 37 1 4 5 98 3 6 1 884 1'
declare @problemNo int set @problemNo = 69 ----------------<-------------------- CHOOSE PROBLEM
declare @n table(n tinyint primary key) declare @hgrid table(line tinyint primary key, nbrs varchar(9)) declare @vgrid table(line tinyint primary key, nbrs varchar(9)) create table #sqrs(s int, a int, b int, c int, d int, e int, f int, g int, h int, i int) create table triple(a tinyint, b tinyint, c tinyint, primary key(a,b,c))
insert @n select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9
insert triple select * from @n n1, @n n2, @n n3 where n1.n <> n2.n and n1.n <> n3.n and n2.n <> n3.n
insert @hgrid(line,nbrs) select n ,substring(settings,1 + (n-1)*9,9) from #SudokuProblem cross join @n where problemNo = @problemNo
declare @nbrs varchar(9), @i int, @h int, @v int set @i = 1 while @i < 10 begin set @nbrs = '' select @nbrs = @nbrs + substring(nbrs,@i,1) from @hgrid insert @vgrid(line,nbrs) select @i, @nbrs set @i = @i + 1 end
set @i = 1 while @i < 10 begin select @h = 3*((@i-1)%3), @v = 3*((@i-1)/3)
insert #sqrs select @i as s, t1.a a ,t1.b b ,t1.c c, t2.a d ,t2.b e ,t2.c f, t3.a g ,t3.b h ,t3.c i from triple t1 join triple t2 on (t1.a <> t2.a and t1.a <> t2.b and t1.a <> t2.c) and (t1.b <> t2.a and t1.b <> t2.b and t1.b <> t2.c) and (t1.c <> t2.a and t1.c <> t2.b and t1.c <> t2.c) join triple t3 on (t1.a <> t3.a and t1.a <> t3.b and t1.a <> t3.c) and (t1.b <> t3.a and t1.b <> t3.b and t1.b <> t3.c) and (t1.c <> t3.a and t1.c <> t3.b and t1.c <> t3.c) and (t2.a <> t3.a and t2.a <> t3.b and t2.a <> t3.c) and (t2.b <> t3.a and t2.b <> t3.b and t2.b <> t3.c) and (t2.c <> t3.a and t2.c <> t3.b and t2.c <> t3.c) join @hgrid h1 on h1.line = 1 + @v join @vgrid v1 on v1.line = 1 + @h join @hgrid h2 on h2.line = 2 + @v join @vgrid v2 on v2.line = 2 + @h join @hgrid h3 on h3.line = 3 + @v join @vgrid v3 on v3.line = 3 + @h where ( cast(t1.a as char(1)) = substring(h1.nbrs,1 + @h,1) or (substring(h1.nbrs,1 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t1.a as char(1)),h1.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t1.a as char(1)),v1.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t1.b as char(1)) = substring(h1.nbrs,2 + @h,1) or (substring(h1.nbrs,2 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t1.b as char(1)),h1.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t1.b as char(1)),v2.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t1.c as char(1)) = substring(h1.nbrs,3 + @h,1) or (substring(h1.nbrs,3 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t1.c as char(1)),h1.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t1.c as char(1)),v3.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t2.a as char(1)) = substring(h2.nbrs,1 + @h,1) or (substring(h2.nbrs,1 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t2.a as char(1)),h2.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t2.a as char(1)),v1.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t2.b as char(1)) = substring(h2.nbrs,2 + @h,1) or (substring(h2.nbrs,2 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t2.b as char(1)),h2.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t2.b as char(1)),v2.