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Dr. Cross Join
7423 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 14:31:09
Check out this thread: think it's an interesting SQL problem. So, if we have:create table People(Person varchar(20) primary key)insert into Peopleselect 'Ed' unionselect 'Pete' unionselect 'Mitch' unionselect 'Lewy' unionselect 'Paul' unionselect 'Mary' unionselect 'Lisa' unionselect 'Tom'how do we produce a nice random result with each name assigned to exactly 1 other name? And no one can be assigned to themselves.Sounds like an interesting SQL challenge to me.- Jeff |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 14:44:45
Can we use temp tables?Brett8-) |
Dr. Cross Join
7423 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 14:47:50
sure ... any solution is fine ... let's just see who can come up with the most "elegant" solution.- Jeff |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 15:10:13
Kinda like a sledger hammer...EDIT:That doesn't work..Hey no Cursor...create table People(Person varchar(20) primary key)insert into Peopleselect 'Ed' unionselect 'Pete' unionselect 'Mitch' unionselect 'Lewy' unionselect 'Paul' unionselect 'Mary' unionselect 'Lisa' unionselect 'Tom'GOCREATE TABLE #p1 (col1 int IDENTITY(1,1), Person varchar(20))INSERT INTO #p1 (Person) SELECT Person FROM People ORDER BY NEWID()CREATE TABLE #p2 (col1 int IDENTITY(1,1), Person varchar(20))INSERT INTO #p2 (Person) SELECT Person FROM People ORDER BY NEWID()CREATE TABLE #p3 (col1 int IDENTITY(1,1), Person varchar(20))INSERT INTO #p3 (Person) SELECT p1.Person FROM #p1 p1 INNER JOIN #p2 p2 ON p1.Col1 = p2.Col1 WHERE p1.Person = p2.PersonORDER BY p1.Person ASCCREATE TABLE #p4 (col1 int IDENTITY(1,1), Person varchar(20))INSERT INTO #p4 (Person) SELECT p2.Person FROM #p1 p1 INNER JOIN #p2 p2 ON p1.Col1 = p2.Col1 WHERE p1.Person = p2.PersonORDER BY p2.Person DESC SELECT p1.Person, p2.Person FROM #p1 p1 INNER JOIN #p2 p2 ON p1.Col1 = p2.Col1 WHERE p1.Person <> p2.Person UNION ALL SELECT p3.Person, p4.Person FROM #p3 p3 INNER JOIN #p4 p4 ON p3.Col1 = p4.Col1 WHERE p3.Person = p4.PersonGODROP TABLE #p1DROP TABLE #p2DROP TABLE #p3DROP TABLE #p4DROP TABLE PersonGO Brett8-) |
The Enigma
Posting Yak Master
179 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 15:29:56
Brett ...some problem with the code ..I havent anaalyzed whats cousing it .. but sometimes you get only 6 records ... Attitude is everything{The Enigma} |
Freaky Yak Linguist
1983 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 15:48:38
My sweety kinky matches (ahhh... I'm not sure in the req of the subject):select q.person,(select min(person) from people p where p.person>q.person)from(select person from people p where(select count(*) from people t where t.person>=p.person)%2=0) q |
Freaky Yak Linguist
1983 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 15:51:45
My resultset:person -------------------- -------------------- Ed LewyLisa MaryMitch PaulPete Tom |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1632 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 16:01:13
CREATE TABLE #GiftMatch (PersonA varchar(20),PersonB varchar(20))DECLARE @GiftCount tinyint, @Person varchar(20), @LastPerson varchar(20)SET @GiftCount = 0SET @LastPerson = ''DECLARE ElegantCursor CURSOR FORSELECT Person FROM PeopleORDER BY newid()OPEN ElegantCursor FETCH NEXT FROM ElegantCursor INTO @PersonWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN If ( @GiftCount%2 = 1 ) BEGIN UPDATE #GiftMatch SET PersonB = @Person WHERE PersonA = @LastPerson END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO #GiftMatch (PersonA) SELECT @Person END SET @GiftCount = @GiftCount + 1 SET @LastPerson = @Person FETCH NEXT FROM ElegantCursor INTO @Person ENDCLOSE ElegantCursor DEALLOCATE ElegantCursor GOSELECT * FROM #GiftMatchDROP TABLE #GiftMatch Some bonus points for my naming convention??? |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 16:17:07
LOL ElegantCursor...Certainly accomodates the randomness, and you won't have anyone assigned to themselves...Don't forget SET NOCOUNT ONBrett8-) |
The Enigma
Posting Yak Master
179 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 16:40:04
Stoad , that query does not get a random result ... As of mine ... still working on itAttitude is everything{The Enigma} |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 16:44:36
quote: Originally posted by ehorn Some bonus points for my naming convention???
