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Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2005-03-29 : 19:25:35
This script is for an in-line table function, F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE, that generates a number table. The input parameters are the @START_NUMBER and @END_NUMBER. It returns a sorted result set containing all intergers from @START_NUMBER to @END_NUMBER inclusive.This is an improved version of a script that I posted on a topic a few weeks ago. I modified it to cross join fewer tables based on powers of 16, instead of powers of 2, because I found that this compiled and ran much faster for small result sets (less than 10,000 rows).This is the link to the other post: QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GOSET ANSI_NULLS ON GOif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjectswhere id = object_id(N'[dbo].[F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))drop function [dbo].[F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE]GOcreate function dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE( @START_NUMBER int, @END_NUMBER int)/*This function returns an integer table containing all integersin the range of@START_NUMBER through @END_NUMBER, inclusive.The maximum number of rows that this function can returnis 16777216.*/returns table asreturn(select top 100 percent NUMBER = (a.NUMBER+b.NUMBER)+ -- Add the starting number for the final result set -- The case is needed, because the start and end -- numbers can be passed in any order case when @START_NUMBER <= @END_NUMBER then @START_NUMBER else @END_NUMBER endfrom ( Select top 100 percent NUMBER = convert(int,N01+N02+N03) From -- Cross rows from 3 tables based on powers of 16 -- Maximum number of rows from cross join is 4096, 0 to 4095 ( select N01 = 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9 union all select 10 union all select 11 union all select 12 union all select 13 union all select 14 union all select 15 ) n01 cross join ( select N02 = 0 union all select 16 union all select 32 union all select 48 union all select 64 union all select 80 union all select 96 union all select 112 union all select 128 union all select 144 union all select 160 union all select 176 union all select 192 union all select 208 union all select 224 union all select 240 ) n02 cross join ( select N03 = 0 union all select 256 union all select 512 union all select 768 union all select 1024 union all select 1280 union all select 1536 union all select 1792 union all select 2048 union all select 2304 union all select 2560 union all select 2816 union all select 3072 union all select 3328 union all select 3584 union all select 3840 ) n03 where -- Minimize the number of rows crossed by selecting only rows -- with a value less the the square root of rows needed. N01+N02+N03 < -- Square root of total rows rounded up to next whole number convert(int,ceiling(sqrt(abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1))) order by 1 ) a cross join ( Select top 100 percent NUMBER = convert(int, (N01+N02+N03) * -- Square root of total rows rounded up to next whole number convert(int,ceiling(sqrt(abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1))) ) From -- Cross rows from 3 tables based on powers of 16 -- Maximum number of rows from cross join is 4096, 0 to 4095 ( select N01 = 0 union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9 union all select 10 union all select 11 union all select 12 union all select 13 union all select 14 union all select 15 ) n01 cross join ( select N02 = 0 union all select 16 union all select 32 union all select 48 union all select 64 union all select 80 union all select 96 union all select 112 union all select 128 union all select 144 union all select 160 union all select 176 union all select 192 union all select 208 union all select 224 union all select 240 ) n02 cross join ( select N03 = 0 union all select 256 union all select 512 union all select 768 union all select 1024 union all select 1280 union all select 1536 union all select 1792 union all select 2048 union all select 2304 union all select 2560 union all select 2816 union all select 3072 union all select 3328 union all select 3584 union all select 3840 ) n03 where -- Minimize the number of rows crossed by selecting only rows -- with a value less the the square root of rows needed. N01+N02+N03 < -- Square root of total rows rounded up to next whole number convert(int,ceiling(sqrt(abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1))) order by 1 ) bwhere a.NUMBER+b.NUMBER < -- Total number of rows abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1 and -- Check that the number of rows to be returned -- is less than or equal to the maximum of 16777216 case when abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1 <= 16777216 then 1 else 0 end = 1order by 1)GOGRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE] TO [public]GO-- Demo using the function to ruturn numbers 1 to 2000select NUMBER from dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE(1,2000)-- Demo using the function to ruturn numbers -1500 to 2000select NUMBER from dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE(-1500,2000) CODO ERGO SUM |
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 2005-08-17 : 22:38:50
Hi Michael Valentine Jones, I thing this function return the same resultCREATE FUNCTION xf_TableNumberRange(@nMin INT, @nMax INT)RETURNS @t TABLE (number INT) AS BEGIN DECLARE @i INT SET @i = @nMin WHILE @i <= @nMax BEGIN INSERT INTO @t (number) VALUES (@i) SELECT @i = @i + 1 END RETURNEND |
Starting Member
7 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-20 : 14:40:49
Michael,very cool...and fast thanksHunglechyes you get the same result....but try thisselect NUMBER from dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE(1,100000)select NUMBER from dbo.xf_TableNumberRange(1,100000)Michael's is much fasterBert |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2005-09-21 : 13:14:32
Some more functions over here in this thread.[url][/url]MVJ's looks very fast. |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-08-22 : 17:58:30
Interesting results!declare @a int, @b intselect @a = 1, @b = 10select * from F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE(@a, @b)select * from F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE(1, 10)select * from F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE(@a, @b-1) I am using SQL Server 2008, and the first resultset is15926103748 and the second resultset is12345678910 And the third resultset147258369 E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2007-08-22 : 18:08:30
Guess it doesn't pay any attention to the TOP with the ORDER BY.Maybe they'll fix it by the time it goes RTM. Or maybe it's an new "feature".CODO ERGO SUM |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-08-22 : 18:17:19
That was expected. I was more curious about the order of them.Hardcoded value went great, variables {1, 10} is not ok...BUT! Variables {1, 9} got another order than {1, 10} E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2007-08-22 : 19:43:44
They do say that order is unspecified if there is no ORDER BY clause in a select. Maybe the query engine is coded to ignore the order by in the function if the outer query does not have an ORDER BY.CODO ERGO SUM |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-08-23 : 03:36:21
That's true.I reacted to the difference in output, for same function and same connected session, only by sending hard-coded values vs @variable values. E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Starting Member
8 Posts |
Posted - 2007-08-23 : 18:23:57
Further to this - I am using SQL Server 2005 and replacing the first occurence of'select top 100 percent'with'select top (abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1)'seems to return an ordered listUnfortunately this is not an option when I go back to using SQL Server 2000 :) |
In (Som, Ni, Yak)
17689 Posts |
Posted - 2008-01-06 : 21:45:17
recently I need a increment step feature, so made slight modification to the F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE
SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GOSET ANSI_NULLS ON GOIF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjectsWHERE id = object_id(N'[dbo].[F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE_STEP]') AND xtype IN (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE_STEP]GOCREATE FUNCTION dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE_STEP( @START_NUMBER int, @END_NUMBER int, @STEP int)/*This FUNCTION RETURNS an integer TABLE containing ALL integersIN the range of@START_NUMBER through @END_NUMBER, inclusive.The maximum number of rows that this FUNCTION can RETURNIS 16777216.*/RETURNS TABLE ASRETURN(SELECT TOP 100 percent NUMBER = (a.NUMBER+b.NUMBER)+ -- ADD the starting number FOR the final result SET -- The CASE IS needed, because the start AND END -- numbers can be passed IN ANY order CASE WHEN @START_NUMBER <= @END_NUMBER THEN @START_NUMBER ELSE @END_NUMBER ENDFROM ( SELECT TOP 100 percent NUMBER = CONVERT(int,N01+N02+N03) FROM -- CROSS rows FROM 3 tables based ON powers of 16 -- Maximum number of rows FROM CROSS JOIN IS 4096, 0 to 4095 ( SELECT N01 = 0 UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 UNION ALL SELECT 5 UNION ALL SELECT 6 UNION ALL SELECT 7 UNION ALL SELECT 8 UNION ALL SELECT 9 UNION ALL SELECT 10 UNION ALL SELECT 11 UNION ALL SELECT 12 UNION ALL SELECT 13 UNION ALL SELECT 14 UNION ALL SELECT 15 ) n01 CROSS JOIN ( SELECT N02 = 0 UNION ALL SELECT 16 UNION ALL SELECT 32 UNION ALL SELECT 48 UNION ALL SELECT 64 UNION ALL SELECT 80 UNION ALL SELECT 96 UNION ALL SELECT 112 UNION ALL SELECT 128 UNION ALL SELECT 144 UNION ALL SELECT 160 UNION ALL SELECT 176 UNION ALL SELECT 192 UNION ALL SELECT 208 UNION ALL SELECT 224 UNION ALL SELECT 240 ) n02 CROSS JOIN ( SELECT N03 = 0 UNION ALL SELECT 256 UNION ALL SELECT 512 UNION ALL SELECT 768 UNION ALL SELECT 1024 UNION ALL SELECT 1280 UNION ALL SELECT 1536 UNION ALL SELECT 1792 UNION ALL SELECT 2048 UNION ALL SELECT 2304 UNION ALL SELECT 2560 UNION ALL SELECT 2816 UNION ALL SELECT 3072 UNION ALL SELECT 3328 UNION ALL SELECT 3584 UNION ALL SELECT 3840 ) n03 WHERE -- Minimize the number of rows crossed BY selecting only rows -- WITH a value less the the square root of rows needed. N01+N02+N03 < -- Square root of total rows rounded up to next whole number CONVERT(int,ceiling(sqrt(abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1))) ORDER BY 1 ) a CROSS JOIN ( SELECT TOP 100 percent NUMBER = CONVERT(int, (N01+N02+N03) * -- Square root of total rows rounded up to next whole number CONVERT(int,ceiling(sqrt(abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1))) ) FROM -- CROSS rows FROM 3 tables based ON powers of 16 -- Maximum number of rows FROM CROSS JOIN IS 4096, 0 to 4095 ( SELECT N01 = 0 UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 UNION ALL SELECT 3 UNION ALL SELECT 4 UNION ALL SELECT 5 UNION ALL SELECT 6 UNION ALL SELECT 7 UNION ALL SELECT 8 UNION ALL SELECT 9 UNION ALL SELECT 10 UNION ALL SELECT 11 UNION ALL SELECT 12 UNION ALL SELECT 13 UNION ALL SELECT 14 UNION ALL SELECT 15 ) n01 CROSS JOIN ( SELECT N02 = 0 UNION ALL SELECT 16 UNION ALL SELECT 32 UNION ALL SELECT 48 UNION ALL SELECT 64 UNION ALL SELECT 80 UNION ALL SELECT 96 UNION ALL SELECT 112 UNION ALL SELECT 128 UNION ALL SELECT 144 UNION ALL SELECT 160 UNION ALL SELECT 176 UNION ALL SELECT 192 UNION ALL SELECT 208 UNION ALL SELECT 224 UNION ALL SELECT 240 ) n02 CROSS JOIN ( SELECT N03 = 0 UNION ALL SELECT 256 UNION ALL SELECT 512 UNION ALL SELECT 768 UNION ALL SELECT 1024 UNION ALL SELECT 1280 UNION ALL SELECT 1536 UNION ALL SELECT 1792 UNION ALL SELECT 2048 UNION ALL SELECT 2304 UNION ALL SELECT 2560 UNION ALL SELECT 2816 UNION ALL SELECT 3072 UNION ALL SELECT 3328 UNION ALL SELECT 3584 UNION ALL SELECT 3840 ) n03 WHERE -- Minimize the number of rows crossed BY selecting only rows -- WITH a value less the the square root of rows needed. N01+N02+N03 < -- Square root of total rows rounded up to next whole number CONVERT(int,ceiling(sqrt(abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1))) ORDER BY 1 ) bWHERE a.NUMBER+b.NUMBER < -- Total number of rows abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1 AND -- CHECK that the number of rows to be returned -- IS less than OR equal to the maximum of 16777216 CASE WHEN abs(@START_NUMBER-@END_NUMBER)+1 <= 16777216 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END = 1AND ((a.NUMBER + b.NUMBER) + CASE WHEN @START_NUMBER <= @END_NUMBER THEN @START_NUMBER ELSE @END_NUMBER END - @START_NUMBER) % @STEP = 0ORDER BY 1)GO-- TEST itSELECT *FROM F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE_STEP(-10, 10, 3) KH[spoiler]Time is always against us[/spoiler] |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
