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Posted - 2008-04-03 : 07:53:35
Hello All,I want to update multiple tables using single query and fields name are same of tables. I am trying like:update tablename1 t1,tablename2 t2 set t1.fieldname1 = t2.fieldname1 = 'value' where condition;orupdate tablename1 t1,tablename2 t2 set t1.fieldname1 = 'value' t2.fieldname1 = value where condition;Plzzzzzz help me.Thanx in advance.Thanx & Regards,Smita. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
5581 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-03 : 07:56:23
You can update one table at a time only.Harsh AthalyeIndia."The IMPOSSIBLE is often UNTRIED" |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-03 : 09:44:36
au contraireUSE NorthwindGOCREATE TABLE myTable99 (Col1 int PRIMARY KEY CHECK (Col1 BETWEEN 1 AND 10), Col2 varchar(50))CREATE TABLE myTable98 (Col1 int PRIMARY KEY CHECK (Col1 BETWEEN 11 AND 20), Col2 varchar(50))GOINSERT INTO myTable99(Col1, Col2)SELECT 1, 'x' UNION ALLSELECT 2, 'y' UNION ALLSELECT 3, 'z'INSERT INTO myTable98(Col1, Col2)SELECT 11, 'x' UNION ALLSELECT 12, 'y' UNION ALLSELECT 13, 'z'GOCREATE VIEW myView99ASSELECT Col1, Col2 FROM myTable99UNION ALLSELECT Col1, Col2 FROM myTable98GOSELECT * FROM myView99UPDATE myView99 SET Col2 = 'x002548' WHERE Col2 = 'z'SELECT * FROM myView99/*DROP VIEW myView99DROP TABLE myTable99, myTable98*/ Brett8-)Hint: Want your questions answered fast? Follow the direction in this link yourself! |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2875 Posts |
Posted - 2008-04-03 : 09:47:25
326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 10:54:25
I'm trying to create a view but I get an error of incorrect keyword.This is my first time creating view.create view temp_mfg_unit_viewasDeclare @unit varchar(16)set @unit='71054'select t_cmnf, t_clotfrom ttscfg200100 --objectswhere t_clot=@unitunion all select t_cmnf, t_clotfrom terext401100 --rental contract lineswhere t_clot=@unit I didn't put all the tables in the code. There are about 15. As a select it works. I add the Create view... and it errors...Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Declare'.Can you do this type of statement when creating a view?CardGunner |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 11:15:24
quote: Originally posted by cardgunner I'm trying to create a view but I get an error of incorrect keyword.This is my first time creating view.create view temp_mfg_unit_viewasDeclare @unit varchar(16)set @unit='71054'select t_cmnf, t_clotfrom ttscfg200100 --objectswhere t_clot='71054'union all select t_cmnf, t_clotfrom terext401100 --rental contract lineswhere t_clot='71054' I didn't put all the tables in the code. There are about 15. As a select it works. I add the Create view... and it errors...Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Declare'.Can you do this type of statement when creating a view?CardGunner
Put the value directly rather than using a variable |
326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 11:39:43
I was afraid of that.I'll have to see if '71054' can be called as a parameter in VS .net 2003. So I can create a report that asks for the unit to be updated and then the value we are updating to.In any case I did cahnge @unit with '71054' and scratched the declare.I created the view. Worked perfectlyTried to update the t_cmnf and got an error. I'm trying to reasearch it now.UNION ALL view 'tmp_mfg_unit_2' is not updatable because the definition contains a disallowed construct.any ideas?CardGunner |
326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 11:42:37
Sorry here is the update statemnt I usedupdate tmp_mfg_unit_2 set t_cmnf='OTH'where t_clot='71054' CardGunner |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Patron Saint of Lost Yaks
30421 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 11:56:39
quote: Originally posted by jimf Found this trivia on the net a while agoDECLARE @TableA TABLE (i INT)DECLARE @TableB TABLE (i INT)SELECT * FROM @TableASELECT * FROM @TableBINSERT @TableAOUTPUT inserted.iINTO @TableBSELECT 1 UNION ALLSELECT 2 UNION ALLSELECT 3SELECT * FROM @TableASELECT * FROM @TableB
More here E 12°55'05.25"N 56°04'39.16" |
Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder
52326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 12:04:40
