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Aged Yak Warrior
666 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 16:36:34
I have in the past used this particular piece of code in debating the cons and cons of cursors . However, I have been advised that this vicious repetitious monster may well grow from 7 to 42 ! So I'm asking.... Is there any other way to slice this down to a manageable beast?Here's the monster:if exists (select * from XERXES.dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)DROP TABLE [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST]CREATE TABLE [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST]([Name] varchar (30) NULL,[MemberNum] varchar (16) NULL,[COBName] varchar (30) NULL, [COBPolicy#] varchar (10) NULL,[StartDate] varchar (10) NULL, [TermDate] varchar (10) NULL, [COBPriority] varchar (1) NULL,[COBID] varchar (10) NULL,[MedPrimary] varchar (1) NULL,[COBSequence] varchar (6) NULL) INSERT INTO [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST](Name, MemberNum, COBName, COBPolicy#, StartDate, TermDate, COBPriority, COBID, MedPrimary, COBSequence)SELECT MemberName, MemberID, COB1Name, COB1Policy#, COB1EffDt, COB1TermDt, COB1Priority, COB1ID, ' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB1ID' as COBSequenceFROM [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_ELCombo] WHERE COB1ID NOT in (' ','000000990','000000800','000001016','000001013') and UPPER(COB1Priority) = 'P'INSERT INTO [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST](Name, MemberNum, COBName, COBPolicy#, StartDate, TermDate, COBPriority, COBID, MedPrimary, COBSequence)SELECT MemberName, MemberID, COB2Name, COB2Policy#, COB2EffDt, COB2TermDt, COB2Priority, COB2ID, ' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB2ID' as COBSequenceFROM [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_ELCombo] WHERE COB2ID NOT in (' ','000000990','000000800','000001016','000001013') and UPPER(COB2Priority) = 'P'INSERT INTO [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST](Name, MemberNum, COBName, COBPolicy#, StartDate, TermDate, COBPriority, COBID, MedPrimary, COBSequence)SELECT MemberName, MemberID, COB3Name, COB3Policy#, COB3EffDt, COB3TermDt, COB3Priority, COB3ID, ' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB3ID' as COBSequenceFROM [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_ELCombo] WHERE COB3ID NOT in (' ','000000990','000000800','000001016','000001013') and UPPER(COB3Priority) = 'P'INSERT INTO [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST](Name, MemberNum, COBName, COBPolicy#, StartDate, TermDate, COBPriority, COBID, MedPrimary, COBSequence)SELECT MemberName, MemberID, COB4Name, COB4Policy#, COB4EffDt, COB4TermDt, COB4Priority, COB4ID, ' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB4ID' as COBSequenceFROM [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_ELCombo] WHERE COB4ID NOT in (' ','000000990','000000800','000001016','000001013') and UPPER(COB4Priority) = 'P'INSERT INTO [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST](Name, MemberNum, COBName, COBPolicy#, StartDate, TermDate, COBPriority, COBID, MedPrimary, COBSequence)SELECT MemberName, MemberID, COB5Name, COB5Policy#, COB5EffDt, COB5TermDt, COB5Priority, COB5ID, ' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB5ID' as COBSequenceFROM [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_ELCombo] WHERE COB5ID NOT in (' ','000000990','000000800','000001016','000001013') and UPPER(COB5Priority) = 'P'INSERT INTO [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST](Name, MemberNum, COBName, COBPolicy#, StartDate, TermDate, COBPriority, COBID, MedPrimary, COBSequence)SELECT MemberName, MemberID, COB6Name, COB6Policy#, COB6EffDt, COB6TermDt, COB6Priority, COB6ID, ' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB6ID' as COBSequenceFROM [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_ELCombo] WHERE COB6ID NOT in (' ','000000990','000000800','000001016','000001013') and UPPER(COB6Priority) = 'P'INSERT INTO [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST](Name, MemberNum, COBName, COBPolicy#, StartDate, TermDate, COBPriority, COBID, MedPrimary, COBSequence)SELECT MemberName, MemberID, COB7Name, COB7Policy#, COB7EffDt, COB7TermDt, COB7Priority, COB7ID, ' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB7ID' as COBSequenceFROM [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_ELCombo] WHERE COB7ID NOT in (' ','000000990','000000800','000001016','000001013') and UPPER(COB7Priority) = 'P'GOThanks for whatever sage advice you can impart! Semper fi, Xerxes, USMC(Ret.)--------------------------------------------------Once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! |
Shed Building SQL Farmer
1591 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 16:51:57
Xerxes,That looks OK to me.. You could UNION the SELECTs into a single INSERT but that is your call.I won't ask too many questions about the table with the columns labelled COB?... Where ? is between 0 and 42.. it looks nasty....I take it the cursor version replaces the ? with numbers.. I can see why that is temptingDavidMA front-end is something that tries to violate a back-end. |
Aged Yak Warrior
666 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 17:10:47