6065 Posts |
Posted - 2009-06-03 : 17:27:03
I can't take credit for this but some very quick tests seems to show that this is actually faster (than F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE). I got the idea from hearing about this blog entry: co-worker described the idea to me before I got the link so my code is a little different then what is posted there but it is basically the same thing. This will return a bunch more numbers too.if object_id('dbo.f_table_numbers') > 0 drop function dbo.f_table_numbersgocreate function dbo.f_table_numbers (@st bigint, @end bigint)returns tableasreturnwith a as (select convert(bigint,0) as n union all select 0), b as (select 0 as n from a as a cross join a as b), c as (select 0 as n from b as a cross join b as b), d as (select 0 as n from c as a cross join c as b), e as (select 0 as n from d as a cross join d as b), f as (select 0 as n from e as a cross join e as b), nums as (select row_number() over (order by (select 1)) as num from f as a cross join f as b)select @st + num - 1 as numfrom numswhere num <= @end-@st+1go Be One with the OptimizerTG |
Transact Charlie
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
3451 Posts |
Posted - 2009-06-12 : 12:14:24
Cheers for the number generator -- very useful. I've changed it a bit though (not in anyway that matters - just personal taste).Don't know if it's any quicker or slower this way but it is shorterCREATE FUNCTION dbo.F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE( @startNumber INT , @endNumber INT)RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN(WITH powers AS ( SELECT [N01], [N02], [N03] FROM ( SELECT [N01] = 0 UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7 UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9 UNION SELECT 10 UNION SELECT 11 UNION SELECT 12 UNION SELECT 13 UNION SELECT 14 UNION SELECT 15 ) NO1 CROSS JOIN ( SELECT [N02] = 0 UNION SELECT 16 UNION SELECT 32 UNION SELECT 48 UNION SELECT 64 UNION SELECT 80 UNION SELECT 96 UNION SELECT 112 UNION SELECT 128 UNION SELECT 144 UNION SELECT 160 UNION SELECT 176 UNION SELECT 192 UNION SELECT 208 UNION SELECT 224 UNION SELECT 240 ) NO2 CROSS JOIN ( SELECT [N03] = 0 UNION SELECT 256 UNION SELECT 512 UNION SELECT 768 UNION SELECT 1024 UNION SELECT 1280 UNION SELECT 1536 UNION SELECT 1792 UNION SELECT 2048 UNION SELECT 2304 UNION SELECT 2560 UNION SELECT 2816 UNION SELECT 3072 UNION SELECT 3328 UNION SELECT 3584 UNION SELECT 3840 ) N03 )SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT [number] = ( a.[number] + b.[number] ) + CASE WHEN @startNumber <= @endNumber THEN @startNumber ELSE @endNumber ENDFROM ( SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT [number] = CAST([N01] + [N02] + [N03] AS INT) FROM powers WHERE [N01] + [N02] + [N03] < CAST(CEILING(SQRT(ABS(@startNumber - @endNumber) + 1 )) AS INT) ORDER BY 1 ) a CROSS JOIN ( SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT [number] = CAST(([N01] + [N02] + [N03]) * CAST(CEILING(SQRT(ABS(@startNumber - @endNumber) + 1 )) AS INT) AS INT) FROM powers WHERE [N01] + [N02] + [N03] < CAST(CEILING(SQRT(ABS(@startNumber - @endNumber) + 1 )) AS INT) ORDER BY 1 ) bWHERE a.[number] + b.[number] < ABS(@startNumber - @endNumber) + 1 AND (16777216 - ABS( @startNumber - @endNumber ) - 1 ) > 0ORDER BY 1)GOGRANT SELECT ON [dbo].[F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE] TO [public]GO áCharlie===============================================================Msg 3903, Level 16, State 1, Line 1736The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2009-06-12 : 12:49:22
Just a note here about version compatibility and other items.The original F_TABLE_NUMBER_RANGE that I posted works with SQL Server versions 2000 or greater.The versions posted by TG and Transact Charlie require SQL Server versions 2005 or greater.The version posted by TG does not appear to allow the range to be entered in any order; the lowest number must be parameter @st and the highest must be @end. The following code returned zero rows:select * from dbo.f_table_numbers(1,-2000) CODO ERGO SUM |