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t2.c as char(1)) = substring(h2.nbrs,3 + @h,1) or (substring(h2.nbrs,3 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t2.c as char(1)),h2.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t2.c as char(1)),v3.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t3.a as char(1)) = substring(h3.nbrs,1 + @h,1) or (substring(h3.nbrs,1 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t3.a as char(1)),h3.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t3.a as char(1)),v1.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t3.b as char(1)) = substring(h3.nbrs,2 + @h,1) or (substring(h3.nbrs,2 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t3.b as char(1)),h3.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t3.b as char(1)),v2.nbrs) = 0)) and( cast(t3.c as char(1)) = substring(h3.nbrs,3 + @h,1) or (substring(h3.nbrs,3 + @h,1) = '' and charindex(cast(t3.c as char(1)),h3.nbrs) + charindex(cast(t3.c as char(1)),v3.nbrs) = 0)) set @i = @i + 1 end
select replace(substring(settings,1+(n-1)*9,9),' ','-') as puzzleSetup from #SudokuProblem, @n where problemNo = @problemNo order by n
select cast(exp(sum(log(cnt))) as bigint) as NoOfCombinations from (select s,count(*) as cnt from #sqrs group by s) t
select cast(s1.a as char(1))+cast(s1.b as char(1))+cast(s1.c as char(1))+cast(s2.a as char(1))+cast(s2.b as char(1))+cast(s2.c as char(1))+cast(s3.a as char(1))+cast(s3.b as char(1))+cast(s3.c as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s1.d as char(1))+cast(s1.e as char(1))+cast(s1.f as char(1))+cast(s2.d as char(1))+cast(s2.e as char(1))+cast(s2.f as char(1))+cast(s3.d as char(1))+cast(s3.e as char(1))+cast(s3.f as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s1.g as char(1))+cast(s1.h as char(1))+cast(s1.i as char(1))+cast(s2.g as char(1))+cast(s2.h as char(1))+cast(s2.i as char(1))+cast(s3.g as char(1))+cast(s3.h as char(1))+cast(s3.i as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s4.a as char(1))+cast(s4.b as char(1))+cast(s4.c as char(1))+cast(s5.a as char(1))+cast(s5.b as char(1))+cast(s5.c as char(1))+cast(s6.a as char(1))+cast(s6.b as char(1))+cast(s6.c as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s4.d as char(1))+cast(s4.e as char(1))+cast(s4.f as char(1))+cast(s5.d as char(1))+cast(s5.e as char(1))+cast(s5.f as char(1))+cast(s6.d as char(1))+cast(s6.e as char(1))+cast(s6.f as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s4.g as char(1))+cast(s4.h as char(1))+cast(s4.i as char(1))+cast(s5.g as char(1))+cast(s5.h as char(1))+cast(s5.i as char(1))+cast(s6.g as char(1))+cast(s6.h as char(1))+cast(s6.i as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s7.a as char(1))+cast(s7.b as char(1))+cast(s7.c as char(1))+cast(s8.a as char(1))+cast(s8.b as char(1))+cast(s8.c as char(1))+cast(s9.a as char(1))+cast(s9.b as char(1))+cast(s9.c as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s7.d as char(1))+cast(s7.e as char(1))+cast(s7.f as char(1))+cast(s8.d as char(1))+cast(s8.e as char(1))+cast(s8.f as char(1))+cast(s9.d as char(1))+cast(s9.e as char(1))+cast(s9.f as char(1))+ char(10)+cast(s7.g as char(1))+cast(s7.h as char(1))+cast(s7.i as char(1))+cast(s8.g as char(1))+cast(s8.h