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4 Posts |
Posted - 2008-10-09 : 06:21:56
I am having a major problem with a cursor! I have been trying to solve this for over 2 weeks now an can't. I will start off with explaining the problem. I have a table called Themes and inside here the user can add a module. A module is at the top level and has a parent of 0. The user can add a sub-module to a module and this sub-module will have a parent of the module id. A further sub-module can be added to a sub-module and this will have a parent of the sub-module id. This can go to infinity. I know the table is badly designed, but, it was already like this when I arrived at the company and it would take longer to rectify this. Below is my Stored Procedure of how to get around this. I want the stored procedure call itself with new parameter id, but everytime I do this, an error displays stating that the Cursor already exists and then it doesn't exist in another error message. Is there anyway I could do thisALTER PROCEDURE procModulesAndUnderDelete @parentId intASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @IDs int DECLARE @newParentId int IF EXISTS(SELECT id FROM themes WHERE parent = @parentId) BEGIN DECLARE cursorIDs CURSOR FOR (SELECT id FROM themes WHERE parent = @parentId) OPEN cursorIDs FETCH NEXT FROM cursorIDs INTO @IDs WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT id FROM themes WHERE id = @IDs) BEGIN SET @newParentId = (SELECT id FROM themes WHERE id = @IDs) EXEC procModulesAndUnderDelete @newParentId FETCH NEXT FROM cursorIDs INTO @IDs END END CLOSE cursorIDs DEALLOCATE cursorIDs END DELETE FROM themes WHERE id = @parentIdEND |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-10-09 : 06:25:44
now that you've posted this in sql 2005, i assume you're working in 2005. then it would be very easy for you to do this using recursive ctes available in sql 2005. search for recursive ctes in books online. |