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Posting Yak Master
170 Posts |
Posted - 2009-02-25 : 14:55:56
quote: The Value expression for the textbox ‘tbxLoadPounds’ has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a data set.
How do you go about getting the results of an aggravating function that is one grouping up or down from where you need the information.In this order I have:1.Table Properties table12.Groups CustomerBillTo CustomerDeliverTo PickupDate3.Detail TicketNumber I have a SUM in PickupDate that I need to access from CustomerDeliverTo, can I do that?=SUM(Fields!LoadPound.Value,"CustomerDeliverTo", is there anything I can add here?to get what I need?)Thanks for the helpCoachBarker |
Starting Member
24 Posts |
Posted - 2009-02-25 : 20:42:11
You don't need the 3rd field, but I think you know that.I've had some success using that SUM(Fields, GroupName) in my reports, but I don't remember if they are parents or children, and I'm not sure if it matters.If this is a child group, try putting in a parent group name just to see if it compiles. If it does then either the group name is misspelt or child groups can't be used ... I didn't see anything in the docs about not being able to do child groups ...Looking over this might help: |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-02 : 13:06:21
quote: Originally posted by CoachBarker
quote: The Value expression for the textbox ‘tbxLoadPounds’ has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a data set.
How do you go about getting the results of an aggravating function that is one grouping up or down from where you need the information.In this order I have:1.Table Properties table12.Groups CustomerBillTo CustomerDeliverTo PickupDate3.Detail TicketNumber I have a SUM in PickupDate that I need to access from CustomerDeliverTo, can I do that?=SUM(Fields!LoadPound.Value,"CustomerDeliverTo", is there anything I can add here?to get what I need?)Thanks for the helpCoachBarker
your CustomerDeliverTo & PickupDate seems to be at same grouping level. then whats the need of using scope here? |
Posting Yak Master
170 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-02 : 15:58:40
Sorry for the confusion, PickupDate is GROUP inside of CustomerDeliverTo. The problem is like this post here: LoadPounds is the SUM of PickupPounds. Right now I am using this query, in this example I want the sum of one of each, one 40575,one 12952, and one 61867Load Pounds4057540575405754057540575405754057540575405754057540575129521295212952129521295212952129521295212952618676186761867LoadPounds405751295261867SELECT detail_record.ticket_number AS TicketNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_number AS DeliverToNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_name AS DeliverToName, AS DeliverToCity, cmBillTo.customer_number AS BillToNumber, cmBillTo.customer_name AS BillToName, AS BillToCIty, CAST(detail_record.pickup_dt AS datetime) AS PickupDate, CAST(detail_record.deliver_dt AS datetime) AS DeliverDate, SUM(detail_record.pickup_weight) AS PickupPounds, detail_record.hauler_number AS HaulerNumber, SUM(DISTINCT detail_record.ddp_weight) AS LoadPounds, detail_record.deliver_date, detail_record.division AS DivisionFROM detail_record INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmBillTo ON detail_record.customer_bill_to = cmBillTo.customer_number INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmDelvTo ON detail_record.customer_delv_to = cmDelvTo.customer_numberWHERE (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_delv_to = @customer_number) OR (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_bill_to = @customer_number)GROUP BY cmBillTo.customer_number, cmBillTo.customer_name,, cmDelvTo.customer_number, cmDelvTo.customer_name,, detail_record.pickup_dt, detail_record.ticket_number, detail_record.deliver_dt, detail_record.hauler_number, detail_record.deliver_date, detail_record.pickup_date, detail_record.divisionORDER BY detail_record.pickup_date I would like do do away with the grouping in the query and do it in the report, the PickupPOunds is easy enough, but the Load Pounds is driving me nutz. Thanks for the helpCoachBarker |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-03 : 11:00:32
for that you need to use a case expression like =SUM(IIF(RowNumber("GroupName")=1 ,Fields!LoadPounds.Name,0)) |
Posting Yak Master
170 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-03 : 12:17:57
I've found that if I do the grouping for the report in the query, I can not get the Order By correct in the report. My original query was like this:SELECT detail_record.ticket_number AS TicketNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_number AS DeliverToNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_name AS DeliverToName, AS DeliverToCity, cmBillTo.customer_number AS BillToNumber, cmBillTo.customer_name AS BillToName, AS BillToCIty, CAST(detail_record.pickup_dt AS datetime) AS PickupDate, CAST(detail_record.deliver_dt AS datetime) AS DeliverDate, detail_record.pickup_weight AS PickupWeight, detail_record.hauler_number AS Hauler, detail_record.ddp_weight AS LoadPounds FROM detail_record INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmBillTo ON detail_record.customer_bill_to = cmBillTo.customer_number INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmDelvTo ON detail_record.customer_delv_to cmDelvTo.customer_numberWHERE (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_delv_to = @customer_number) OR (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_bill_to = @customer_number)Order By TicketNumber I can do all I want except for getting the SUM of the LoadPounds to calculate correctly.If I use this query:SELECT detail_record.ticket_number AS TicketNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_number AS DeliverToNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_name AS DeliverToName, AS DeliverToCity, cmBillTo.customer_number AS BillToNumber, cmBillTo.customer_name AS BillToName, AS BillToCIty, CAST(detail_record.pickup_dt AS datetime) AS PickupDate, CAST(detail_record.deliver_dt AS datetime) AS DeliverDate, detail_record.pickup_weight AS PickupPounds, detail_record.hauler_number AS HaulerNumber, SUM(DISTINCT detail_record.ddp_weight) AS LoadPounds, detail_record.deliver_date, detail_record.division AS DivisionFROM detail_record INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmBillTo ON detail_record.customer_bill_to = cmBillTo.customer_number INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmDelvTo ON detail_record.customer_delv_to = cmDelvTo.customer_numberWHERE (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_delv_to = @customer_number) OR (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_bill_to = @customer_number)GROUP BY cmBillTo.customer_number, cmBillTo.customer_name,, cmDelvTo.customer_number, cmDelvTo.customer_name,, detail_record.pickup_dt, detail_record.ticket_number, detail_record.deliver_dt, detail_record.hauler_number, detail_record.deliver_date, detail_record.pickup_date, detail_record.division, detail_record.pickup_weightORDER BY detail_record.pickup_date I get the correct LoadPounds but I can not get the Order By in the report right, even after checking all the correct settings in the properties. There are 2 versions of each report I am creating, one Ordered By TicketNumber the other by PickupDate.Thanks for the helpCoachBarker |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-03 : 12:21:13
try replacing ORDER BY detail_record.pickup_date byORDER BY CAST(detail_record.pickup_dt AS datetime) |
Posting Yak Master
170 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-03 : 12:58:28
It is not the date order by but the ticketNumber that won't workThanks for the helpCoachBarker |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-03 : 13:15:41
why? whats the datatype of ticketNumber ? |
Posting Yak Master
170 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-03 : 13:39:07
TicketNumber varchar(10)Is there no way, to use this query and modify itSELECT detail_record.ticket_number AS TicketNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_number AS DeliverToNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_name AS DeliverToName, AS DeliverToCity, cmBillTo.customer_number AS BillToNumber, cmBillTo.customer_name AS BillToName, AS BillToCIty, CAST(detail_record.pickup_dt AS datetime) AS PickupDate, CAST(detail_record.deliver_dt AS datetime) AS DeliverDate, detail_record.pickup_weight AS PickupPounds, detail_record.hauler_number AS HaulerNumber, detail_record.ddp_weight AS LoadPoundsFROM detail_record INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmBillTo ON detail_record.customer_bill_to = cmBillTo.customer_number INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmDelvTo ON detail_record.customer_delv_to = cmDelvTo.customer_numberWHERE (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_delv_to = @customer_number) OR (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_bill_to = @customer_number)ORDER BY detail_record.pickup_date and get the SUM of LoadPounds without having to use grouping in the query. For PickupPounds I can use SUM(Fields!PickupPounds.Value)in the report, but LoadPounds is the SUM of repeating Values, I used DISTINCT and that gets the correct LoadPounds but I had to group in the sql. exampleLoadPounds11111222233equals19 but I want onlyLoadPounds123equals6Thanks for the helpCoachBarker |
Posting Yak Master
170 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-03 : 13:46:10
Something like create table, select distinct LoadPounds, ticket number where ticketNumber = ticketnumberThanks for the helpCoachBarker |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-04 : 09:56:28
cast or convert ticket number to integer before using in order by else it will give you results sorted as string value not by its numeric value |
Posting Yak Master
170 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-04 : 12:29:57
Ah okay then it was trying to Order By a string instead of a number. Now it is sorting correct in the query but it is still the same in the report.Thanks for the helpCoachBarker |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-04 : 12:59:34
what do you mean its still same in report? try sorting it in report then |
Posting Yak Master
170 Posts |
Posted - 2009-03-04 : 13:57:46
QUERYSELECT CAST(detail_record.ticket_number AS int) AS TicketNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_number AS DeliverToNumber, cmDelvTo.customer_name AS DeliverToName, AS DeliverToCity, cmBillTo.customer_number AS BillToNumber, cmBillTo.customer_name AS BillToName, AS BillToCIty, CAST(detail_record.pickup_dt AS datetime) AS PickupDate, CAST(detail_record.deliver_dt AS datetime) AS DeliverDate, detail_record.pickup_weight AS PickupWeightFROM detail_record INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmBillTo ON detail_record.customer_bill_to = cmBillTo.customer_number INNER JOIN customer_master AS cmDelvTo ON detail_record.customer_delv_to = cmDelvTo.customer_numberWHERE (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_delv_to = @customer_number) OR (detail_record.pickup_date BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date) AND (detail_record.customer_bill_to = @customer_number)ORDER BY detail_record.ticket_number But in the report it still sorts by pickupDate. In the table1 property dialog I have set the sorting to =Fields!TicketNumber.Value.Thanks for the helpCoachBarker |