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 capture dos command retturn value

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Posting Yak Master

104 Posts

Posted - 2004-08-17 : 10:35:33
hello every one
really i have one problem when i tried to capture the value which
following statement print.this same thing will be working at command
prompt how to capture the no of rows in that file which i specified in the filepath

SET @strTempCommand = 'type '+ @strPathName + ' | Find /C /V "TEXT!NOT!IN!RECORD"'

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @strTempComman

please suggest me better solution

Constraint Violating Yak Guru

367 Posts

Posted - 2004-08-17 : 11:18:12
You could use a temp table. Create a table of one column of type varchar and width 1000. Then INSERT INTO the table your EXEC statemement. This will then give you one row per result from your command plus some header and footer rows you can ignore.

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Posting Yak Master

104 Posts

Posted - 2004-08-17 : 11:48:51
i am more happy u send me detailed information

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2878 Posts

Posted - 2004-08-17 : 11:59:08
--Create a table for the results. Include a id so you can determine original row numbers
Create Table #dirOutPut (id int identity(1,1) not null, nvarchar(2000))

SET @strTempCommand = 'type '+ @strPathName + ' | Find /C /V "TEXT!NOT!IN!RECORD"'

--Capture dos output during execute
Insert Into #dirOutPut
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @strTempComman

--return captured output
Select * From #dirOutPut

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Posting Yak Master

104 Posts

Posted - 2004-08-17 : 23:01:46
Thank u
U r idea works for my case
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