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 Moved logins, but keep getting 'Confirm Password'

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Posting Yak Master

186 Posts

Posted - 2004-09-15 : 10:05:21
Win 2000 and 2003
SQL 8.00.818

I moved users from one server to another by scripting out inserts from sysxlogins, but everytime I go to security\logons to manage the users it asks me to confirm the new passowrd, but I didn't change the password. Here is the script I am using.

** Use this script to move logins from one server to another.
** This script will generate a script to be run on the new server

PRINT 'exec master..sp_configure ''allow updates'',1'
print 'go'
PRINT 'reconfigure with override'
print 'go'

set nocount on

SELECT 'INSERT INTO sysxlogins( sid, xstatus, xdate1, xdate2, name, password, dbid, language) VALUES' + char(13) + char(10)
+ '(',sid,','
+ convert(varchar(20),xstatus) + ',''' + convert(varchar(25),xdate1) + ''',''' + convert (varchar(25),xdate2)
+ ''',''' + rtrim(name) + ''',',password,',5,''us_english'')'
from master..sysxlogins
where name not in (
and name not like '%\%'
and name is not null

print 'GO'
PRINT 'exec master..sp_configure ''allow updates'',0'
print 'go'
PRINT 'reconfigure with override'
print 'go'

Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2004-09-15 : 14:02:44
I've seen that as well. I believe the fix is to install service pack 3a on the client. It doesn't have to do with moving the users, but rather a bug in EM.

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Posting Yak Master

186 Posts

Posted - 2004-09-17 : 13:55:04
SP3a did not fix it. Applied hotfix to client did not fix it.
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Posting Yak Master

186 Posts

Posted - 2004-09-24 : 09:57:11
Still an issue, Has anyone seen this before?
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