Hi,This is the table:CREATE TABLE #temporary2( [TOrderId] [int] NOT NULL, [CustodyNr] [int] NOT NULL, [InstrumentId] [int] NOT NULL, [SellAmount] [decimal](19, 2) NULL)
This is the Insert:BULK INSERT #temporary2 FROM 'C:\....\temp.rpt' WITH ( --FIRSTROW = 2, FIELDTERMINATOR = '\t' ,ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' ,KEEPNULLS )
This is the message:Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 4 (SellAmount).This is from the text file:12345 15028918 196 NULL
Why can't it read NULL from the text file? When I replace the NULL with nothing the bulk insert works perfectly. But is there any solution to keep the NULL in the text file and then insert the data from text file to table without any problem?