as char(1))+cast(s8.i as char(1))+cast(s9.g as char(1))+cast(s9.h as char(1))+cast(s9.i as char(1)) +char(10) as PuzzleSolved from #sqrs s1, #sqrs s2, #sqrs s3, #sqrs s4, #sqrs s5, #sqrs s6, #sqrs s7, #sqrs s8, #sqrs s9 where (s1.s=1 and s2.s=2 and s3.s=3 and s4.s=4 and s5.s=5 and s6.s=6 and s7.s=7 and s8.s=8 and s9.s=9) and (s1.a + s1.b + s1.c + s2.a + s2.b + s2.c + s3.a + s3.b + s3.c = 45 and s1.d + s1.e + s1.f + s2.d + s2.e + s2.f + s3.d + s3.e + s3.f = 45 and s1.g + s1.h + s1.i + s2.g + s2.h + s2.i + s3.g + s3.h + s3.i = 45 and s4.a + s4.b + s4.c + s5.a + s5.b + s5.c + s6.a + s6.b + s6.c = 45 and s4.d + s4.e + s4.f + s5.d + s5.e + s5.f + s6.d + s6.e + s6.f = 45 and s4.g + s4.h + s4.i + s5.g + s5.h + s5.i + s6.g + s6.h + s6.i = 45 and s7.a + s7.b + s7.c + s8.a + s8.b + s8.c + s9.a + s9.b + s9.c = 45 and s7.d + s7.e + s7.f + s8.d + s8.e + s8.f + s9.d + s9.e + s9.f = 45 and s7.g + s7.h + s7.i + s8.g + s8.h + s8.i + s9.g + s9.h + s9.i = 45 and s1.a + s1.d + s1.g + s4.a + s4.d + s4.g + s7.a + s7.d + s7.g = 45 and s1.b + s1.e + s1.h + s4.b + s4.e + s4.h + s7.b + s7.e + s7.h = 45 and s1.c + s1.f + s1.i + s4.c + s4.f + s4.i + s7.c + s7.f + s7.i = 45 and s2.a + s2.d + s2.g + s5.a + s5.d + s5.g + s8.a + s8.d + s8.g = 45 and s2.b + s2.e + s2.h + s5.b + s5.e + s5.h + s8.b + s8.e + s8.h = 45 and s2.c + s2.f + s2.i + s5.c + s5.f + s5.i + s8.c + s8.f + s8.i = 45 and s3.a + s3.d + s3.g + s6.a + s6.d + s6.g + s9.a + s9.d + s9.g = 45 and s3.b + s3.e + s3.h + s6.b + s6.e + s6.h + s9.b + s9.e + s9.h = 45 and s3.c + s3.f + s3.i + s6.c + s6.f + s6.i + s9.c + s9.f + s9.i = 45) and (s1.a * s1.b * s1.c * s2.a * s2.b * s2.c * s3.a * s3.b * s3.c = 362880 and s1.d * s1.e * s1.f * s2.d * s2.e * s2.f * s3.d * s3.e * s3.f = 362880 and s1.g * s1.h * s1.i * s2.g * s2.h * s2.i * s3.g * s3.h * s3.i = 362880 and s4.a * s4.b * s4.c * s5.a * s5.b * s5.c * s6.a * s6.b * s6.c = 362880 and s4.d * s4.e * s4.f * s5.d * s5.e * s5.f * s6.d * s6.e * s6.f = 362880 and s4.g * s4.h * s4.i * s5.g * s5.h * s5.i * s6.g * s6.h * s6.i = 362880 and s7.a * s7.b * s7.c * s8.a * s8.b * s8.c * s9.a * s9.b * s9.c = 362880 and s7.d * s7.e * s7.f * s8.d * s8.e * s8.f * s9.d * s9.e * s9.f = 362880 and s7.g * s7.h * s7.i * s8.g * s8.h * s8.i * s9.g * s9.h * s9.i = 362880 and s1.a * s1.d * s1.g * s4.a * s4.d * s4.g * s7.a * s7.d * s7.g = 362880 and s1.b * s1.e * s1.h * s4.b * s4.e * s4.h * s7.b * s7.e * s7.h = 362880 and s1.c * s1.f * s1.i * s4.c * s4.f * s4.i * s7.c * s7.f * s7.i = 362880 and s2.a * s2.d * s2.g * s5.a * s5.d * s5.g * s8.a * s8.d * s8.g = 362880 and s2.b * s2.e * s2.h * s5.b * s5.e * s5.h * s8.b * s8.e * s8.h = 362880 and s2.c * s2.f * s2.i * s5.c * s5.f * s5.i * s8.c * s8.f * s8.i = 362880 and s3.a * s3.d * s3.g * s6.a * s6.d * s6.g * s9.a * s9.d * s9.g = 362880 and s3.b * s3.e * s3.h * s6.b * s6.e * s6.h * s9.b * s9.e * s9.h = 362880 and s3.c * s3.f * s3.i * s6.c * s6.f * s6.i * s9.c * s9.f * s9.i = 362880)
rockmoose |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2052 Posts |
Posted - 2005-07-12 : 04:10:58
I always wondered if these could be solved using matrix manipulation/linear programming type techniques, aren't they "just" a set of simultaneous linear equations with some contraints?