quote: Originally posted by cardgunner I was afraid of that.I'll have to see if '71054' can be called as a parameter in VS .net 2003. So I can create a report that asks for the unit to be updated and then the value we are updating to.In any case I did cahnge @unit with '71054' and scratched the declare.I created the view. Worked perfectlyTried to update the t_cmnf and got an error. I'm trying to reasearch it now.UNION ALL view 'tmp_mfg_unit_2' is not updatable because the definition contains a disallowed construct.any ideas?CardGunner
One way to deal with this is to create an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger on view which updates the base tables instead of updating the view directly. |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 12:06:33
quote: Originally posted by visakh16
quote: Originally posted by cardgunner I was afraid of that.I'll have to see if '71054' can be called as a parameter in VS .net 2003. So I can create a report that asks for the unit to be updated and then the value we are updating to.In any case I did cahnge @unit with '71054' and scratched the declare.I created the view. Worked perfectlyTried to update the t_cmnf and got an error. I'm trying to reasearch it now.UNION ALL view 'tmp_mfg_unit_2' is not updatable because the definition contains a disallowed construct.any ideas?CardGunner
One way to deal with this is to create an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger on view which updates the base tables instead of updating the view directly.
No...just remove the predicateBrett8-)Hint: Want your questions answered fast? Follow the direction in this link yourself! |
326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 12:09:00
quote: Originally posted by X002548 You don't have toJust update the view with a where clause
I'm not sure what you mean. I deleted the declare and added '71054' to parts of the the view works perfectly.I tried to update the tables in that view and I get the error.And there is a where in the update statement.Seeing all the records in the view where unit 71054 I tried the update without the where cause all the records was that unitupdate tmp_mfg_unit_2set t_cmnf='OTH'and still the same error UNION ALL view 'tmp_mfg_unit_2' is not updatable because the definition contains a disallowed construct.CardGunner |
326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 12:12:16
Brett, What do you mean by predicate?CardGunner |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 12:14:54
quote: Originally posted by cardgunner
quote: Originally posted by X002548 You don't have toJust update the view with a where clause
I'm not sure what you mean. I deleted the declare and added '71054' to parts of the the view works perfectly.I tried to update the tables in that view and I get the error.And there is a where in the update statement.All the records in the view was of unit 71054 I tried the update without the where clause.update tmp_mfg_unit_2set t_cmnf='OTH'and still the same error UNION ALL view 'tmp_mfg_unit_2' is not updatable because the definition contains a disallowed construct.CardGunner
CardGunner |
326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 12:22:42
To start from scratch this is what I have so far...create view tmp_mfg_unit_2asselect t_cmnf, t_clotfrom ttscfg200120 --objectswhere t_clot='23332'union all select t_cmnf, t_clotfrom terext401120 --rental contract lineswhere t_clot='23332'update tmp_mfg_unit_2set t_cmnf='OTH'Server: Msg 4416, Level 16, State 5, Line 1UNION ALL view 'tmp_mfg_unit_2' is not updatable because the definition contains a disallowed construct. Like I said prevoisly this is a shortened list I have more then just the 2 tables to update.CardGunner |
326 Posts |
Posted - 2008-05-14 : 12:38:02
I tried this and got a different errorcreate view tmp_mfg_unit_2asselect t_cmnf, t_clotfrom ttscfg200120 --objectsunion all select t_cmnf, t_clotfrom terext401120 --rental contract linesupdate tmp_mfg_unit_2set t_cmnf='OTH'where t_clot='23332'Server: Msg 4440, Level 16, State 9, Line 1UNION ALL view 'tmp_mfg_unit_2' is not updatable because a primary key was not found on table '[ttscfg200120]'. I do not wish to do it this way because once I add all the tables in the create view my recordset could be over a million.CardGunner |