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Starting Member

16 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-18 : 22:05:42
So I posted a question before about general SQL and I got ostracized saying "This is not an SQL forum it's an SQL server forum." Well I am sorry so can someone please tell me what is SQL server and point me to a link I can find out more about it.

What is the advantage of SQL server?


I am learning SQL.


5072 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-18 : 22:21:26
Ok, let's start with "What is a database?" A database is a storage and retrieval sytem to store information.

Let's illustrate with a simple example. You have an application where people place orders. You need to store your customer information, product information and sales. Where do you put it? In a database.

MS SQL Server is one of a small handful of enterprise class database applications.

You could stoe this information in any number of formats: Text files, XML files, binary files for example. But databases (or Relational Databases) allow you to store much more information in much less space. They also have performance gains over other formats. Huge performance gains.

So you store your customers, products and sales in a database, and create relationships between these entities.

The short answer is that a database is a file (or set of files) where you store information. Powerful databases like SQL Server allow you to interact with your data in the most efficient possible way.

The advantage of SQL Server over it's nearest competitors (DB2 and Oracle) is basically it's price point. It also comes out of the box with features not included in those products. It is highly scalable and runs on commodity hardware (ok I'm starting to sound like a commercial now lol).

Download a free copy of SQL Server Express from Microsoft and start playing around with it. Try some online tutorials and post here with your questions. There's a lot of knowledgable and experienced folks here who'll be happy to help you on your way.
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Starting Member

16 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 00:10:07
What if I download Microsoft Visual Studio? Will I be able to work with SQL then as well?


I am learning SQL.
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5072 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 00:54:57
Visual Studio is for application programming. So the short answer is "no", but the longer answer is that you probably want 'em both if you're learning to become a programmer.
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Starting Member

16 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 01:03:45
Okay so the question is what is the really meat and bones application? I mean if I had all the money in the world which SQL Application would I buy? Microsoft SQL Server Premium or something?


I am learning SQL.
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5072 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 11:19:36
You'd buy a villa overlooking the beach and forget all about this monkey business

MS SQL Server Enterprise Edition is the top end, fully functional version
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2706 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 13:13:43
There are two areas of MS SQL professions

1. Database administrator ( DBA )
2. Database Designer

Normally if you work with the 2nd, you probably tend to work with some front end of some sort. e.g. thats where visual studio comes in.

Although DBA also use visual studio for SSIS etc

see this
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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 14:06:14
Originally posted by afrika

There are two areas of MS SQL professions

1. Database administrator ( DBA )
2. Database Designer

Normally if you work with the 2nd, you probably tend to work with some front end of some sort. e.g. thats where visual studio comes in.

Although DBA also use visual studio for SSIS etc

1. Production DBA
2. Development DBA
3. SQL Developer
4. Database Designer
5. Data Architect
6. Data Warehouse Developer

The list goes on and on, and all are SQL Server areas. I would argue that a production DBA does not use Visual Studio or SSIS except maybe to schedule a package to run in a SQL job. SSIS is more along the development DBA or SQL developer positions.

Tara Kizer
Microsoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server

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"Let's begin with the premise that everything you've done up until this point is wrong."
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Not Just a Number

15586 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 14:27:49
Originally posted by afrikaNormally if you work with the 2nd, you probably tend to work with some front end of some sort. e.g. thats where visual studio comes in.

Not if I can help it....




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Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 14:48:55
Exactly. Bcp or BULK INSERT almost always can do the trick.

Tara Kizer
Microsoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server

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"Let's begin with the premise that everything you've done up until this point is wrong."
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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2706 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 17:27:54
At times, i wonder with the increasing complexity in computing, if its really simplifying things ???

My main strengths are in .net c# front end, but i keep to this forum to improve on my sql. And you wonder

... when you stop learning
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5072 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 19:10:50
For a developer it makes sense. For a DBA it doesn't.

<soapbox>The internet age has created an entire generation of IT professionals who have no idea how a computer works. Half of 'em don;t even know how many bits in a byte or bytes in a kilobyte. The continuing added layers of abstraction allow us to hire folks who can use the tools, but are unable to resolve serious problems</soapbox>
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Starting Member

16 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 19:43:37
Great thanks guys. I have downloaded something... it's called Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition (before I started this thread). So that's not it, correct? This is all so complicated, isn't SQL part of web development???

Afrika thanks a lot for pointing me to these videos. I'll have a look through them.


I am learning SQL.
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5072 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 19:56:18
I would suggest getting comfortable with the programming language(s) of your choice, then dive into SQL.

Yes, it is part of web development in all but the simplest cases.

What distinguishes the good developers from the great ones is a solid understanding of SQL.

But you'll want to be comfortable with general programming concepts and procedures 1st. No reason you can't learn 'em concurrently, but they are 2 different skill sets.
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Not Just a Number

15586 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-19 : 21:44:50
Originally posted by russell
What distinguishes the good developers from the great ones

Hold the phone..don't they morph into DBA's at that point

In any case...a bit (or byte) of advice

What ever language you use, it is the just a presentation layer

Get data, display (& format) data, send data, tell user of mishaps perhaps

If you are doing ANYTHING else in the front end, you are doing too much

All the business rules, logic, data access, data auditing, constraining data, ect should all be done in the database layer

Anything that approached rocket science in the presentation layer is can do it, but it's wrong




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Starting Member

16 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-20 : 00:03:29
I am competent in SQL, I just want to install it and start using it in a way that I can understand. It's all so complicated.

I am learning SQL.
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5072 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-20 : 00:18:38
You're well on your way Kosta. Grab a free copy of SQL Express and pound away. Try everything and post here when you get stuck. Or even when you don't and just wonder if there's a better way to do something.

And yes, Brett, they do morph into DBAs. Sometimes even into IT Directors or CIOs and then we have all sorts of problems

I like saying that there's 3 types of programming: Graphics/Game Programmers, Packaged software programmers, and Database programmers. The 1st 2 are pretty similar, but a guy writing say, Excel doesn't need to understand graphics optimization. Almost all business programming and web programming fall into database programming.
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Starting Member

16 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-20 : 00:33:49
Thanks for the encouragement Russel. I'm going to go into Visual Web Developer 2008 and start playing around.

I am learning SQL.
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Not Just a Number

15586 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-20 : 10:55:48
Originally posted by KostaK

Thanks for the encouragement Russel. I'm going to go into Visual Web Developer 2008 and start playing around.

I am learning SQL. need to download and install SQL Server Express....



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Starting Member

16 Posts

Posted - 2009-11-20 : 21:52:09
Oh ok. Thank you for that X002548.

I am learning SQL.
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