Alright Brain, you don't like me, and I don't like you. But lets just do this, and I can get back to killing you with beer. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
6065 Posts |
Posted - 2005-07-15 : 13:52:39
quote: TG, very fast. For scenario 69, the results are a bit random on my computer. Sometimes a correct, and sometimes an incorrect solution is given, example wrong solution of #69 on my pc:
Yep, the Washington Post puzzles only have 1 possible solution so when I wrote my version I didn't think about the possibility of multiple solutions. I've beefed up my verion to only solve for one solution at a time. If it hits a wall it tries a different "what if" scenario.
I also added a puzzle with only 1 pre-set value. It still finishes pretty quickly (about 7 seconds). I think that one is a killer for the brute force versions like Rockmoose's. Although, I am very impressed with the approach and the efficiency his considering the extreme number of possible combinations.
Because of the length of the code I'm just going to update my original, flawed post with the corrected version. What a fun waste of time this has been (Thanks nr!)
Be One with the Optimizer TG |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2005-07-15 : 14:25:09
>> I think that one is a killer for the brute force versions like Rockmoose's
Yes, it will definitely not work. However, to find an answer, You can always add any random pre-sets You want, as long as You don't change the originals, it will give a correct answer if any answer is found.
I did a test, for fun, by removing some pre-sets, I aborted this after 15 min, it had found ~ 70 Answers by then. here are the first 3...
[/code]puzzleSetup ----------- 1------45 2--7--8-- -8--69--- --2-5--1- --41-37-- -1--4-5-- ---98---- --------- ---------
select 7*9888*108*6*96*32*6*11304*56*6*100 as NoOfCombinations -------------------------------------------------------------- Server: Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 112 Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type bigint.
Answer is : 313.996.922.537.272.934.400
PuzzleSolved -------------------------------------------------------------------- 179328645 246715839 385469127 932857416 564193782 718246593 651982374 897634251 423571968
179328645 246715839 385469127 932857416 564193782 718246593 651982374 827634951 493571268
179328645 246715839 385469127 932857416 654193782 718246593 561982374 897634251 423571968[/code]
rockmoose |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-03 : 12:14:16
New Scientist published an article on Sudoku (24/31 December 2005) that gave three examples:
-- New Scientist - minimum usage of 17 "hints" (a) set @pStr = '1-----7--' + '2--------' + '---3-----' + '78--6----' + '---4---3-' + '---------' + '-341---5-' + '-5--786--' + '--7---1--'
-- New Scientist - minimum usage of 17 "hints" (b) set @pStr = '------6-1' + '-4-2-----' + '---------' + '---7---2-' + '13-------' + '5--4-----' + '4-2-1----' + '----563--' + '-------8-'
-- New Scientist - Max. hints with no solution set @pStr = '281675934' + '96--81572' + '57--29816' + '725148693' + '316792458' + '849536721' + '197863245' + '438257169' + '652914387'
which talks about software to generate a puzzle AND establish the level of difficulty in solving it, whilst at the same time making puzzles which are as fun to solve as the human generated one in the newspapers / books etc.
So some SQL to generate interesting-to-solve puzzles would be good chaps ...
