See Corey's posting here [url][/url] The term for what you are doing is converting to "proper case". Googleing for that should turn up more info. Here is another vesion: [url][/url]Remembered this too:CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fCapFirst(@input NVARCHAR(4000)) RETURNS NVARCHAR(4000)AS BEGINDECLARE @position INTWHILE IsNull(@position,Len(@input)) > 1SELECT @input = Stuff(@input,IsNull(@position,1),1,upper(substring(@input,IsNull(@position,1),1))), @position = charindex(' ',@input,IsNull(@position,1)) + 1RETURN (@input)ENDIt's not as sophisticated as the others but it's about 3 times as fast:select dbo.fCapFirst(Lower(Column)) From MyTable
--KenYour Kung-Fu is not strong. -- 'The Core'