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Aged Yak Warrior
526 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-10 : 15:10:58
[code]/*Here is a new puzzle. Solve this 'Sliding Tile' game. I don't have the best answer or any constraints on how you must solve it. I just figured you puzzlers would like something to chew on.I know this configuration is solvable.Try for a) fewest number of statements and b) most efficient solution.*/SET NOCOUNT ONdeclare @board table ( c1 char, c2 char, c3 char, c4 char, c5 char, c6 char, c7 char, c8 char, c9 char, c10 char, c11 char, c12 char, c13 char, c14 char, c15 char, c16 char)insert @board select 'J','C','E','O','N','D','K','F','A','M','G','H','I','L','B',' ' /*Solve here by sliding adjacent letters into blank square to arrive at this result +---------------+ | A | B | C | D | |---------------| | E | F | G | H | |---------------| | I | J | K | L | |---------------| | M | N | O | | +---------------+Print shortest solution in the form HFK... */select ' +---------------+ | '+c1+' | '+c2+' | '+c3+' | '+c4+' | |---------------| | '+c5+' | '+c6+' | '+c7+' | '+c8+' | |---------------| | '+c9+' | '+c10+' | '+c11+' | '+c12+' | |---------------| | '+c13+' | '+c14+' | '+c15+' | '+c16+' | +---------------+' from @board [/code]--KenI want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-10 : 15:21:50
What do you mean by form HFK?Can we change how the board is stored?Corey |
Aged Yak Warrior
526 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-10 : 15:25:40
In the configuration I gave the board looks like: +---------------+ | J | C | E | O | |---------------| | N | D | K | F | |---------------| | A | M | G | H | |---------------| | I | L | B | | +---------------+ You can move H or B first. Move H, then F, then K and so on for example to solve the puzzle.Sure you can change how it is stored. (Edit: In fact I expect everyone will - that's part of the challenge - what is a good data structure for it for your solution.)--KenI want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1632 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-10 : 15:51:44
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-10 : 15:55:56
How In the world did you come up with that? Are you cheating??I haven't had a chance to try this one...  Oh well, I'll go wakeboarding.Corey |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1632 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-10 : 16:06:49
quote: Originally posted by Seventhnight How In the world did you come up with that? Are you cheating??
I have not provided a solution... Just an answer. So I do not believe I have cheated ;)Though I am reminded of a professor in college who said:quote: it is not the answer which wins but the derivation...
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-10 : 16:08:40
quote: Originally posted by ehorn An Optimal Solution is 48 moves : HFKDNJCEDKODKGBLMNJAIMNBFOGJECAEBFJKCBFJOHLOKGHL
You said an optimal solution, which is similar to efficient solution. How could you have the optimal solution without solving the problem?Corey |
3564 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-11 : 00:13:15
I smell Google.Jonwww.web-impulse.comCan you dig it: |
Aged Yak Warrior
526 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-11 : 02:56:27
I suspect there are some online or downloadable versions of sovlers. I found a few java applets that would generate A solution but not the optimal solution. Solving it is not the problem, it's solving it with T-SQL and finding what kind of set-based operations can be applied to the problem.--KenI want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-11 : 04:48:17
Not trivial kselvia... thanx for giving me work this weekend! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/sleepymoose |
Aged Yak Warrior
526 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-11 : 13:18:01
Glad to help out. Giving me something to do too :)--KenI want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. |
Aged Yak Warrior
526 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 06:09:40
If you are playing with this puzzle I thought I'd let you know I managed to partially solve it. I came up with a solution that solves it in about 20 minutes and it takes 297 moves. I think I can improve on that though so I'll wait to post my solution.--KenI want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. |
SQL Natt Alfen
3279 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 06:15:35
So that is not the "b) most efficient solution" version then I am not finished yet either....rockmoose/* Chaos is the nature of things...Order is a lesser state of chaos */ |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2878 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 08:35:36