Sure, you get 2 points for naming convention, but -3 for using a cursor. Tara |
Dr. Cross Join
7423 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 17:09:01
Actually, i was thinking a resultset with 8 entries -- 1 per name -- each matched with another name.So you are not really "pairing" people up, but rather assigning 1 to "do something" for the other, if that makes more sense. The original problem was, to find the person that each person needs to get a gift. So the final result would have 8 rows, since the table has 8 names ...I will try to work on it myself tonight !!- Jeff |
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 17:25:37
Holy cross join Jeff! Can't you make it any tougher?How about a list of 8 with no gift receiver giving a gift back to the giver?e.g. this is wrong:Ed LisaLisa EdMitch PaulPete TomLewy MitchMary LewyPaul MaryTom PeteThis set is wrong because Ed gives a gift to Lisa who gives a gift back to Ed.While this is a tighter requirement, it may not matter. Maybe this requirement creates a second problem?Sam |
Shed Building SQL Farmer
1591 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 17:33:29
[code]CREATE VIEW FirstHalfASSelect Personfrom People RPWHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) from People WHERE Person < RP.Person) < (Select COUNT(*)/2 from People)GOCREATE VIEW SecondHalfASSelect Personfrom People RPWHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) from People WHERE Person > RP.Person) < (Select COUNT(*)/2 from People)GODECLARE @Pairing TABLE (FirstPerson varchar(20) UNIQUE, SecondPerson varchar(20) UNIQUE, CHECK(FirstPerson != SecondPerson))DECLARE @HalfCount INT SELECT @HalfCount = COUNT(*)/2 from PeopleWHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) from @Pairing) < (@HalfCount)BEGIN INSERT @Pairing Select TOP 1 F.Person, (Select TOP 1 Person from SecondHalf ORDER BY NEWID()) from FirstHalf F WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from @Pairing P WHERE F.Person = P.FirstPerson) ORDER BY NEWID()ENDSelect * from @Pairing[/code]The problem is it throws errors as it goes....DavidM"SQL-3 is an abomination.." |
Freaky Yak Linguist
1983 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 17:35:03
Oh.. funny guys..Why so needlessly complicate the subject?Let's reduce it to N/2 random pairs without mentioning those gifts.>The EnigmaCan you just add into my solution one more field and update it withnewid()? And then use namely this field in my WHERE clauses? |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
1632 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 17:40:28
quote: Sure, you get 2 points for naming convention, but -3 for using a cursor.
Tough Crowd |
White Water Yakist
3467 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 17:50:54
I think gift exchanges is a great abstraction, superceeded only by paired flavors of ice cream, but if you prefer abstractions of numeric pairs that's fine too.I was hoping Jeff would clarify which solution he wants. One that allows symmetrical pair duplicates and one that does not. Sam |
Shed Building SQL Farmer
1591 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 18:12:10
I just realised you don't have to use Views and also a solution that does not throw terrors..DECLARE @Pairing TABLE (FirstPerson varchar(20) UNIQUE, SecondPerson varchar(20) UNIQUE, CHECK(FirstPerson != SecondPerson))DECLARE @HalfCount INT SELECT @HalfCount = COUNT(*)/2 from PeopleWHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) from @Pairing) < (@HalfCount)BEGIN INSERT @Pairing Select TOP 1 F.Person, S.Person from People F CROSS JOIN People S WHERE F.Person != S.Person AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @Pairing P WHERE F.Person IN (P.FirstPerson, P.SecondPerson) OR S.Person IN (P.FirstPerson, P.SecondPerson)) ORDER BY NEWID()ENDSelect * from @Pairing I'll work on the 8 column solution now.. Got to love migration days.. [Twiddles thumbs]EDIT: Must learn how to spell...DavidM"SQL-3 is an abomination.." |
Funky Drop Bear Fearing SQL Dude!
4970 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 18:15:52
Create Table #Matches (rndid int identity,person1 varchar(20),person2 varchar(20))INSERT Into #Matches (Person1)SELECT a.PersonFROM People aORDER BY NewID()UPDATE aSET Person2 = b.Person1FROM #Matches aINNER JOIN #Matches b ON b.rndid = CASE WHEN a.rndid + 1 > (SELECT Count(*) FROM People) THEN 1 ELSE a.rndid + 1 END Select * fROM #MatchesDrop table #MatchesDamian |
Shed Building SQL Farmer
1591 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 18:17:07
A slight modification from the solution should be OK...DECLARE @Pairing TABLE (FirstPerson varchar(20) UNIQUE, SecondPerson varchar(20) UNIQUE, CHECK(FirstPerson != SecondPerson))DECLARE @Count INT SELECT @Count = COUNT(*) from PeopleWHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) from @Pairing) < (@Count)BEGIN INSERT @Pairing Select TOP 1 F.Person, S.Person from People F CROSS JOIN People S WHERE F.Person != S.Person AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM @Pairing P WHERE F.Person = P.FirstPerson OR S.Person = P.SecondPerson) ORDER BY NEWID()ENDSelect * from @Pairing DavidM"SQL-3 is an abomination.." |
Shed Building SQL Farmer
1591 Posts |
Posted - 2003-11-19 : 18:19:56
Nice Damian..DavidM"SQL-3 is an abomination.." |
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