Kristen |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-03 : 15:24:06
Don't tell me you're still solving soduko puzzles after this thread Kristen !?
I don't think they have solved/proved the smallest number of hints necessary to make a solvable puzzle. Is 17 the smallest known still? Excuse my poor search engine skills...
rockmoose |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-03 : 18:02:04
Oh.... by the way... I built a new solver... it usually only takes 8-10 steps, and solves all but the tough and diabolical. I'll figure that out later 
Drop Table #SudokuProblem Drop Table #SudokuGrid GO
create table #SudokuProblem ( problemNo int PRIMARY KEY, difficulty varchar(10) NOT NULL, notes varchar(200) NOT NULL, settings char(81) NOT NULL UNIQUE )
insert #SudokuProblem select 1,'easy','can be done just applying prune',' 5 7 61 39 7 5 8 839 716 218 439 3 9 6 75 82 8 4 ' union all select 2,'easy','this needs pick too',' 3 515 2 64 7 5 63 7 2 7 8 6 4 21 7 8 81 6 917 5 ' union all select 200,'easy','this needs pick too',' 3 8 515 2 164 7 5 6347 2 798 6 4521 7 8 3 814 6 9179 6 5 ' union all select 3,'tough','this one''s broken: there are 4 possible solutions','2 7 17324 76 268 6 1 8 3 984 14 92568 3 5' union all select 4,'diabolical','',' 2 6 8 58 97 4 37 5 6 4 8 13 2 98 36 3 6 9 ' union all select 5,'gentle','','4 9 7 8 562 391 1 5 9 1 1 3 2 6 8 3 9 918 567 6 8 5 2' union all select 6,'moderate','','83 1 6 7 5 9 8 6 5 9 4 6 9 3 9 7 5 9 2 1 8 9 6 87' union all select 7,'moderate','',' 3 6 2 8 19 34 9 5 7 3 5 1 8 9 7 2 7 2 83 46 4 5 7 9 ' union all select 8,'moderate','',' 356 9 8 49 8 65 85 12 94 17 64 1 91 8 2 963 ' union all select 9,'gentle','','7 2 426 93 9 5 8 7 61 6 3 32 9 5 1 2 19 758 3 6' union all select 10,'moderate','',' 6 1 7 2 95 82 45 38 51 29 91 86 86 53 8 9 5 4 ' union all select 11,'moderate','',' 56 421 9 86 2 7 8 4 1 5 3 1 8 7 1 9 47 2 639 41 ' union all select 12,'tough','',' 1282 4 9 7 7 3 4 1 2 3 5 8 6 9 1 7 6 1 9 2 3 7528 ' union all select 13,'diabolical','',' 125 487 75 23 41 87 2 5 4 34 95 48 17 357 169 ' union all select 49,'diabolical','',' 6 29 4 5 3 7 14 7 54 53 24 12 3 54 1 6 8 5 82 5 ' union all select 55,'diabolical','','2 3 8 4 62 3 138 39 5 7 6 1 32 914 6 25 8 9 1 2' union all select 62,'diabolical','',' 4 6 51 9 6 8 3 47 1 62 8 6 47 5 13 4 6 1 2 38 6 9 ' union all select 69,'diabolical','',' 81 6551 67 8 9 4 3 61 97 5 3 8 6 78 9317 59 ' union all select 76,'diabolical','',' 1 4 95 17 78 56 4 97 5 8 3 54 1 62 41 19 86 7 9 ' union all select 101,'diabolical','pretty easy one from Washington Post',' 7 1 2 9 564 6 1 4 9 157 832 7 6 9 2 359 4 6 7 8 ' union all select 141,'diabolical','medium easy one from Washington Post','1 452 7 8 8 69 2 5 1 41 37 1 4 5 98 3 6 1 884 1'
declare @problemNo int set @problemNo = 141 ----------------<-------------------- CHOOSE PROBLEM
declare @n table(n tinyint primary key)
insert @n select 1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5 union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9
Delete From #SudokuProblem Where problemNo <> @problemNo
Select row = Row.n, col = Col.n, grid = ((Col.n-1)/3+1)*10 + ((Row.n-1)/3+1), Data = convert(int,nullif(substring(settings,(Row.n-1)*9 + Col.n,1),' ')) Into #SudokuGrid From #SudokuProblem Cross Join @n Col Cross Join @n Row