I didn't have time to mess with this one yet, but I am back at work, so I should be able to squeeze a few lines of SQL out today Corey |
Dr. Cross Join
7423 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 11:01:25
EDIT #1: had to make fix in code; i was missing a WHEREEDIT #2: had to add a GROUP BY to append only distinct Board configurationsThe main problem is, i can't think of any algorithm that would be good at eliminating "bad" moves or anticipating what moves lead to a solution .... i will have to spend a little more time looking at it.the best i can do so far is -- if a move leads to ANY board configuration that you previously analyzed, don't bother. here's my "brute force" algorithm so far, with no optimization or anything. Set @MaxMovesToCheck equal to the # of moves to check before giving up. On my PC here at work, if I set it to over 14 or so it never seems to finish, meaning this approach probably will never come close to generating a valid answer.Anyway, here's my code:create table #MoveList (OpenSpot int not null, [Move] int not null, constraint ML_PK primary key (OpenSpot, [Move]))create table #Moves (MoveNumber int, Board char(16) primary key, MoveHistory varchar(100), OpenSpot integer)goinsert into #MoveListselect 1,2 unionselect 1,5 unionselect 2,3 unionselect 2,6 unionselect 3,4 unionselect 3,7 unionselect 4,8 unionselect 5,6 unionselect 5,9 unionselect 6,7 unionselect 6,10 unionselect 7,8 union select 7,11 unionselect 8, 12 unionselect 9,10 unionselect 9,13 unionselect 10,11 unionselect 10,14 unionselect 11,12 unionselect 11,15 unionselect 12,16 unionselect 13,14 unionselect 14,15 unionselect 15,16insert into #moveListselect [Move], [OpenSpot]from #Movelistdeclare @Start char(16)declare @End char(16)declare @MoveNumber int;declare @Done bit;declare @MaxMovesToCheck int;set @Done = 0; --bit flagset @Start = 'JCEONDKFAMGHILB 'set @End = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO 'set @MoveNumber = 0 -- starting move #set @MaxMovesToCheck = 12--insert into #moves select @moveNumber, @Start,'', 16-- Here's where we actually begin searching:while (@done = 0)begin set @MoveNumber = @MoveNumber + 1 insert into #moves (MoveNumber, Board, MoveHistory, OpenSpot) select @MoveNumber, a.NewBoard, MIN(a.MoveHist), MIN(a.NewOpenSpot) from ( select m.Board, stuff(stuff(Board, ml.Move, 1, ' '), ml.OpenSpot, 1, substring(Board,Move,1)) as NewBoard, MoveHistory + substring(Board,Move,1) as MoveHist, ml.[Move] as NewOpenSpot from #moves m inner join #MoveList ml on ml.OpenSpot = m.OpenSpot where m.MoveNumber = @MoveNumber-1 ) a left outer join #Moves OldMoves on a.NewBoard = OldMoves.Board where OldMoves.Board is null group by a.NewBoard if exists (select * from #Moves where Board = @End) begin set @done = 1 print ' found solution!' select * from #Moves where Board = @End end if @MoveNumber =@MaxMovesToCheck set @done= 1end--Show the board--select * from #Moves where @MoveNumber = @MoveNumbergodrop table #MoveListdrop table #Moves - Jeff |
Aged Yak Warrior
526 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 11:14:53
quote: Originally posted by rockmoose So that is not the "b) most efficient solution" version then I am not finished yet either....
Nope but I thought it would be easier to do Figured I'd at least give you guys a less than perfect target to shoot for.--KenI want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. |
Aged Yak Warrior
526 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 11:30:46
quote: Originally posted by jsmith8858 [b]'s my "brute force" algorithm so far
Without really thinking about it, I assumed it would be solvable by brute force when I suggested the puzzle. I realize now there are 653,837,184,000 possible board configurations, so a 4x4 square can't be brute forced. (At least not in T-SQL ) Maybe a 3x3 board would have been better (~32000 possibilities) I started with something capable of brute force then found a few optimizations that would lead to better choices, but my heuristics are still far from optimal.--KenI want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. |
Freaky Yak Linguist
1983 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 13:38:16
Jeff,how did you manage to write such a monster??? :-)I run it and did not see ' found solution!' (a ver.7.0 quirk?). |
Dr. Cross Join
7423 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 14:22:52
no -- i can't imgagine it will ever find a solution. i just wanted to post the code so maybe some can work with it. it just keeps going and going until it might find a result, but as mentiond if you try more than 14 moves or so it never finishes as the temp table grows quite, i wouldn't call my post a solution, just some tools/ideas to work with.there's got to be a way to "prune" the table periodically to remove invalid or inefficient paths, or a way to concentrate on best paths, but i don't think an algorithm exists for this type of puzzle. i may be wrong of course.- Jeff |