DavidM, Thanks for looking at this. The 7 to 42 means that currently I'm doing inserts with these seven GROUPS:MemberName, MemberID, COB1Name, COB1Policy#, COB1EffDt, COB1TermDt, COB1Priority, COB1ID,' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB1ID' as COBSequenceMemberName, MemberID, COB2Name, COB2Policy#, COB2EffDt, COB2TermDt, COB2Priority, COB2ID,' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB2ID' as COBSequence-------3 4 5 6 go here ----MemberName, MemberID, COB7Name, COB7Policy#, COB7EffDt, COB7TermDt, COB7Priority, COB7ID,' ' as MedPrimary, 'COB7ID' as COBSequence I don't relish repeating this another 35 timesSemper fi, Xerxes, USMC(Ret.)--------------------------------------------------Once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! |
Michael Valentine Jones
Yak DBA Kernel (pronounced Colonel)
7020 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 17:45:00
It looks like the problem you have is that your input data is stored in a denormalized table with repeating groups of data.Problems like this are why you normalize tables. If you can't change the design of the input table, there isn't much you can do to make this better.Codo Ergo Sum |
Aged Yak Warrior
666 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 17:50:17
MVJ, It's a dBase file that I'm DTS-ing to SQL and amending. Perhaps a cursor would be the way to go here. Thanks for taking a gander at this Semper fi, Xerxes, USMC(Ret.)--------------------------------------------------Once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 17:52:21
Xerxes, but why aren't you normalizing on the way into SQL Server? Just because your dBase file is denormalized, that doesn't mean that the SQL Server database has to be as well. You can transform data via DTS. What's the point of upgrading this to SQL Server if you are going to keep the same dBase design?Tara |
Aged Yak Warrior
666 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 17:55:36
quote: Originally posted by tduggan Xerxes, but why aren't you normalizing on the way into SQL Server? Just because your dBase file is denormalized, that doesn't mean that the SQL Server database has to be as well. You can transform data via DTS. What's the point of upgrading this to SQL Server if you are going to keep the same dBase design?Tara
Well, Tara....I guess it's just that I'm not entirely sure what part of the trainwreck to start at. I don't know how else I'd set up that COB sequence anyways. I'm open to suggestions. Semper fi, Xerxes, USMC(Ret.)--------------------------------------------------Once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 18:05:04
Maybe, if you managed to redesign [tab_ELCombo] it would make your problems go away ?!This table has now 7 repating groups, and might grow to 42...I don't know exactly your situation, but maybe some design work now will save more work down the road.rockmoose |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 18:06:11
you could use sql to generate the rows. Would you care if there are 42 queries if you don't have to type them all??Set nocount onDeclare @numbers table (n int)Insert Into @numbersSelect n = n1+n2+n3+n4+n5+n6+n7+n8From (Select n1=0 Union All Select 1) n1, (Select n2=0 Union All Select 2) n2, (Select n3=0 Union All Select 4) n3, (Select n4=0 Union All Select 8) n4, (Select n5=0 Union All Select 16) n5, (Select n6=0 Union All Select 32) n6, (Select n7=0 Union All Select 64) n7, (Select n8=0 Union All Select 128) n8Select 'INSERT INTO [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_COBMembr_TEST](Name, MemberNum, COBName, COBPolicy#, StartDate, TermDate, COBPriority, COBID, MedPrimary, COBSequence)SELECT MemberName, MemberID, COB'+convert(varchar,n)+'Name, COB'+convert(varchar,n)+'Policy#, COB'+convert(varchar,n)+'EffDt, COB'+convert(varchar,n)+'TermDt, COB'+convert(varchar,n)+'Priority, COB'+convert(varchar,n)+'ID, '' '' as MedPrimary, COB'+convert(varchar,n)+'ID as COBSequenceFROM [XERXES].[dbo].[tab_ELCombo] WHERE COB7ID NOT in ('' '',''000000990'',''000000800'',''000001016'',''000001013'') and UPPER(COB7Priority) = ''P'''From @numbersSet nocount off Corey "If the only tool you have is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail." - Mark Twain |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 18:08:30
Code Generation, Way to Go !joke:NG of copy&pasteEdit:Clarification:Next Generation of copy&Paste Programming.Ok, the lame factor is so high that it even hurts to think of this as a joke.One differentiator between an engineer(programmer) and a programmer(non-engineer), is that the engineer will think about the program that writes the program.So that he won't have to write the code himself.There is usually a breakeven point somewhere when the engineering approach will be more effective than the manual repetive approach of actually writing the code oneself.rockmoose |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-22 : 18:12:58
