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Starting Member
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Posted - 2004-08-27 : 22:49:42
Hello all,SQL Server DatabaseVB FrontEnd App.App loads XML file data into sql backend.Changes are often made to the XML files. When changes are made, the filesmust be reloaded into the database via the application. Changes have beenmissed causing loss of production and jobs being processed incorrectly.I am looking for a script that will check the filedate of the xml file orthe filedate tag in the xml against a 'DesignFileDate' field in thedatabase. If a discrepancy in the filedates is identified, I want to loadthe XML data to a temporary table [ExchangeTable] into the database.I have been experimenting with xp_getfiledetails and the xp_cmd shell'dir..' procedures, howeverI can not seem to get the process to execute in the manner needed. Ibelieve that I can run a sp that will import the file attributes, (name,date, size) to a temp table, compare the date in the temp to table to thedate of [orderid, scheduledate] which is located in another table[dbo.shoporder]. If a date is different then I need to copy the data forthat row from .shoporder to another table [exchange].The developer will provide a process to either load the data into theproduction database or delete the data. This will be processed from theExchange table.Having no background in programming languages and fairly new to SQL this isquite a challenge.Any assistance is greatly appreciated..Regards |
Aged Yak Warrior
526 Posts |
Posted - 2004-08-28 : 00:32:54
[code]-- Something like this should get you closeDECLARE @filedate datetimeCreate table ##filedetails( alternatename char(20), size char(20), creation_date char(20), creation_time char(20), last_written_date char(20), last_written_time char(20), last_accessed_date char(20), last_accessed_time char(20), attributes char(20))--Get file infoINSERT ##filedetails EXEC master.dbo.xp_getfiledetails '\\server\path\file.xml'--If file is not found returnIF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 RETURN--Last update time of fileSELECT @filedate = convert(datetime, rtrim(last_written_date) + ' ' + substring(last_written_time,1,2) + ':' + substring(last_written_time,3,2) + ':' + substring(last_written_time,5,2))FROM ##filedetails --Load file if date is latter than date in DesignFileDate in MyHistoryTable. Add WHERE clause as neededIF ( SELECT DateDiff(ss,@filedate,DesignFileDate ) FROM MyHistoryTable ) > 0BEGIN-- Execute proc to load updated XML file EXEC sp_load_file_proc-- Store filetime in History Table UPDATE MyHistoryTable SET DesignFileDate = @filedateEND[/code]--KenI want to die in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers. |