Declare @counter int, @currentGrid varchar(1000) Set @counter = 0
Select count(*) From #SudokuGrid Where Data is null
Set @currentGrid = null Select @currentGrid = isnull(@currentGrid,'') + isnull(convert(varchar,Data),' ') From #SudokuGrid Order by row, col Select Step=@counter, Unsolved = count(*), @currentGrid From #SudokuGrid Where Data is null
Set @counter = @counter + 1
While (@counter < 20 and (Select count(*) From #SudokuGrid Where Data is null)>0) Begin Drop Table #options
Select Z.row, Z.col, Z.grid, Z.Data, n = Y.n, Y = Y.n, X = X.n, W = W.n Into #options From (Select A.* From #SudokuGrid A Where Data is null) Z Inner Join ( Select A.row, n From (Select distinct row, n From #SudokuGrid, @n) A Left Join (Select row, Data From #SudokuGrid Where Data is not null) B On A.row = B.row and A.n = B.Data Where is null ) Y On Z.row = Y.row Inner Join ( Select A.col, n From (Select distinct col, n From #SudokuGrid, @n) A Left Join (Select col, Data From #SudokuGrid Where Data is not null) B On A.col = B.col and A.n = B.Data Where is null ) X On Z.col = X.col Inner Join ( Select A.grid, n From (Select distinct Grid, n From #SudokuGrid, @n) A Left Join (Select grid, Data From #SudokuGrid Where Data is not null) B On A.grid = B.grid and A.n = B.Data Where is null ) W On Z.grid = W.grid Where Y.n = X.n and X.n = W.n
Update #SudokuGrid Set Data = n From #SudokuGrid Z Inner Join ( Select Z.* From #options Z Inner Join ( Select grid, n From #options A Group By grid, n Having count(*) = 1 ) Y On Z.grid = Y.grid and Z.n = Y.n Union Select Z.* From #options Z Inner Join ( Select col, n From #options A Group By col, n Having count(*) = 1 ) Y On Z.col = Y.col and Z.n = Y.n Union Select Z.* From #options Z Inner Join ( Select row, n From #options A Group By row, n Having count(*) = 1 ) Y On Z.row = Y.row and Z.n = Y.n Union Select A.* From #options A Inner Join ( Select row, col From #options Group by row, col having count(*) = 1 ) B On A.row = B.row and A.col = B.col ) Y On Z.row = Y.row and Z.col = Y.col
Set @currentGrid = null Select @currentGrid = isnull(@currentGrid,'') + isnull(convert(varchar,Data),' ') From #SudokuGrid Order by row, col /* --Step by step solution Select Step=@counter, Unsolved = count(*), @currentGrid From #SudokuGrid Where Data is null */
Select @Counter = @Counter + 1 End
Select Step=@counter-1, Unsolved = count(*), @currentGrid From #SudokuGrid Where Data is null
--Select * From #SudokuGrid
 Co-worker on children "...when I have children, I'm going to beat them. Not because their bad, but becuase I think it would be fun ..." |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-01-04 : 08:08:56
"I don't think they have solved/proved the smallest number of hints necessary to make a solvable puzzle. Is 17 the smallest known still?"
Haven't got the New Scientist in front of me, but IIRC the article said that 17 was the fewest possible number of hints, but that 17 hints didn't imply difficultly - I think their two examples were of Easy / Hard, but the article wasn't clear on why they gave two 17-hint examples.
Kristen |
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