Aged Yak Warrior
526 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 15:05:36
If you want to go down the path I went down, I treated it like the TSP problem and generated a matrix of distances from "home squares" based on coordinate points. The farther the sum of all tile distances were from home, the more "mixed up" they were, and I did not explore paths that were more than about 30% worse than the best ordering I had found thus far. My problem is that distances from "home squares" based purley on coordinates is not a good heuristic because a tile 2 squares from it's home is more or less "far" from home depending on where the blank is and how many boarders it has etc. That matrix is where I am going to focus on improvement. (Edit: I also realize that using this method may solve it a few mintes instead of 20 and 80 moves instead of 297 but I don't see how to get to an optimal solution from there...)--KenI want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. |
Dr. Cross Join
7423 Posts |
Posted - 2004-09-13 : 15:28:44
This minor variation of the above idea will return a solution in 12 seconds, but it is a solution in 130 moves:create table #MoveList (OpenSpot int not null, [Move] int not null, constraint ML_PK primary key (OpenSpot, [Move]))create table #Moves (MoveNumber int, Board char(16) primary key , MoveHistory varchar(300), OpenSpot integer)goinsert into #MoveListselect 1,2 unionselect 1,5 unionselect 2,3 unionselect 2,6 unionselect 3,4 unionselect 3,7 unionselect 4,8 unionselect 5,6 unionselect 5,9 unionselect 6,7 unionselect 6,10 unionselect 7,8 union select 7,11 unionselect 8, 12 unionselect 9,10 unionselect 9,13 unionselect 10,11 unionselect 10,14 unionselect 11,12 unionselect 11,15 unionselect 12,16 unionselect 13,14 unionselect 14,15 unionselect 15,16insert into #moveListselect [Move], [OpenSpot]from #Movelistdeclare @Start char(16)declare @End char(16)declare @MoveNumber int;declare @Done bit;declare @MaxMovesToCheck int;declare @RC int;set @Done = 0; --bit flagset @Start = 'JCEONDKFAMGHILB 'set @End = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO 'set @MoveNumber = 0 -- starting move #set @MaxMovesToCheck = 150--insert into #moves select @moveNumber, @Start,'', 16-- here we go:set nocount onwhile (@done = 0)begin set @MoveNumber = @MoveNumber + 1 insert into #moves (MoveNumber, Board, MoveHistory, OpenSpot) select top 150 @MoveNumber, a.NewBoard, MIN(a.MoveHist), MIN(a.NewOpenSpot) from ( select stuff(stuff(Board, ml.Move, 1, ' '), ml.OpenSpot, 1, substring(Board,Move,1)) as NewBoard, MoveHistory + substring(m.Board,ml.Move,1) as MoveHist, ml.[Move] as NewOpenSpot from #moves m inner join #MoveList ml on ml.OpenSpot = m.OpenSpot where m.MoveNumber = @MoveNumber - 1 ) a left outer join #Moves OldMoves on a.NewBoard = OldMoves.Board where OldMoves.Board is null group by NewBoard order by case when substring(NewBoard,1,1) < substring(NewBoard,2,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,2,1) < substring(NewBoard,3,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,3,1) < substring(NewBoard,4,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,4,1) < substring(NewBoard,5,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,5,1) < substring(NewBoard,6,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,6,1) < substring(NewBoard,7,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,7,1) < substring(NewBoard,8,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,8,1) < substring(NewBoard,9,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,9,1) < substring(NewBoard,10,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,10,1) < substring(NewBoard,11,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,11,1) < substring(NewBoard,12,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,12,1) < substring(NewBoard,13,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,13,1) < substring(NewBoard,14,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,14,1) < substring(NewBoard,15,1) then 1 else 0 end + case when substring(NewBoard,15,1) < substring(NewBoard,16,1) then 1 else 0 end desc if exists (select * from #Moves where Board = @End) begin set @done = 2 print ' found solution in ' + convert(varchar(20), @MoveNumber) + ' Moves!!' select * from #Moves where Board = @End end if @MoveNumber =@MaxMovesToCheck set @done= 1end--show the board--select * from #Moves where MoveNumber = @MoveNumber order by Boardgodrop table #MoveListdrop table #Moves I tried to do some sorting and filtering, so that it would test "best" moves using the ORDER BY clause. really simple stuff. i don't think it helps lead to a good solution though. the things to tweak, i guess, would be the formula in the ORDER BY and the TOP x value .- Jeff |
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