By Bill Graziano on 5 March 2004 | Tags: Resources
Frank submitted "The site hosts several pdf files that contain the SQL 99 standard"
Link: ANSI/ISO SQL 99 standard downloads
sql manivesa (12 February 2004)
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Best Practices Analyzer 1.0 Beta (20 November 2003)
Validate your SQL query against SQL-92, -99 or -200x (draft) (23 February 2002)
Microsoft SQL Server Homepage (1 January 2001)
Using the CASE Clause with a date range for just Month and DAy (15h)
SQL problem to be solved (7d)
Align column in SQL Query output (8d)
I have a sql query which returns a sum of total amount by user and I am trying to add another column which uses the total and multiply it by a number (9d)
Troubleshooting Deadlocks in SQL Server (18d)
Last Login date and time (20d)
Negative effects of High VLF counts (20d)
Need to return a value that indicates that a record has been added, but not when a record is modified (21d) Articles via RSS Weblog via RSS
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