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Constraint Violating Yak Guru
352 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-27 : 04:57:38
I have a table in reporting services layout and I tried adding the following expression under the visibility tab/ intial visibility:=iif(Fields!UserCount.Value = 0, true, false)This hides the data but the rows still appear. How can I hide rows?The tables looks like this:Database Name Total Number of Users=Fields!DatabaseName.Value =Fields!UserCount.ValueI would like to hide or not return the row if the users count for the database is zero.Here is the stored proc:USE [VC]GO/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[User_Count] Script Date: 08/27/2008 17:50:43 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER Procedure [dbo].[User_Count]@CombinedName varchar (150),@GroupName varchar (50),@PermissionName varchar (50),@FeatureDescription varchar (100),@DBName varchar (100)AS---SET NOCOUNT ONdeclare @sql varchar(max)select @sql=''select @sql=@sql+ 'SELECT COUNT(UserDetails.UserID) AS UserCount, '''+name+''' AS DatabaseNameFROM '+name+'.dbo.UserDetails INNER JOIN'+name+'.dbo.UserGroup ON '+name+'.dbo.UserDetails.UserID = '+name+'.dbo.UserGroup.UserID INNER JOIN'+name+'.dbo.GroupDetails ON '+name+'.dbo.UserGroup.GroupID = '+name+'.dbo.GroupDetails.GroupID INNER JOIN'+name+'.dbo.GroupFeatures ON '+name+'.dbo.GroupDetails.GroupID = '+name+'.dbo.GroupFeatures.GroupID INNER JOIN'+name+'.dbo.FeatureDetails ON '+name+'.dbo.GroupFeatures.FeatureID = '+name+'.dbo.FeatureDetails.FeatureID INNER JOIN'+name+'.dbo.GroupPermissions ON '+name+'.dbo.GroupDetails.GroupID = '+name+'.dbo.GroupPermissions.GroupID INNER JOIN'+name+'.dbo.PermissionDetails ON '+name+'.dbo.GroupPermissions.PermissionID = '+name+'.dbo.PermissionDetails.PermissionIDWHERE UserDetails.LastName + '' '' + UserDetails.MiddleName + '' '' + UserDetails.FirstName IN (Select Param From fn_MVParam ('''+@CombinedName+''','','')) AND GroupDetails.GroupName IN (Select Param From fn_MVParam ('''+@GroupName+''','','')) AND PermissionDetails.PermissionName IN (Select Param From fn_MVParam ('''+@PermissionName+''','','')) AND FeatureDetails.Description IN (Select Param From fn_MVParam ('''+@FeatureDescription+''','','')) AND UserDetails.IsDeleted = ''False'' AND '''+name+''' IN (Select Param From fn_MVParam ('''+@DBName+''','','')) ' from sys.databases where name='VC' or name like 'VCA%'Create table #t([UserCount] int, [DatabaseName] varchar(50))Insert into #texec(@sql)---Print @sqlSelect [UserCount], [DatabaseName]from #tDrop table #t---SET NOCOUNT OFFReturn |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
352 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-27 : 05:03:43
So it seems you can right click on a row, select properties and then under properties > visibility > hidden select expression and then enter:=iif(Fields!UserCount.Value = 0, true, false)This bit Fields!UserCount.Value = 0 would be replaced with your field and expression:)This works well. |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-08-27 : 05:29:09
You have same property available also from properties window |