I don't know what you are doing with COB, but here's an example of going from denormalized to normalized:SET NOCOUNT ON--denormalizedCREATE TABLE Person( PersonID int NOT NULL, Attribute1 varchar(50) NOT NULL, Attribute2 varchar(50) NOT NULL, Attribute3 varchar(50) NOT NULL)INSERT INTO Person VALUES(1, 'SomeValue1', 'SomeValue2', 'SomeValue3')INSERT INTO Person VALUES(2, 'SomeValue4', 'SomeValue2', 'SomeValue9')SELECT * FROM PersonDROP TABLE PersonGO--normalizedCREATE TABLE Person( PersonID int NOT NULL)CREATE TABLE PersonAttribute( PersonAttributeID int NOT NULL, PersonAttribute varchar(50) NOT NULL)CREATE TABLE PersonAttributeVal( PersonID int NOT NULL, PersonAttributeID int NOT NULL, PersonAttributeVal varchar(50) NOT NULL)INSERT INTO Person VALUES(1)INSERT INTO Person VALUES(2)INSERT INTO PersonAttribute VALUES(1, 'Attribute1')INSERT INTO PersonAttribute VALUES(2, 'Attribute2')INSERT INTO PersonAttribute VALUES(3, 'Attribute3')INSERT INTO PersonAttributeVal VALUES(1, 1, 'SomeValue1')INSERT INTO PersonAttributeVal VALUES(1, 2, 'SomeValue2')INSERT INTO PersonAttributeVal VALUES(1, 3, 'SomeValue3')INSERT INTO PersonAttributeVal VALUES(2, 1, 'SomeValue4')INSERT INTO PersonAttributeVal VALUES(2, 2, 'SomeValue2')INSERT INTO PersonAttributeVal VALUES(2, 3, 'SomeValue9')SELECT p.PersonID, pav.PersonAttributeValFROM Person pINNER JOIN PersonAttributeVal pavON p.PersonID = pav.PersonIDINNER JOIN PersonAttribute paON pav.PersonAttributeID = pa.PersonAttributeIDWHERE pa.PersonAttribute = 'Attribute1'DROP TABLE PersonDROP TABLE PersonAttributeDROP TABLE PersonAttributeVal We now have 3 tables instead of one. One table for the Person, one for the Attributes that a Person can have, and a third to store the values of the attributes for that person. It's a rather lame example, but it should help you understand what you need to do.Tara |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 04:35:17
yup normalization is the way to go here....i guess corey's inserts are as good a solution as might use xp_execresultset for executing all of those inserts at once, but you might as well run then by hand if you need to.OR... you can use a cursor .... and just when you thought you beat them Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow |
Aged Yak Warrior
666 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 09:41:09
WOW! The ideas you folks come up with is simply STAGGERING! Thanks for all the input on this, I have a lot here to consider! To SQL Warrior Queen: Unfortunately, EL_Combo is untouchable, that's why I'm working around it. But I just might DTS it, take it apart and reassemble as you suggested ! To the Moose: I didn't get the joke : NG of copy & paste.? Must be another SQL concept I missed To Corey: What a cool example! I'll try it. To Mladen: Yeah, I was really hoping I'd stay out of cursor-land Gee, I love this site! SELECT THANKS = ( * 10^6)!Semper fi, Xerxes, USMC(Ret.)--------------------------------------------------Once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 11:59:39
so moose are you an engineer(programmer) and a programmer(non-engineer)?NG reminded of the The next Generation <- yup star trek... Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow |
Aged Yak Warrior
666 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 12:23:54
Mladen, If you're discussing ST TNG, you should note that the name of my topic was taken from an old Outer Limits episode .Semper fi, Xerxes, USMC(Ret.)--------------------------------------------------Once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 12:31:25
didn't watch much of outer limit... wasn't very popular here... Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow |
Aged Yak Warrior
666 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 12:41:38
quote: Originally posted by spirit1 didn't watch much of outer limit... wasn't very popular here... Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow 
Really? You're kidding, right?Semper fi, Xerxes, USMC(Ret.)--------------------------------------------------Once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 12:59:30
nope. watched maybe 5 episodes of it ...Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow |
Aged Yak Warrior
666 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 13:04:19
quote: Originally posted by spirit1 nope. watched maybe 5 episodes of it ...Go with the flow & have fun! Else fight the flow 
I would think as a trekker (like myself ) that you'd like it (Shatner and Nimoy are in episodes "Cold Hands, Warm Heart" & "I, Robot" respectively). Stephen King says "The Outer Limits was the best program of its type ever to run on network TV!" Stevie's right! Can't believe you only saw five .They're on DVD....or check out the library! Semper fi, Xerxes, USMC(Ret.)--------------------------------------------------Once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 13:07:24
quote: Originally posted by spirit1 so moose are you an engineer(programmer) and a programmer(non-engineer)?
As always there are extremes either way.I've seen programmrs go:"oh dude, it compiles, uh good..."And the other way:"ok, how do we solve this, what is the best algorithm?, can it be done in another way?, hmm, have to test some stuff to find the optimal solution..., what if this happens---or this?, this was cool,,, wonder what theorethical foundation this has?, better do some reading... ... ...Ok now I can start writing the program!"The form of things unknown...Almost like a Zen thing, Great title!, and I really enjoy ST.But I can't recall the title etc.. of any episodes as such, I just watch them when I get the chance rockmoose |
Aged Yak Warrior
666 Posts |
Posted - 2005-02-23 : 13:21:29
So how about the Outer Limits, moose? Did you see them? Semper fi, Xerxes, USMC(Ret.)--------------------------------------------------Once a Marine ALWAYS a Marine! |
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